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Toast - 120 SK Power Leveling Question (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
I don't do reverse damage shield power leveling. Because I don't know how. It would be amazing if someone could tell me what sell I would use to reverse adS as a 120 SK and as a 115 Druid. Thanks in advance.
As a 115 sk, take off your ds skin spell, drape spell, back ds click and have a non damage item like a tradeskill trophy in your primary. Run around use your AE non damage taunt spell, at 115 this is Contempt. Aggro a ton of mobs, bring them to your camp and use the AE taunt. Then in your PL group the easiest way is to have a low level bard twist the lowest level AE damage spell, let this song damage the mobs a few seconds to insure it hits all the mobs. Once this is done click back, cast drape and skin ds and face away from the mobs, put honed wurmslayer in primary and sit down(this helps with low level mobs actually hitting you). The wurmslayer will allow you to sit and make it go faster, this works until like level 70 or 80 when mobs hit for more than 1500 which will cause you to stand. If no wurmslayer, just keep sitting.

At very low levels this kills most of the most instantly and your PL group gets all the xp. Once the mobs have more HPs, then have the druid cast ds, wrath of the wild and the spell that gives a heal and ds like thornspike rush.

Not sure if there are other tricks but this has worked for me.
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I'm probably wrong, but I thought reverse DS PLing was only (mainly?) a cleric thing. There are a few guides scattered around, but basically just cast the highest spell you have in this line of spells on your PLee and make sure they can survive being hit by the mob they're fighting.

(After researching...) Looks like some other classes have reverse DS spells too, makes sense pallies would but there are a couple others scattered: https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db...vel=1&opt=And+Higher&expansion=&action=search

I've only done this to get toons into the 20s before I take them to grounds and do regular DS power leveling, but I think I've heard of people going into the 80s with it.
I do both SK and CLR power leveling but mostly SK. The wurmslayer is an excellent tool to use. Even when the mobs start doing too much damage when you sit, you can still equip and duck. This will prevent you from riposting mobs and taking away the xp from your intended recipient. Cleric and mark of karn is pretty awesome in Crescent Reach and Goru Kar Mesa with the undead. Fat pulls need the SK though imo.
Make sure it's the AE taunt spells vs AA abilities. The spells can hit more mobs than the AA abilities (at least I think that's true)

I usually load up the three latest spells to spam since they have long cool downs. This helps to not miss those mobs that have stopped to cast and are momentarily out of range.

Also when pulling higher levels, watch out for named with annoying ae that will murder the poor naked pl'ee

Edit autocorrect fail
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My set up after getting the characters to 11/12 is give them a golden pick. Take my SK with DS off, non dmg primary and 3 terrors loaded and i run around the zone spamming terrors to aggroe everything. After i got my massive lag pile I run them back to a corner, turn my back and throw the wurmy on, cast 2 AE threats and then bring the lowbi in with the hitall macro to smack the enemies.

after a few mins I'll throw the DS back on the sk and sit/duck and let everything die. sometimes i pop a healer merc if im getting hit by things that break the wurmy dmg cap.

alternatively you do the same thing and have a bard in the pl grp doing chords but doing it this way you need to be against level appropriate mobs so he isnt resisted.

I havent used the cleric reverse DS as ive noticed the person tanking gets damage credit so if youre PLing with the PLee getting hit then it will work, but not using a high lvl tank to soak and do DS dmg

Recently did a smaller scale of this to level a charcter to 60 on mischief.
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The real way to do this is the SK with DS + necro orb and fd. I usually use heroics on new groups these days so I haven't bothered in awhile but once ds gets too slow aka POFIRE add a necro with SK and it's fast.
Important Item: Wurmslayer
If you want to Pl other chars above lvl 65, the Wurmslayer is a very helpful Item to have. The Wurmslayer will absorb all melee-hits upto 1750 per hit, regardless how many mobs are trying to hit you. So once arrived back in camp you cast your pbae aggro, turn the sk's back to the mobs and let the plee do an aoe-damage. Than apply your ds and sit down. The melee hits below 1750 dmg will not force your sk to stand up anymore. So all mobs will eat the full ds at any attempt to hit the sk.

Important to turn the back to the mobs, to avoid ripostes.
When I pl with my sk, I use the bandolier to equip any non-wapons to pri and sek during pulls, to avoid any ripostes.
Arriving at camp, after turning back to the mobs, catching aggro and plee has done it's damage, I use the bandolier to swap to Wurmslayer, before casting Ds and sit down.
I do the high bard and low bard.. PL.... I run around on my high bard with NO DS on at all singing healing songs for agro and collect like an entire zone of mobs back to the spot of my lowbie team... Once there my high bard changes songs to no damage snare for agro building.. Once I have alot of agro I move the low bard to the back of the high bard and sing the lv 2 aoe song. Once my low level bard is 50% agro or has hit all the mobs at least once I stop singing and back him off. Then on my high bard i make sure my back is to the mobs, change to my wurmy and shield form my durm and shield, and sing my max DS songs. Then I just sit over and over. the lowbie team gets a crap load of xp. I do this from 10-23 in CR, then 23-35 in MM< then 35-46 in Habor, 46-55, in PoI, then 55-60 in CoD, and then 60-65 in PoF. Then I put the 5 toons with my 95 maxe dout SK in grounds til 85. I drop the lowbie bard at this point he did his job. Takes me about a day to go from 1-85. Then I put them with some FTP 115 SKs in FM til 95 and place them with my 125s. I also may slow roll them in FM til 110 if a bonus is going on and I am leaving up a few teams at once. My toons are basicly naked until 115 when I put them in full sets of ToL T1 I have stocked in many houses in my alt guild.
Important Item: Wurmslayer
If you want to Pl other chars above lvl 65, the Wurmslayer is a very helpful Item to have. The Wurmslayer will absorb all melee-hits upto 1750 per hit, regardless how many mobs are trying to hit you. So once arrived back in camp you cast your pbae aggro, turn the sk's back to the mobs and let the plee do an aoe-damage. Than apply your ds and sit down. The melee hits below 1750 dmg will not force your sk to stand up anymore. So all mobs will eat the full ds at any attempt to hit the sk.

Important to turn the back to the mobs, to avoid ripostes.
When I pl with my sk, I use the bandolier to equip any non-wapons to pri and sek during pulls, to avoid any ripostes.
Arriving at camp, after turning back to the mobs, catching aggro and plee has done it's damage, I use the bandolier to swap to Wurmslayer, before casting Ds and sit down.

Just hold no riposte items. When I use to powerlevel I would just pull the entire fire zone and start the ds piece. get the ae off on lowby (usually just drug a bard along) and then use necro AE orb and fd. you can honestly go 0-100 in hours.
If the character you are PLing doesn't have any AEs you can farm Holgresh mojo sticks in WL for a 5 charge AE nuke. They come in several different flavors so only keep the ones that do an AE.
Toast - 120 SK Power Leveling Question

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