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Best IRC Quotes. (1 Viewer)


New member
May 18, 2005
Now that redguides has changed its chat system from vBChat to IRC, we can show off our quotes. They can be from the redguides room or from wherever else. No copying quotes from bash.org :)

Just another typo by yours truly.

(Erol-Tob) i have this zippo lighter i bought on tues... it kicks ass
(Erol-Tob) on the front it has engraved on it
(Erol-Tob) "steal this lighter"
(Devlin) k
(Erol-Tob) do it
(Erol-Tob) i date you
(Erol-Tob) *dare
(Erol-Tob) lol
(Devlin) ooohhh lala
(Devlin) yaya papi
<TeachersPet-Work> ok
<TeachersPet-Work> I have to head out
<TeachersPet-Work> they're taking me out somewhere for lunch
<TeachersPet-Work> and for some reason I think I'll be meeting a fat transexual hooker
<minen> tansexual, pre op or post op?
<minen> a cheap hooker if it's post op

---Later that day---

<TeachersPet-Work> haha
<TeachersPet-Work> I went to hooters
<TeachersPet-Work> not some strip joint
<TeachersPet-Work> and I knew 3 of the girls there
<TeachersPet-Work> I had to do some shitty birthday "chicken dance"
<TeachersPet-Work> but after that, I practically got a lapdance
<TeachersPet-Work> I had to sit down and watch them do hoolahoop tricks
<TeachersPet-Work> and they would jump onto my lap
Last edited:
<HookedOnChronic> i could so go for a cock right now
<HookedOnChronic> er...
<HookedOnChronic> coke
<Devlin> !!!
<HookedOnChronic> shit
<Redbot> good one
[16:18] <Redbot> i take off my bra and it slides down my massive beer gu... i mean my slim girly waist
<SandLOL> Redbot's tight and a 14/f/cali
<SandLOL> with sexy manly legs :P
<Redbot> hairs long enough to braid
<TurkReno> And what did that get you, mass-produced crap that was pushed out of a shifty product-line's ass so fast that it breaks the moment you turn it on
<Bluebot>I think that greasy Bigmac is calling your name at a Mcdonalds near you!
[16:20:24] <HookedOnChronic> you know what would be awesome!
[16:20:43] <Solar> ?
[16:21:10] <HookedOnChronic> a really hot chick getting the wifi symbol as a tattoo, then walking up to you and saying "im wifi certified. would you like to see my hotspot?"
[16:21:22] <WickedMetalHead> hahaha
[16:21:24] <Siddin> rofl
[16:21:29] <Solar> heh
Redbema: heloooo in there...
Cade: heloooo
Redbema: heloooo
Redbema: o
Redbot: helooo
Cade: hey red, someone wants to tell you something
Redbot: Ok
Redbot: Who is this someone
Redbot: Or are you just speaking in general
Cade: This someone is someone who wants you to do something, I can't remember much more than that
Cade: *Cade is worthless
Redbema: This is by far the most interesting conversation that I have ever witnessed.
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[15:24] <TeachersPet> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[16:36] <HebrewHAMMER> so how is everybody?
[16:37] <Siddin> doing ok
[16:38] *** RedBema is now known as GreekHAMMER
[16:38] <HebrewHAMMER> im betta than u
[16:39] <HebrewHAMMER> cause i only need 1days worth of oil to keep my HAMMER of JUDAISM on fire to deal more dmg biznatch
[16:39] <HebrewHAMMER> and it stays firey for like, 8days
[16:39] *** GreekHAMMER is now known as RomanHAMMER
[16:40] <HebrewHAMMER> who cares if u built the colloseum?
[16:40] *** RomanHAMMER is now known as ItalianStalion
[16:40] <HebrewHAMMER> we built the fricken pyramids!
[16:40] *** ItalianStalion is now known as EgyptianHAMMER
[16:41] <HebrewHAMMER> thats a cheap shot
[16:41] <HebrewHAMMER> atleast we had moses who PWNT you guys
[16:41] <HebrewHAMMER> we fricken bowned you guys
[16:41] <HebrewHAMMER> ....
[16:41] <HebrewHAMMER> owned*
