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Question - Beginner needs to make adjustments (1 Viewer)

Mar 1, 2024
As a long time player and just downloaded the program, I have watched the beginner videos, but am quickly wanting to change minor spells or aa's to my characters, this is my fear to go in game and adjust. I used the library for my start. Are there videos again for a bit more advanced plans. ie change tash and malo, adjust the starting line. Summon familiar keeps running because i block the familiar too.
For the familiar, you're going to have to unblock the actual familiar spell. Depending on if you're using KA, a plugin, etc there are other ways to have it remove the familiar "pet" and keep the buff.

But as CWTN said, need to know what you're using from there to help further.

If you're using the CWTN plugins, Sic has videos in his series to talk about BYOS (bring your own spell) and how to set it up. Super easy.

If you're using KA, you gotta adjust your INI - not hard, but definitely more detailed to do so.

Im using kiss assist, i have tried to just delete the line, but being a beginner, im not sure if i mess up the rotation for the next lines. I also like going through the library and see how others have it set and trying to finesse my way that way
The kissassist wiki is terrific.

If you start by searching for an example .ini for your class/level that can make things much easier.

From there, compare each line in the .ini to the wiki entry to find the appropriate syntax. Add in the spells you’d like to use and adjust the order as desired.

You’ll probably find spells cast in combat like malo/tash need to be added to one of the dps lines. You’ll also want to be sure your toon is set to assist (/mac kissassist assist).

As another new user myself I’m eager to hear how you progress and bits you learn. I’ve enjoyed the mq software and only wish I’d tried it out sooner.
Also a new user. Don't be afraid to make changes, worst that can happen is you get an error and the mac doesn't load properly but the window will usually tell you where the error is and you can either revert the change or fix it another way. For me that has been the best way to learn and its been a lot of fun figuring it out.
So far im enjoying the kissassit and happy im know using it. Can there be 2 ini files saved on 1 character? I would like my shaman to focus more heals in missions but when in a group im happy with my line of adjustments i have made with less heals and more dots. I have a Paladin as well I would like him more assisting then tanking. I have some good group combos, I just want to have a full out team sometimes. Warrior, sk paladin, shaman and dps.
Or do i need to adjust my game and start having 1 tank with all extra as dps and casters?
So far im enjoying the kissassit and happy im know using it. Can there be 2 ini files saved on 1 character? I would like my shaman to focus more heals in missions but when in a group im happy with my line of adjustments i have made with less heals and more dots. I have a Paladin as well I would like him more assisting then tanking. I have some good group combos, I just want to have a full out team sometimes. Warrior, sk paladin, shaman and dps.
Or do i need to adjust my game and start having 1 tank with all extra as dps and casters?
You can have multiple ini files for a character.

Take a look at the "Starting Kissassist" section toward the top of this page: https://www.redguides.com/wiki/KissAssist
When I started, and I was messing around with the configuration files before I knew what I was doing, I always made a backup of the .ini file before making changes. That way I could rollback the changes if I really screwed something up. I learned a lot through my experimentation ... then I discovered the actual kissassist wiki, and my life changed, lol.
Alternate ini files: You can also tell KissAssist to load an alternate ini file. If your wizard has a separate ini to use ice nukes instead of fire nukes or your tank wants to run a DPS setup on easier content, you can just save another ini file and load that instead of your defaults, e.g.

/mac kissassist ini kissassist_Name_IceNukes.ini

More startup options can be found on the /mac kissassist page

I believe is the section that blahblahblah84 is referring to
Question - Beginner needs to make adjustments

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