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Question - Old player , needs advice (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 17, 2020
ok, so , im not as agile and quick thinking as I used to be ....turning 60 .....I had a 4 box , Enchanter was leading Cleric , Mage and Druid

Druid and Mage were constantly out of manna , and when things spawned , crap went to xxxxx in a handbag ...no real tank , other than mage and Enchanter pet

Im thinking.....leading with Sk and having a monk to pull , keeping Enchanter ( favorite class ) and Cleric

The only thing that I am not sure of is....who would I lead with....Monk or SK ..........basically, ,,,,,I am asking how would you sit this group up......does monk assist tank

Do I splurge on the MQ2Monk and MQ2War.....will that help matters ?

or any other suggestions

appreciate the help
Have you used the .ini library?
yes, i have ......i was cutting and pasting into the ini though.......copy to clipboard ,,,,,,,,,,highlight over my ini then just pasted over it ,,,,,,,does it make a difference ?

Yeah lead with a tank, it changes everything. I really like Warriors but any of the tanks are fine. Monk can pull and help with dps, Cleric can keep everyone alive, Druid could maybe help with backup heals in emergencies, and they can do decent damage too. Mage good damage, and Ench keep everyone buffed. Having a group of 6 is really fun and gives the game more depth, and you get an xp boost for a full group. Although you might want to consider cost of expansions and subscriptions. If that is an issue you could maybe consider just playing 3 and having 3 mercs. It isn't as good as 6 real characters but you can get by just fine, especially if you can build your main 3 to be really strong. Or 4 characters and 2 mercs.
Depending in the situation, you may find setting up each class to run on their own so you can change who you play given the situation/mood.

My main is a cleric, and I occasionally will set him just in macro and play tank or enc, or sometimes a dps class just for a change of pace.... Especially if camping a named or just grinding drops.

It also creates awareness of what you can do with each class, something I'm particularly bad at...i had/have almost nfi how berserkers do dps the plugins or macros have always done their defaultish behaviour for all that for me :-P
SK - Works as tank or pullertank. Very popular tank choice so most macro systems will run it well.

Cleric - Can solo heal most group content and also very popular so most macro systems will run it well.

Monk - Most systems will automate a monk as DPS or puller, though it's a challenge to get a macro to pull "like a monk." Using lull or FD splitting isn't covered by most out-of-the-box macros. muleassist can do a single lull to split a large group and joojoobee did code a pulling mod to split targets if you want to investigate those.

Ench - Charm isn't handled by all systems, so you may need to manually assist for this part. All systems can automate mez though.

Mage - Most systems can play one very well, but yes Mages are a little heavy on mana-usage. Make sure you've automated all mana regen buffs including the pet taps & mod rods. At higher levels make sure you're priority casting Chaotic for the 35% chance at mana regen, though the other random procs are overall better.

Druid - Most systems can play one but it turns out to be hard to guess how each group would use a Druid best. Maybe they need to watch group heals more than DPS, other times you want just DPS. That logic is a little tricky to program into a general macro, but you can customize an ini to do it. Some macros also have modes that prioritize certain things.

Druids can also be mana intensive on DPS, so make sure you're not overcasting the expensive DoTs on targets that die before they run their course. Or set these to only fire when you have a gift of mana proc. At higher levels their bear pet mana regen is also very important to keep up. It's up every 5 mins, but takes about 3 mins in before it starts doing the major regen.
I used bard for pulling and some mages with the role pettank and a Shaman as mh for a while, than I leveled an sk. Now when boxing I use the Sk as puller and tank, growed up an chanter as cc and a cleric. Given your former Team, i would suggest to just swap the druid for the sk and stay with the others in the Team. Play the sk for pulling and tanking and let the others assist, leaving the pets on taunt should let you do everything you want to. Acutally in tov, the sk with his 1 foot lull vs. undead targets makes him an very efficent, if not the best puller available. Very rare I have to use fd to Split targets and the taunting pets will take one or the other meele-rund from the sk, while you are grinding the needed Aas.
I use kissassist as well and am very happy with the possibillities I have, to adapt the toons to my playstyle.
If I were you I would test copy over to Test sever and try out CWTN plugins (Mq2eskay, Mq2Cleric, Mq2monk, Mq2War) etc and see if you like them. If so then pick and choose which ones you want to purchase for live servers, if any. They're basically set it and forget it... for the most part. The bonus with those are they've already configured the spell line up/melee routines for you. So your going to spend less time dicking with that and more time actually playing. I mainly used those and IHC Ench when I ran my crew on test and did very well. Maxed AA/110 no problem. Just my two redcents.
Can you post the ini you use by chance? The one I use burns him through mana pretty quick. Not necessary OOM issues, but he definitely struggles if I go for 20-30 minutes uninterrupted
StickHow=snaproll !front 10 moveback uw

*ModEdit: Edited out a character name
Hiya Car,

I've played a Cleric since the beginning of EQ and Hubs has played an SK. Clerics get reverse Damage Shields which work with druids and mages DS you apply it to the mob..when they hit they heal, put that on your mob and put also the buff on your group that when they hit it heals their targets target. This will help mitigate some of the damage the tank takes. Also the SK has FD so can also pull and drop agro, you can get their 2.0 epic which helps them disc and heal themselves to allow you time to get situated in a pull and they can life tap to help with heals. This will allow you to get either another range DPS if you wish or melee DPS. We noticed monks are a little squishy unless you put FD into their rotation. But with so many options you can try so many combinations and find which works best for you and your game play. Since Enchanter is your favorite class, build a group around that. Search online best group to compliment a Chanter. Welcome back you veteran player, no matter our age. We always come home right? LOL

Grass isn't always greener on the other side...it could be just a septic tank :rc
Question - Old player , needs advice

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