[16:41] <EgyptianHAMMER> thats going in the IRC hall-o-fame he he
[16:42] <EgyptianHAMMER> we "bowned" you guys, lol
[16:42] <HebrewHAMMER> lol
[16:42] <HebrewHAMMER> shhh
(18:21:20) <@[Xmyg0t]upload> i had a pic of g0d shooting heroin into his eye once upon a time
(18:21:23) <&[Xmyg0t]c4nn4b1s> rifk
(18:21:25) <+REMiXED> yah he was WASTED
(18:21:58) <@[Xmyg0t]upload> hahaha
(18:22:22) <&[Xmyg0t]c4nn4b1s> one of the reasons why ill never do harddrugs
(18:22:40) <&[Xmyg0t]c4nn4b1s> i dont wanna be a g0d and pass out in front of vidchat all the time
[22:21] <Cade> I just took another morphine tablet. good times
[22:21] <RedBema> ...
[22:21] <LoOsEr> damn
[22:21] <LoOsEr> cade send me some ill pay
[22:21] <Cade> I just owned you all
[22:21] <randomguy_01> what did you hurt this time?
[22:21] <RedBema> probly cant even feel your finger tips
[22:21] <Cade> sure can't, makes typing a bitch
[22:21] <LoOsEr> lol
[22:21] <LoOsEr> cade send me some!~
[22:21] <LoOsEr> seriously
[22:21] <Cade> spine, rg
[22:21] <randomguy_01> ouch
[22:21] <RedBema> type, "peter piper picked a pack of pickeled peppers"
[22:22] <randomguy_01> my doctor wont even give me Xanax for panic attacks
[22:22] <randomguy_01> "it'll be gone in a couple weeks" my ass
[22:22] <RedBema> type it three times fast
[22:22] <RedBema> wait, i cant even do that
[22:22] <RedBema> sober
[22:22] <Cade> petre pippre pickaed sn pekc of pocjkeld pepprs
[22:22] <RedBema> rofl
[22:22] <randomguy_01> lol
Cade> someone say "kick teacherspet"
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> rofl
<Cade> cool
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> omfg
<SandLOL> i feel like i ahve the power
<TheZ-Laptop> FFS
<TeachersPet> kick SandLOL
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
<TeachersPet> fuck me
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<TeachersPet> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<TeachersPet> roflcopter
<SandLOL> rofl
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<TheZ-Laptop> kick sandLOL
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> kick thez-laptop
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> kick redbot
<Cade> only works with TP for now
<SandLOL> btw
<SandLOL> Teacherspet
<SandLOL> how many rewards
<SandLOL> have you won
<SandLOL> from RG?
<SandLOL> answer me now
<SandLOL> or
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
-->| Xzero ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<TeachersPet> stop kicking me before I rape you morally
<SandLOL> hahahaha
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> rofl
<SandLOL> this is great
<SandLOL> Xero
<SandLOL> type "kick teacherspet"
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<SandLOL> its pretty cool
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<LoOsEr> op looser
<SandLOL> kick looser
<LoOsEr> kick sanlol
<LoOsEr> kick sandlol
<LoOsEr> lame
<SandLOL> kick LoOsEr
<LoOsEr> wtf kinda script is this
<SandLOL> srsly
<LoOsEr> you cant kick me fgt
<Cade> the one line script
<Xzero> so only kick teacherspet works?
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
<Xzero> ;)
<Cade> that's right
<Cade> for right now
<TeachersPet> can you add in "rape generel"?
<LoOsEr> kick
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
<SandLOL> Noooo
<LoOsEr> nub
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
<SandLOL> kick teacherspet
<Cade> command is now !teacherspet
<SandLOL> !teacherpet
<SandLOL> !teacherspet
=-= TeachersPet was booted from #redguides by Cade (EVIL)
-->| TeachersPet ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
=-= Mode #redguides +v TeachersPet by ChanServ
this is what happens when you piss off teh z
(censored by me)

