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Tip - 115 Manual Rogue MQ2melee .ini Tips (1 Viewer)

Mar 19, 2021
Hey guys,

I thought I'd share some of the useful MQ2melee .ini lines I wrote.

This is for people who want to actually play their rogue manually but want to automate some of its abilities.

First, I disabled many of the built-in options (like assault=0) because they work better if you just do them yourself with /holyshit.

holyshit0=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Bushwhack Rk. II]}) /disc Bushwhack Rk. II
holyshit1=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Vindictive Puncture Rk. II]}) /disc Vindictive Puncture Rk. II
holyshit2=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && !${Me.Song[Cloaked Blade Rk. II].ID} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Cloaked Blade Rk. II]}) /disc Cloaked Blade Rk. II
holyshit3=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Naive Mark Rk. II]}) /disc Naive Mark Rk. II
holyshit4=/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[672]}) /alt activate 672
holyshit5=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Blitzstrike Rk. II]}) /disc Blitzstrike Rk. II
holyshit7=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Slash Rk. II]}) /disc Slash Rk. II
holyshit8=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Jugular Cut Rk. II]}) /disc Jugular Cut Rk. II
holyshit9=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Pinpoint Defects Rk. II]}) /disc Pinpoint Defects Rk. II
holyshit10=/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[670]}) /alt activate 670
holyshit11=/if (${Me.ItemReady[52347]}) /casting 52347|item
holyshit12=/if (${Me.ItemReady[165263]}) /casting 165263|item

holyshit13=/if (${Melee.GotAggro} && ${Me.PctHPs}<30 && !${Me.Buff[Assassin's Parry I].ID} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Nimble Discipline]}) /disc Nimble Discipline

downshit0=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}>20 && !${Me.Buff[Conditioned Reflexes].ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /disc Conditioned Reflexes
downshit1=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}<10 && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Relax Rk. II]}) /disc Relax Rk. II
downshit2=/if (${Me.PctEndurance}<20) /casting 165188|item

downshit3=/if (!${Me.Buff[Bite of the Shissar Poison XI].ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /casting 164294|item
downshit4=/if (${Me.ItemReady[165262]} && !${Me.Moving}) /casting 165262|item

Holyshit 0-12 simply keep all my short-refresh discs and abilities running during combat. These are ones that I consider to be in the "Always On" category.
  • Bushwhack (stun)
  • Vindictive (reduce hate)
  • Cloaked blade (checks if it's not already on)
  • Naive mark (debuff)
  • Pinpoint (debuff)
  • Ligament slice (debuff)
  • Blitzstrike (DD)
  • Slash (Dot)
  • Jugular Cut (Dot)
  • Twisted Shank Dot)
  • Fatestealer (epic)
  • Breastplate (dmg boost)
Holyshit 13 will activate Nimble Disc if my HP drops below 30% AND I have aggro AND Assassin's Premonition hasn't triggered. I also have escape set to trigger if I drop below 20%.

Downshit 0 makes sure I always have Conditioned Reflexes running. If I'm out of combat, and it notices the buff is down, it will recast it.

Downshit 1 activates Relax if my endurance goes below 10%.

Downshit 2 activates my new Unity Feather clicky if my endurance goes below 20%.

Downshit 3 ensures my blades are always poisoned!

Downshit 4 summons more poison whenever my item is ready to cast it!

Hope this helps someone! If you like these tips, please drop me some red cents =)
Tip - 115 Manual Rogue MQ2melee .ini Tips

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