Beta version
Rich (BB code):
bLang.mac by LamahHerder
This will practice only languages that are not 100
/mac bLang while in a group (or with a merc)
Future Ideas:
Add a teach mode to spam 20 lines so your newbie can get 1 point in every language, will do this after Teir'Dal fixed
Initial Release (LamahHerder)
#event langHelp "#1# - #2#"
sub main
/echo =====================================
/echo You must click your main chat window so it will chat there for this to work as /lang only effects the active window
/echo =====================================
/if ( ${Me.GroupSize}<=1 ) /call endmac
/declare gsayDelay int outer 2
/declare gsayTeachCnt int outer
/declare gsayTeachTotal int outer 20
/declare langArray[25] string outer
/declare langNum int outer 1
/doevents flush
/lang help
/delay 5
/doevents langHelp
/for langNum 1 to ${langArray.Size}
/if ( ${Bool[${langArray[${langNum}]}]} ) {
/if ( ${langArray[${langNum}].Equal[Human Tongue]} ) {
/if ( ${Me.LanguageSkill[Common Tongue]} != 100 ) {
/echo Learning Common/Human Tongue
/lang ${langNum}
/while ( ${Me.LanguageSkill[Common Tongue]} < 100 ) {
/if ( ${Me.GroupSize}<=1 ) /call endmac
/delay ${gsayDelay}
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/next langNum
/if ( ${langArray[${langNum}].Equal[Elder Teir'Dal]} ) {
/echo Sorry Elder Teir'Dal is broken... skipping
/next langNum
/if ( ${Me.LanguageSkill[Elder Teir'Dal]} != 100 ) {
/echo Learning Elder Teir'Dal/Dragon
/lang ${langNum}
/while ( ${Me.LanguageSkill[Elder Dragon]} < 100 ) {
/if ( ${Me.GroupSize}<=1 ) /call endmac
/delay ${gsayDelay}
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/next langNum
/if ( ${Me.LanguageSkill[${langArray[${langNum}]}]} != 100 ) {
/echo Learning ${langArray[${langNum}]}
/lang ${langNum}
/while ( ${Me.LanguageSkill[${langArray[${langNum}]}]} < 100 ) {
/if ( ${Me.GroupSize}<=1 ) /call endmac
/delay ${gsayDelay}
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/gsay Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
/next langNum
/echo Language all 100
sub endmac
/echo [${Macro.Name}] You need a group! You have none! Goodbye!
sub event_langHelp(Line, int num, string name)
/varset langArray[${num}] ${name}