<TeachersPet> f*** Geek Squad
<TheZ-Laptop> ?
<TeachersPet> <Loki> geek squad to the rescue
<Generel> f*** TP
<Generel> like literally
<Generel> lol
* Generel was kicked by TheZ-Laptop (TheZ-Laptop)
<ccomp5950> !timebomb Cade
* Cade stuffs the bomb into Cade's pants. The display reads [37] seconds.
<Cade> Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are two wires. They are Bisque, and Silver.
-Cade- ccomp5950 initiated timebomb for Cade in channel #redguides on irc.redguides.com (Winning colour: Bisque)
* Odin points at the bulge in the back of Cade's pants.
<ccomp5950> (Bisque)
<TeachersPet> lol
<TeachersPet> Bisque
<WickedMetalHead> wtf color is Bisque
<Cade> ccomp, I can see what the right color is
<ccomp5950> oh yeah, your sending the message =p
<Cade> yeah
* Cade has kicked Cade from #redguides (*BOOM!*)
<ccomp5950> haha
* Cade ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
* ChanServ sets mode +a #redguides Cade
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Cade
<TeachersPet> hahahahahaha
<Cade> cool
<ccomp5950> Guess it does work
[22:06] <Ccomp5950> Genetic issue?
[22:06] <Ccomp5950> ...always...Opera...
[22:07] <Creed> chicks are for fags
[22:08] *** Ccomp5950 changed topic to ... chicks are for fags
[22:09] <LoOsEr> agreed
<Creed> !timebomb Generel
* Cade stuffs the bomb into Generel's pants. The display reads [29] seconds.
<Cade> Diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire. There are five wires. They are Tan, Maroon, Khaki, Navy, and Lavender.
<Cade> night Creedypoo
* Creed has quit IRC (Quit: PJIRC forever!)
<TSPlayer62> LOL
* Cade sets mode: +b Generel!*@*
* Generel was kicked by Cade (*BOOM!*)
* Cade sets mode: -b Generel!*@*
<Cade> I need to add something to defuse the bomb, Generel's going to come in here bitching
<TSPlayer62> point at creed
* Ccomp5950 sets mode: +b Generel*!*@*
<Ccomp5950> No he won't
<TSPlayer62> simple as that
<TSPlayer62> LOL
<TSPlayer62> i <3 Ccomp
<Cade> <3 Ccomp
<Ccomp5950> I'm a problem solver npnp
<TSPlayer62> that needs to go in IRC quotes
<TeachersPet> lol
<TeachersPet> he's going after my IP atm evidently
<Jigs21EQ2> HAHAHA
<TeachersPet> I don't care
<Jigs21EQ2> what do you need, id suggest stop atm
<TeachersPet> it's a test account
<TeachersPet> dude I'm just sniffing packets lol
<TeachersPet> sniffing movement packets
<TeachersPet> and recording locations, headings etc... corresponding
<TeachersPet> I will have movement deltas and locs definitely within a few mins
<siddin> sue him for harrasment, yeah, thats it
<iceman_001> Paying for the RL location of Olihin.
<TeachersPet> I made $10k and wasted it
<TeachersPet> lol
<TeachersPet> ON THINGS
* GM_Olihin ([email protected]) has joined #redguides
<iceman_001> lol
<Jigs21EQ> LOL
<GM_Olihin> Teachers Pet...Quit
<GM_Olihin> What the hell do I have to do to get your attention?
<Jigs21EQ> lmao
<ccomp5950> WTF
<TeachersPet> Jigs is the only person that messes with proxies
<iceman_001> lol
<TeachersPet> and that's definitely a proxy
<Jigs21EQ> dude, you cannot f****ng use proxies on this IRC stop being a dumb ass
<Jigs21EQ> fucking noobs
<TeachersPet> you can use BNC's, also known as proxies
* Redbot has kicked GM_Olihin from #redguides (Fascist)
<Generel> W00T W00T
<Jigs21> oh god
<Generel> Out of school early :)
<ccomp5950> There went my day ><
<Generel> It's TERRIBLE here
<Generel> Hey, im going to be playing WoW
<Generel> Need to hit 70 -.-
<Jigs21> !timebomb Generel
<Jigs21> =(
<Generel> Cade isn't in here
*** Generel has been kicked by ccomp5950 (BOOM MOTHERFUCKER)
<Jigs21> LOL!!!!!!!
<Jigs21> ROFL
*** Generel has joined #redguides
*** ChanServ sets mode +v on Generel
[14:30] <Thez> are the servers up?
[14:31] <Cade> they went down?
[14:31] <abc123> down
[14:31] <abc123> down like a two dollar generel
* thez has quit (Quit: For even God must take breask)
<@Ccomp5950> For even God needs spell check?
[20:20] * Nanana has a sekret for <SandL0L[HW]... you're white!
[20:20] <Generel> lol
[20:20] <SandL0L[HW]> wrong.
[20:20] <CursesChick> lol
[20:20] <SandL0L[HW]> i r asian nub
[20:20] * Nanana has a sekret for <SandL0L[HW]... you're yellow.
As said in #Macroquest (before a certain someone figured out he wasn't talking in #Redguides)

