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Simple experimental environment (Forge, Kiln, etc) combine macro

Trade / Skill Simple experimental environment (Forge, Kiln, etc) combine macro 2-9-2018

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This is something I threw together to do combines until the recipe is learned. It handles salvage by picking up each item in the container adding what is missing. You only have to change the number of items to make the combine and the name of each component used in the combine. Any issues let me know.

Thanks to Maskoi for the combine notify button info and how to drop the item into the right spot

Rich (BB code):
| Simple environment (forge, kiln, etc) experimental combine macro
| envcombine.mac
| 2012-02-13 by Sym

#Event LearnedRecipe "You have learned the recipe #*#"

Sub Main

| change IC value to how many items to combine
    /declare IC int outer 3
    /declare Item[${IC}] string outer
| /varset name of each item, must match # above   
    /varset Item[1] Grande Wormwood
    /varset Item[2] Water Flask
    /varset Item[3] Bottle   

| nothing else to edit past here   
    /declare a int  
        /for a 1 to ${IC}
            /nomodkey /itemnotify enviro${a} leftmouseup
            /delay 2
            /if (${Cursor.ID}) {
                /nomodkey /itemnotify enviro${a} leftmouseup
                /delay 2
            } else {
                /if (${FindItem[=${Item[${a}]}].InvSlot} > 0) {
                    /nomodkey /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${Item[${a}]}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
                    /delay 2 ${Cursor.ID}
                    /nomodkey /itemnotify enviro${a} leftmouseup
                } else {
                    /e You are missing ${Item[${a}]}
            /delay 2
        /next a
        /notify ContainerCombine_Items Container_Combine leftmouseup
        /delay 1s ${Cursor.ID}
            /delay 5 !${Cursor.ID}
        /if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :ClearCursor
        /delay 5
    /goto :Start

sub Event_LearnedRecipe
    /e You have learned how to make this, you can use combine.mac now instead
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    I originally started writing my own macro, but then thought surely someone else has this...