- Other Authors
- Wassup, eqmule, pms
- Included in Very Vanilla
Included! No need to download.
MQ2Exchange - This plugin will allow you to exchange items or unequip items without having any inventory windows or bags opened. Will now allow exchanging items that are in main inventory slots, not just in bags. If you need more functionality, see MQ2Bandolier.
For an updated list of slot names, see:
For an updated list of slot names, see:

Slot names
Rich (BB code):
NOTE: If you use custombinds using shift, alt, or ctrl, and use /itemnotify to right click the item... ENSURE that you use the format: "/nomodkey /itemnotify <slotname> rightmouseup"
/exchange "item name" <slotname> - Swaps "item name" into <slotname>
/unequip <slotname> - Unequip any of the equipment slots
/exchange help - Gives a list of the commands available
/exchange help list - Gives a list of the equipment slot names
- Source Repository
- https://github.com/RedGuides/MQ2Exchange
- [git] Automation options?
- Yes