<Ccomp|Work> /viewport 0 0 0 0 IS TEH PWN
<Ccomp|Work> (don't do it)
<TehWraith> Ccomp|Work: lol
<Ccomp|Work> DirectX will flip out and cry.
<JimJohnson> lol
<Ccomp|Work> have to edit the eqclient.ini to get back in :(
<JimJohnson> ./viewport 0 0 1 1 is ok tho
<Ccomp|Work> yeah
<Ccomp|Work> bah I can't remember what ini it is, not so sure it's eqclient.ini though :(
<JimJohnson> i always run my background sessions with /viewport 0 0 1 1
<Ccomp|Work> when I was monkbugging I did too
<Ccomp|Work> on all sessions
<JimJohnson> its UI_name_underscore
<JimJohnson> err server
<Ccomp|Work> that's it
<Ccomp|Work> I had a macro I used for Nest Mission
<Ccomp|Work> put my monk and shaman up on that ledge by the door
<Ccomp|Work> shaman would warp to areas to leach xp that I had preprogrammed.
<Ccomp|Work> keep buffs on monk and HoT him when needed.
<Ccomp|Work> Could keep Nest clear real easy and didn't have to worry about GM'
<JimJohnson> what are these hacks you talk about?!?
<Ccomp|Work> GM's as much.
<Ccomp|Work> MB
<Ccomp|Work> or is that hush hush :(
<JimJohnson> what is warp? omgz
<Ccomp|Work> Oh fuck you JJ
<JimJohnson> you got the l33t toys!
<Ccomp|Work> this was like Febuary you know I haven't logged in since like march.

Then in #redguides...

<Ccomp|Work> JJ You suck
<Ccomp|Work> should have stopped me ><
[01:16] *** Greenyoda has joined #redguides
[01:16] <Greenyoda> Booo
[01:16] <ccomp5950> a ghost?
[01:16] <Greenyoda> yes'm
[01:16] <decker> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[01:17] <decker> Greenyoda licked my cat!!!
[01:17] <ccomp5950> That's how he says hello.
[01:17] <Greenyoda> ?
[01:17] <decker> ohh ok¨
[01:17] <Greenyoda> Im already confused
[01:17] <ccomp5950> Someone once told him Licking Pussy gets all the girls, he kinda got confused though.
[01:17] <ccomp5950> See
[01:17] <decker> welcome back
Best IRC Quotes.

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