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Discussion - Leveling up first full box crew - tips / tricks / suggestions wanted! (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 2, 2016
Running my first ever box crew! Planning on digging in over the long weekend, esp with the exp bonus. I just got everyone out of the tutorial last night, so I'm ready to start rolling. My crew is sk/shm/mage/bst/rog. The sixth will be my higher level bard, once the crew catches up enough to be in the allowed grouping range.

What are people's favorite/most useful plugins/macros/Lua? Especially stuff that helps take care of the tedium. Also just any tips for like, quests to do, or things that are easily forgotten but are super useful and worth doing?

I'm going to keep a list here, and update the post as needed! Maybe someone else will find it useful too.


Loot options:
  • Lootier / Lootly - get rid of a lot of the tedium of looting
  • YALM - another loot option. You can create higher level rules to handle looting, instead of per-item.


General "leveling up box crew" quick tips:
  • J5 Merc quest if not using full box crew. Easy level 85 version/quest
  • 2.0 - notable for SK, Shaman, Bst.
    • Personal experience - bard epic click lasts a long time too. Like, insanely long. I got tired of having it clicked. The "you can macro item clicks" feature was a godsend.
  • Anguish chest for Mage, SK
  • Other quests to do?

  • Mixing Bowl - Cheap, 10 slot, low weight, Giant. For when you're starting out broke!
  • Extraplanar Trade Satchel - for tradeskill items, not too expensive typically
  • Courier of Favor - 20 slot 100wr giant. Easy quest. Do it once, and you can give the bag through shared bank to another toon, hail again, get another bag, repeat. Confirmed not an exploit.
  • Unexpanded Tailored Transcendent Backpack - Buy this item, with a 2.5kpp vendor item, to turn it into a 20 slot 100wr giant.
  • Fanra's bag list
  • Hunter achievements - Took a quick look, starting with GoD (maybe earlier and I missed). That expac alone will give 12-20 slot bags as you go through. Later expacs give even more.
  • Other easy/useful in modern EQ bags?


So there's my current meager start! What all mountain of things am I missing? In particular:
  • Always need more bags! I know there's lots of shop bags obviously. Looking for quests / vendor bags worth getting (that aren't on Fanra's site or already listed).
  • Best options for non-store mount(s)?
  • Any other particularly useful quests or things to do for a full box crew? Like useful clickies or teleport items, etc.
  • Any other notable character progression related things that I've forgotten?
  • Is there anything to help do epics? I'm not going to worry about that for quite a while, but at some point I figure it'll be fun to work on them. It'd be nice to have like, a shopping list type thing to maybe work on multiples at the same time, when drops are around each other. May not exist though.
  • Other generally very useful VV/MQ tools for this part of running a box crew?
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Mount: casino. If you ask your ingame-friends, you might find one willing to borrow you all tradeable items you may get from casino. You never get an item you already have in inventory (attn. not banked). If I remember well, there is only one notrade item apart from the superfast mount. That way you may get it for maximum 2 tickets.
Hunter Achievements for bags. On FV (and others im sure) there are regular server wide hunter raids during fast spawn bonus that any can join.

The bags from one good week of hunters will make it such that your extra bags will need a bag. Folks in the raid laughing when another 32 slot 100 wr achieves ... "what is this, a bag for ants?"
CWTN for everything that can use it. Which is your whole crew cept the bard. You really have look around to find some super niche situations were those plugins are just not the best option always. (Off the top of my head I can't even think of any)

For the Bard, KA with a solid INI. There are a bunch to choose from but one that has some CC options would be ideal for the handful of times your SK can't just TANK ALL MOBS

Mounts. In very short order mounts won't mean much with Bard speed but if you opt to "Camp" in leu of just murdering everything while on chase the only toon you have that needs a mount is the Mage. Can pick one up easy enough in Bazaar or snag one off of Emp/Seru

Quests: 2.0 for Sk/Shm/Bst. Can probably skip the rest (Honestly not sure so I'd read up or ask around like you are) unless your bored or want nifty ornament for your wep.
Anguish Chest for Sk and Mage. Not sure about the rest but "Probably"

Bags: Honestly, sounds like your good to go and once you start completing achievements in the later expansions you'll have more giant 20+slot bags then ya know what to do with.
Welcome! Are you subbing or Free2Play? And will you be starting at 85 or 100?

