These were the update notes i posted in the druid thread yesterday. I don't know why they didn't get automatically posted, but i did put them in the discussion thread because sometimes the automatic update of notes takes a while. Please make sure you're checking the discussion and updates before asking stuff already addressed.
MQ2Druid: |
- UseProgressive adjustability
-- You will memorize SummerShock instead
-- turns off usage (and memorization) of the Progressive spell line
- Adjusted SunrayDoT application
- Added ChillDoT to GoM check
- Adjusted where/when SunDoT fires
- UseSwarmPet's memorization and usage of "SwarmAssault", the mushroom pet, will no longer memorize it in dps loadout.
-- we still use the swarm AAs that UseSwarmPet toggles
- DPS loadout will no longer load Rush, and will instead load WinterShock (once you have WinterShock at 73)
- Added "Burst of Fire" and "Burst of Flame" to summershock for lower levels
- added lower level memorization of summershock, stormborn, and hordedot