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50 aas in 12 hrs or lvl from 70 to 75 in one day. (1 Viewer)


New member
May 4, 2006
Ive noticed on Playerauctions.com someone is offering 50aas in 12 hrs and they also have a pl service of lvl 70 to 75 in one day. Out of the many years I've played Eq Ive never been able to pull off 50 aas in 12 hrs, that over 4 aas per hr (besides when MM's first came out). So anyone know how this is possible? thx!
playj said:
While one can do 50AAs in 12hours legit, it is hard to sustain it.
Actually its very easy to sustain it. Go to a mob-crowded zone, a 6 person group getting 5% of an aa per kill every 30 seconds (yeah, dps based group) can easilly get 6aa per hour which means in 12 hours you have 72 aa per character.
Pulling macros ftw!
It is not Playerservices which indeed is a chinese farming operation (notice how some people complained in the feedback on how long the PL took and how Playerservices complained about internet outage in China....;) )

It is the guy who was offering Massive AAs in a day, and whose feedback said people actually did get it. I don't see his listing on right now (wonder why, hmm patch day).

I do see a different guy on FV who is offering 100AA in 2-3 days, who is probably using regular killing macro or has made some DoDH mission macro.

Anyhow, when I said it is hard to sustain it, it means that your leveling has to be done inside instance. Are there really any instances which can support such a leveling pace ? 6AA per character per hour, that is.
Ya but people like me will never see it ever again im sure should of got my monk maxxed aa's and more gear but I went very slow so I wouldnt get busted almost full set of anguish gear though before the nerf but only maybe 100 aa's
/agree insain.

While there may be a working nodelay, it is held on so tight it will most likely never be leaked again, and even if you have source, you will be missing a major component unless you can block the detour detection mechansims yourself.
Faster way to find out how a service is leveling you:

Pay for service, then load another character follow your character to the spot and watch how he does it. Unless he goes into an instance obviously. But I have seen some odd stuff back in the day. I mean not much more odd then my 12 characters following my warrioir around PoFire=). But everynow and then you can see a person who is doing this pling when you notice all his characters are the same color/ surname whatever and one other character is sitting there afk while he is killing stuff.
Ya atm IGE and Gamepal both arent doing PL I was gonna try that just to see if i could figure where they went. Maybe i should just invest in getting 4 pallies and doing the FC thing lol
Not too happy with Player-Services atm. Paided to have 50AA's done and was told it would take 3-5 days. Well, 5 days later I have 17AA's, have lost 10% reg xp, all my in-progress quests were deleted and discovered my toon was a mule in the bazaar with a bunch of no-trade shit for sale (yeah, makes no sense). Not to mention he took all my radient crystals, but did replace them after I complained.

Atm - I've changed my password and am figuring it just may be a cheap lesson learned... you know what they say, let the buyer beware....

Any one know if any of the other guys on player auctions are legit?
insain said:
Ya atm IGE and Gamepal both arent doing PL I was gonna try that just to see if i could figure where they went. Maybe i should just invest in getting 4 pallies and doing the FC thing lol

It's alot easier then you think. Get one super uber geared pally and gear the rest for DPS. Maybe set them to be full time spam healer and set them on a macro that proximity auto assist the MA. If FC doesnt work there's alot of other zones that have high lvl undead. IE. Ruins of Illsalin , Direwind. In those 2 zones all you have to play is the main pally, you can keep yourself alive.
I tried this a few days ago and they did it. Eqplatt was the one that did it for me. from what I could see, they were using instances. it was well worth the money to get 50 AA's.Just got my chanty to 70, wondering if I should get it pl'ed to 75 since its basically a bot now.
Guessing this PL was done with earthshaker but it is nerfed now so dunno how anyone can grind insane xp or aa in one day.

