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Utility HeadingToMe - Am I About To Get Jumped? 1.0

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||| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
||| HeadingToMe.mac - v1.0 By AmericanNero May 11,2021
||| Usage: /mac headingtome
||| Select a target.
||| Proof-of-concept macro that computes the direction (heading) the spawn would
||| need to turn to face you, and given it's distance, how far away from you it
||| will be if it keeps going its current heading.
||| Does not use Target TLO.
||| What It Does
||| * Computes your compass bearing relative to the spawn.
||| * Computes the bearing the spawn needs to turn toward you.
||| * Computes the adjacent distance the spawn will go by if it went straight.
||| Bearing Interpretations
||| 0: Spawn is looking directly at you.
||| 180: Spawn has its back to you.
||| -90: Spawn has to turn left 90 degrees to face you.
||| 90: Spawn has to turn right 90 degrees to face you.
||| -179: Spawn has to turn left 179 degrees to face you.
||| 179: Spawn has to turn right 179 degrees to face you.
||| Use Case
||| Pretend you are blissfully minding your own business, pulling mobs,
||| doing uber things, or ganking newbs. Unbeknownst to you, a vicious hunter
||| spies you.
||| Fortunately you are watching spawns and can be alerted that something
||| is looking in your general direction with time to deal with the potential
||| threat.
||| How You Might Respond
||| It's 1000 feet away. Don't really care.
||| It's 500 feet away. Ok, mildly interested.
||| It's 300 feet away. Time to lift your head and be ready for action.
||| It's 150 feet away or less and is heading right for you! Fight or flight!
||| Details
||| The heading the spawn must take to reach you is only part of the picture.
||| A spawn 1000 feet away looking within 15 degrees of you is going to have a
||| wider adjacent distance from you than one looking 5 degrees toward you.
||| If the spawn is 200 ft and looking within 20 degrees of you the
||| adjacent view will be much smaller. Now you can readily assume it has very
||| likely seen you and checking you out. If the bearing to you is very small
||| and the viewport is very small, then YOU or someone near you is the mark.
||| You can then make a decision to check your spawn search and see for sure
||| whether you are their target.
||| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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