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Combat Assist MQ2Druid 2815

- Usage of memorized snare spells (byos usage)
- Corrected output of missing portal spells
- added snarespell and snarespellAE for byos/byos-custom usage
- - doesn't check for snare immunities (yet), same as other snare usage
- will now display paused logo on portal window
- will now display paused logo on portal window
- slash command for nukemanamin now works
- Additional checking for using Regen/Group Regen
-- should help overwriting a spell with the same name
- We will now try and memorize our entire spellset at once instead of 1 and a time
- deleted unused mqui_mq2druid.xml file
- corrected an issue with a 3rd column showing up in the "self" and "group" portal types
- fixed issue with "mask of the hunter" trying to cast indoors
- fixed a very unlikely (and unreported) crash
- fixed a very unlikely (and unreported) crash
- added Swarm of Fireants to HordeDoT
- Heal burns should only fire while burning AND mobs on xtarget
- Growth to RAMA