This utility will help you grab items out of the bank without having to search for them. Useful for me at least once I was up to 20 trade bags scattered with items. It has some weaknesses as it will find items that have any part of the search phrase and try to grab them, but for the most part works quite well and quickly.
1 - target a banker
2 - execute one of the macros and don't forget to put quotes around items with a space in the name:
The macro on execution will open your bank window, open all bags including shared bags, and then pick up and inventory items that it finds.
A hotkey I use when I have an item in my pack is this:
/mac bankgrabexact "${Cursor.Name}"
Requires you pick up the item you want to grab more of
Hopefully someone finds this useful! I started this as a way to grab all of the particular type of tradeskill item I was working on and that is likely the best use.
1 - target a banker
2 - execute one of the macros and don't forget to put quotes around items with a space in the name:
- /mac bankgrab itemname
- /mac bankgrabexact itemname
The macro on execution will open your bank window, open all bags including shared bags, and then pick up and inventory items that it finds.
A hotkey I use when I have an item in my pack is this:
/mac bankgrabexact "${Cursor.Name}"
Requires you pick up the item you want to grab more of

Hopefully someone finds this useful! I started this as a way to grab all of the particular type of tradeskill item I was working on and that is likely the best use.