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Question - Anyone know of a List of Spells that you need to get from Past Expansions? (1 Viewer)

Jul 24, 2019
I never know what old spells are still valid and useful for their class. Ie War- Flash of Anger III is a level 87 Spell that is still valid.
It would be good to have a list of Rank III Spells that I should farm. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
For enchanter you might want Twin Cast Aura Rank 2 or 3 from SoD
If your going to hang out with mobs at 100 or lower, snag Compliant Lurch from UF. (Get your mem blur belt from there to.)

Mage is going to want to get their Group COTH spell Ethernere Tainted West Karana
That's all the must gets I can remember atm.
Load 200k on your toon, then /lua run scriber. Then go make dinner

GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
For Rog I always go grab
Knifeplay Discipline Rk. III from any of the raids in Ethernere Tainted West Karana. (this is a long sustained DPS disc)
Breather Rk. III from arx mentis raids. (this is great for never running out of endurance)
Weapon Covenant Rk. III from RoF raids.
Executioner Discipline Rk. III from RoF raids.
Ragged Edge Discipline Rk. III from RoS raids.
Well since you mentioned it;

This is one of my "gripes" about the whole spell system in EQ and their descriptions. You look at spell lists in Allakazam and they don't tell you shit about what spell "family" this spell is a member of. I mean seriously, they have so little spell info available, it's pathetic. Ok, ok rant off. If you use scriber and your high level, you better bring a bunch of plat with you. Too bad someone can't make a mod that creates an in game credit card lol. I was surprised the first time I went to Shard's Landing to buy spells, man were those pricey and they just keep getting worse.

And this is one of my only complaints about CWTN plugins. (And it's not really a complaint) You never can know what is "required spells" in them. Like I always ask myself "Do I really need this spell or not?". And I got tired of watching the "spells you do not have" scroll by after start up lol. I don't even pay attention to them anymore.

Well since you mentioned it;

This is one of my "gripes" about the whole spell system in EQ and their descriptions. You look at spell lists in Allakazam and they don't tell you shit about what spell "family" this spell is a member of. I mean seriously, they have so little spell info available, it's pathetic. Ok, ok rant off. If you use scriber and your high level, you better bring a bunch of plat with you. Too bad someone can't make a mod that creates an in game credit card lol. I was surprised the first time I went to Shard's Landing to buy spells, man were those pricey and they just keep getting worse.

And this is one of my only complaints about CWTN plugins. (And it's not really a complaint) You never can know what is "required spells" in them. Like I always ask myself "Do I really need this spell or not?". And I got tired of watching the "spells you do not have" scroll by after start up lol. I don't even pay attention to them anymore.

for the cwtn plugins, if it says you're missing it, it means we use it in some capacity. That might be a byos situation, or purely circumstantial, but it isn't "all the spells in the game" it is stuff we have programmed to use. so if it says you're missing it, get it.

so many folks skip out on something because it is lvl 65, or 90 or something and it'll be a primary importance ability.

we take the work out of the by saying "please and thank you go and get this ability"

there are hundreds and hundreds of spells we don't bother with
Question - Anyone know of a List of Spells that you need to get from Past Expansions?

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