Overseer Lua is a godsend. I have it set to auto start when I login. Learn about different config files and what they do.
Learn how to edit the YAML file for EasyFind, so you can add your guild hall portals, I recommend using Guild Clicky Lua script too.

Free download from Microsoft: Visual Studio Code, learning same basic Lua scripting will be a gift that will keep on giving.
Nice thread, hadn't seen Cold's Big Bag Lua, looks neat must give it a try. Or that WR bag quest you mention, INTERESTING!
@Dragonslayer there are 2 items that are no trade. the mask of the deciever and the glowing black drum (mount). the mount is a little different than other mounts in the game when you levitate going forward makes you stay aloft, go backward and point down you will descend and its a raid level fastness (i think only 2 others faster).
Hunter Achievements for bags. On FV (and others im sure) there are regular server wide hunter raids during fast spawn bonus that any can join.

The bags from one good week of hunters will make it such that your extra bags will need a bag. Folks in the raid laughing when another 32 slot 100 wr achieves ... "what is this, a bag for ants?"
haha i like your Zoolander reference..
Welcome! Are you subbing or Free2Play? And will you be starting at 85 or 100?

Overseer Lua is a godsend. I have it set to auto start when I login. Learn about different config files and what they do.
Learn how to edit the YAML file for EasyFind, so you can add your guild hall portals, I recommend using Guild Clicky Lua script too.

Free download from Microsoft: Visual Studio Code, learning same basic Lua scripting will be a gift that will keep on giving.

F2P starting from level 1! (Although I'll sub next month, probably on all of them, to get autogrant. After that, will probably keep at least the tank subbed).

Been on my grind, taking advantage of bonus exp. About to hit 54.

I've been avoiding getting into Lua. I'm a software dev by day (have VS, VSCode, and Rider all installed, heh - Rider is my main editor these days though). I don't want to write code after work, I wanna kill monsters!

Anyways, thanks for all the responses! Gonna update the main post too. Love the ideas! I had forgotten about Hunter achieves, that's a lot of bag options there. For right now I did Ye Ole Crap Ton Of Toolboxes :D
These are what I'm using:

1) Invis Display - this Lua is amazing. Espcially with a bard with double invis... great to see if someones invis dropped.
2) Alpha Buff - Love seeing the names of the buffs and songs. You can prioritize which ones you want to see first...
3) Overseer - Love that I don't have to do this for 6 toons when you have this.
4) Magellan - Travel Utility Once I opened this and messed around with it.... it made traveling so much easier.
These are what I'm using:

1) Invis Display - this Lua is amazing. Espcially with a bard with double invis... great to see if someones invis dropped.
2) Alpha Buff - Love seeing the names of the buffs and songs. You can prioritize which ones you want to see first...
3) Overseer - Love that I don't have to do this for 6 toons when you have this.
4) Magellan - Travel Utility Once I opened this and messed around with it.... it made traveling so much easier.

How have I played this long without finding Alpha Buff?! Amazing!
Alpha Buff is definitely a huge winner there! Added the latest suggestions, as well as "linkified" more of the things.
Been on here for some years now. Never knew of Alphabuff and the Big Bag. Red cents to this thread as it taught me something new.
I've been avoiding getting into Lua. I'm a software dev by day (have VS, VSCode, and Rider all installed, heh - Rider is my main editor these days though). I don't want to write code after work, I wanna kill monsters!

As a dev, what would you suggest for people who want to get into hardcore programming/dev?
there is a bag from learning about the bazaar quest, you can do at a level1, its just running in pok to bazaar hail some people back to pok, bag for you

i think there is a macro that does it for you along with getting some other things

you change the settings in the macro itself, its very easy to understand how to do.
there is a bag from learning about the bazaar quest, you can do at a level1, its just running in pok to bazaar hail some people back to pok, bag for you

i think there is a macro that does it for you along with getting some other things

you change the settings in the macro itself, its very easy to understand how to do.
CBD's POKTutorial also works well.

Discussion - Leveling up first full box crew - tips / tricks / suggestions wanted!

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