To get around not knowing the recipe, PotionMaker will now open your medicine bag in Experimentation mode to add the ingredients and combine them. This should also learn the recipe if you didn't already know it. Still some bugs on my To Do list, such as updating Alchemy skill when it increases and checking if the medicine bag is already open.
Make sure your potion bag is closed before clicking Make Potion!
If the bag is open already, then it will close and items will not add
Keep in mind not to make too many potions at a time. I was able to do 43 in a row while testing before it started running into issues. Suggest not doing more than 20.
The Lua functions by sending a series of timed slash commands, which means that closing the program will not stop any ongoing crafting.
Outside of those, please let me know if you have any questions, issues, or suggestions.