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Question - 2 Groups with MQ no raid (1 Viewer)

Jun 14, 2022
I have 8 Accounts and would like to set up 1 account with a Tank, CC, and Healer. My 2nd group is DPS and whichever toon I'm leveling. I am currently using a mix of MQ and KA. Is it possible to do this with only MQ without being in a raid?
This is in the CWTN section? but doesnt ref them?

MQ is the over all backside program. automation is provided by various tools as sub systems (kiss, cwtn, rgmercs and so on)

Kiss, RGmercs, entropy and i think xgen support the /assist (name goes here) feature. so on your dps group just bcst /assist *group1MAnamehere* and can do this 1 of 2 ways: have EVERY member of group 2 assist that way (faster reaction imo) or designate 1 member of group 2 to be THAT groups MA/MT, and have that single char assist group 1 MA (this lets that group be self contained in case group 1 tank is pulling and something pops in camp, just attack on group 2 MA/MT).
Question - 2 Groups with MQ no raid

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