Wonder if high level druids would become more desireable than wars for fast PL session...
Eqplatt used 2 different shrouds to get 100 AAs in less than a day: the elemental and werewolf line of shrouds. Not sure exactly what they did though, (or even if the shroud part was relevant) because I was asleep when they went on.
Used to be you could shroud to a level 5 and get a Forgotten Halls instance mission. You'd have all xp going towards AA before shrouding and have a few stacks of DS potions. Then when you started killing, you got as much AA xp per kill as if you were unshrouded and killing blue/white con mobs. I soaked that one for about 150 AA and then it got nerfed.
Yendain said:
Eqplatt used 2 different shrouds to get 100 AAs in less than a day: the elemental and werewolf line of shrouds. Not sure exactly what they did though, (or even if the shroud part was relevant) because I was asleep when they went on.

Whatever they're doing, they're doing with shrouds. They're pumping out chars of all classes with 1k+ aa incredibly fast.
Yendain said:
How recently did they nerf it?
December 14, 2006 Patch -
*** Miscellaneous ***

- Playing as a shroud that is significantly below your regular level now gives reduced experience while in a group environment just like it does while solo.
As I said before,

I am 95 percent sure EQPlatt is using his own (or hired for or bought for version of NoDelay).

Why? Because originally (back when only Monk NoDelay existed) he started offering his PL services on those servers where he bought monks of sufficient level. Makes sense now?

Right now any class NoDelay exists, so I am sure he is using that. Why is he using shroud? Two possible reasons, one is to make his macros uniform across accounts (rogue shroud is nice for leeching), 2nd he might possibly be using NoDelay on the PLed account itself, but probably Ghost too since shrouds are really sucky defense wise.

It is a nice business to be in, but you either need to be a good programmer, or pay good money for one.

The days of $50 or $100 NoDelay and GhostKill are gone.
i ran this and gained ally in a few hours also get 1 aa per run i think::required plugins
warp; piggyzone
Rich (BB code):

Sub Main
/echo |---------------------------------------------
/echo | Nijhal's Construction of Shadows
/echo |---------------------------------------------
   /if (!${Zone.ID}==401) /zone Valdeholm
   /call gm
   /call pc	
   /if (${Zone.ID}==401) /call Valdeholm
   /if (${Zone.ID}==402) /call Frostcrypt
/goto :mainloop


Sub Valdeholm
  /call gm
  /call pc
  /target fenegar
  /warp t
  /delay 2s
  /call pc
  /delay 3s
  /call accepttask
  /zone frostcrypt
  /delay 10s
  /squelch /windowstate TaskWnd close


Sub FrostCrypt
  /squelch /windowstate TaskWnd close
  /call gm
  /warp loc 1894 -265 -263
  /delay 5s
  /call gm
  /warp loc 1472 -327 -148
  /delay 5s
  /call gm
  /warp loc 601 295 -147.36
  /delay 5s
  /call gm
  /warp loc 1914 350 -265
  /delay 5s
  /reward 1
  /delay 3s
  /call gm
  /zone valdeholm
  /delay 10s
  /squelch /windowstate TaskWnd close
  /call pc

|GM Check

Sub gm
/if (!${Spawn[gm].ID}) /return
/echo GM is in the zone waiting 2 min
/delay 2m
/goto :gm

|Player Radius Check

Sub pc
/if (${SpawnCount[pc radius 200]}==1) /return
/echo Another player too close waiting 2 min
/delay 2m
/goto :pc

|Accept Task

Sub accepttask

/delay 6s
/say I can help
/if (!${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) {
/delay 5s ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}
/if (${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Open}) /notify TaskSelectWnd AcceptButton leftmouseup
/delay 2s
/squelch /windowstate TaskWnd close 

|Quit Macro

Sub dead
/delay 2s

This was in a compile givin to me a few months ago No Idea Of Author
i ran this and gained ally in a few hours also get 1 aa per run i think:


/echo |---------------------------------------------
/echo | Nijhal's Construction of Shadows
/echo |---------------------------------------------


This was in a compile givin to me a few months ago No Idea Of Author

Looks like it was written by Nijhal.
50 aas in 12 hrs or lvl from 70 to 75 in one day.

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