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Epic Laziness

Work in Progress Epic Laziness v0.3.28

[0.1.37] - 2024-04-25​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Paladin 1.5 step changes
(cd1cdb4) ~Lisie
- Typo in group size check
(adbd305) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump 0.1.37
Paladin 1.5 release
(69e233a) ~Lisie
- Paladin 1.5 Completed!
(7dcc9c4) ~Lisie
- Created outline for Paladin 1.5 epic.
(eabb604) ~Lisie

Testing 🧪

- Paladin 1.5 work
(5fbeba1) ~Lisie
- Paladin 1.5 work
(3914c14) ~Lisie

[0.1.36] - 2024-04-25​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Removed debug print messages
(eed1e05) ~Lisie
- Changed location of snitch in string
(08bea92) ~Lisie
- Added class_setting to invis check call
(aafb061) ~Lisie
- Shaman 1.0 outline renumbering
(7a707b3) ~Lisie
- Minor shaman 1.0 renumbering to improve reliability
(5e7024b) ~Lisie
- Updated md5 for city of mist navmesh
(b75cdaf) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump v0.1.36
(e5c5fae) ~Lisie
- Mesh snitch
(2e9fbde) ~Lisie
- Added table of bad meshes.
(2fe7df0) ~Lisie
- Made clear xtarget function a bit more aggressive in clearing the list
This will prevent you standing around waiting for xtargets to get closer
(1f42f6e) ~Lisie
- Have script choose the fastest travelspeed skill you have availible in managed characters.
(18a0a15) ~Lisie
- Improved handling of tag along characters using hide/sneak
(77db2c8) ~Lisie
- Added checking for invis on managed group members.
(fe2751a) ~Lisie

[0.1.35] - 2024-04-24​

Features ⛲

- Version bump 0.1.35
(f8bfaae) ~Lisie


- Shaman 1.0 dropping lev when it shouldnt
(ce61da9) ~Lisie

[0.1.34] - 2024-04-24​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Pause navigation for clearxtarg, then resume
(e887d50) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump to 0.1.34
(8c30b53) ~Lisie

[0.1.33] - 2024-04-24​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Bard 1.5 steps 95-105 - Dark Orb killing and looting
(a8db12d) ~Lisie
- Fixed tonumber on item.zone and comparing itemslot with slot (removed -22)
(986a50f) ~Lisie
- Fixed order that check for item in loot window occurs
(d28534a) ~Lisie
- FindNearest will now update spawn list every 2 seconds if no target found
(71d8b3d) ~Lisie
- Fixed some State.status messaging in npc_kill function
(c8e1a68) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump to 0.1.33
(1300f73) ~Lisie
- Add call to group_size_check
(c8f50f5) ~Lisie
- Add full outline text for group_size_check
(f411f77) ~Lisie
- Add group_size_check
(84292e0) ~Lisie
- Added text for wait_for to full outline
(0d520a8) ~Lisie
- Added call to wait_for
(a3970b9) ~Lisie
- Added WAIT_FOR to wait until specific eq time
(e1abd00) ~Lisie

Testing 🧪

- Pal 1.5 and War 1.5 work
(28a3a63) ~Lisie
- Paladin 1.5 work
(609fabf) ~Lisie
- Paladin 1.5 work
(27c12ca) ~Lisie

[0.1.32] - 2024-04-24​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Bard 2.0 properly loop in Black Chaos Gauntlets step
Changed DB step order to have farm_check after the npc_search statements. Should fix it to loop properly even after a full clear of npcs.
(3777f9a) ~Lisie
- FIx for rogue 2.0 step 59 crash
(1abfe97) ~Lisie
- Rogue 2.0 step 59 fixing type text
(f60d5ab) ~Lisie
- Fixed TYPE to be type in creating outline text for FARM_RADIUS_EVENT
(55ed497) ~Lisie
- Update outline numbering for rogue 1.5
(58d618e) ~Lisie
- Fixes for rogue 1.5 Marsingers step
(a7df679) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump to v0.1.32
(3f10af0) ~Lisie

[0.1.31] - 2024-04-23​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Removed debugging print statement
(195ed5b) ~Lisie
- Pickup only a single item in npc_give_add
(63e6aaa) ~Lisie
- Better fix for lag with progress display
(a3b71d9) ~Lisie
- Removed debugging print statement
(320354b) ~Lisie
- Improved travel distance percent complete performance
(6f9f73c) ~Lisie
- Better checking for corpses in findnearest and kill
(c5e6cb3) ~Lisie
- Added corpse check for named NPCs in npc_kill
(2394287) ~Lisie
- Set RGMercs Lua to pull grey mobs at startup
(5feee93) ~Lisie
- Restore previous status message after remove_invis
(9770628) ~Lisie
- FIxed extra % in damage_until function
(e928281) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump to 0.1.31
(2957d6a) ~Lisie
- Added checksum for nedaria.navmesh
(d893339) ~Lisie
- Add ground_spawn_farm
(55072f8) ~Lisie
- Added ground_spawn_farm function
(a6e9807) ~Lisie

Testing 🧪

- Pal and War 1.5 work
(855f988) ~Lisie
- Work on paladin and warrior 1.5
(3cd2009) ~Lisie

[0.1.30] - 2024-04-22​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Fixed table crashing everquest because I was a dummy
(1e47ab3) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump 0.1.30
(7418358) ~Lisie

[0.1.29] - 2024-04-22​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Added tonumber() on check in damage_until
(fddf2c3) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump to 0.1.29
(831ab5e) ~Lisie

[0.1.28] - 2024-04-22​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Fixed crash on bard 2.0 full outline tab
(18a7ce3) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump 0.1.28
(b93a8f0) ~Lisie

[0.1.27] - 2024-04-22​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Added missing variable
(ac40d4e) ~Lisie

Features ⛲

- Version bump to 0.1.27
(b9ea945) ~Lisie

[0.1.26] - 2024-04-22​

Bug Fixes 🐛

- Fix crash and version bump
(6181a4b) ~Lisie
- Forgot variable in debug line
(0add5f4) ~Lisie
- Changed Pal Pre1.5 to use AoC due to extreme spawn times.
(8b13ed6) ~Lisie

[0.1.25] - 2024-04-22​

Features ⛲

- Version bump to 0.1.25
(3a04c5a) ~Lisie
- Added hash check include
(76cce56) ~Lisie
- Added hash checks at startup to check for old navmeshes
(760cdfe) ~Lisie
- Added md5 hashes for updated navmeshs
(8d9d488) ~Lisie
- Added library for hash checking.
(e6fd0cd) ~Lisie