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Contest Last Redguides Contest of 2017! (1 Viewer)


Jun 10, 2015
Hey everyone!
2017 has been an amazing year with all you fine folks of the Redguides community!! Let's end 2017 with a blast and welcome in 2018 properly with a contest! Thanks to generous sponsorship, this contest has the biggest prize pool ever! 25+ winners will be selected!

What was your favorite Everquest or Redguides memory of 2017!?

To enter, just have an on-topic discussion about something that happened on RG or EQ in 2017 here in this post. Example:
Derp1: My favorite part of 2017 here on RG was the release of Maskoi's MONSTER CRUSH MAGE INI!!SHIFT1!!
Derpina2: I cant contain my excitement for level 110 from the RoS release!
Coinstop: Where teh paladin guild?

Derp1 and Derpina2 are both entered!
Coinstop is not!

Prize List:

1st Place:
Level 65 Zerker on Phini

2nd Place:
Level 65 Mage on Phini

3rd Place:
Level 65 Mage on Phini

4th Place:
x5 Kronos

5th Place:
x3 Kronos

6th Place:
x2 Kronos

x10 Runner Ups:
x1 Krono Each!

x10 Runner-Runner Ups!:
1 Month of Redguides Level 2 access for you or a friend each!

Winners will be chosen by in-game /random on Saturday, January 13th.
Exact time, place and server TBA in this post on the 13th

Contest Sponsored By:
- Augmentor - Kronos For Sale!
- fates_child03 - Kronos For Sale!
- Coinstop
- rhb
- ctaylor22
-AlmarsGuides - FV Giveaway!
- passaway - Phinni PLing!
-Hustlin - Agnarr Accounts!
- Dretski - PLing For Charity!

No purchase necessary. No more entries after January 12st, 11:59 PM EST.
Drawing will be held in-game on the Povar server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted January 13th in the AM after contest ends, you are welcome to attend (will be done that evening).
Multiple replies (and therefore multiple entries) are allowed so long as you are carrying on a normal on-topic conversation.
Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't get it to you.
Posting with multiple accounts, or screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

By the way, check out our FB page:
Last edited:
I don't really play EQ. So my most memorable moment was doing updates on some macros for over a year on the other guys site and posting a link to donate to me and getting a pretty overwhelming response from it. Additionally, one of the members highly suggested I cross post to this forum so I've joined. Already I'm getting feedback on the macros I've posted so that I can start making the corrections.

I hope to continue this work for some time to come.
Ooo I can be sappy and tie both EQ and RG in. Favorite memory was just playing with some of the RG members in EQ and laughing at the poor saps who have to drudge through the game without the beautiful symphony that is KA! :toot:

Also some of Lurks posts lol. I love those.
I returned to EQ during 2017 and thanks to all the wonderful info here on RG probably had some of the most fun boxing I've had in a while!
For me, the best part of 2017 is related both to EQ and RG. Got back after 6 years break, found an old friend who told me about RG... changed my life ever since, KA FTW !!
My best memory is finally getting access here and learning how to use KA and MQ2. My play times are pretty odd. So I have to play with my self.. I mean group with myself a lot.))
For me it was the work and character development that went into doing some minor RMT. I'd never made any money through EQ before, and having the chance to do a little bit of business with rare items was pretty exciting.
I couldn't wait to get home from work on May the 24th, join the auto-queue login to the new TLP server Agnarr to create my wonderful Wizard and begin the nostalgia of leveling all over again!
This one will be sorta longer than other posts. The best part of 2017 for me was actually becoming more involved in the RG community. This happened for several reasons. It all started around December 2016 when Devestator failed to honor updating his macros for several years and kept selling them year after year , even though alot of us were loyal to subb'ing to his macro package year after year. Without Devestator completely abandoning updates and scamming most of us that used his bots, I probably would have never spent more than once a month on RG forums if that. So due to the whole Devestator fiasco and how the other guys website handled it, I decided to give KA a try and have been enjoying the sense community here, which has been lacking in recent years on the other guys website.

Thanks for being a great community RG, not sure how it took me so long to rediscover this forum even though I've been a member here for several years!
My most memorable moment is when the noob i am was wondering why /pause 33, cast 1 wasnt working. I didnt realize the pause went to the end :(
best part of eq and mq2 in 2017 for me, has been the welcoming you get here as a member, everyone is just so nice and helpfull, there is a strong sense of brotherhood and community in this forum.
I just shattered my "glass ceiling" of levels.... and they raise the freaking levels. Sheesh!!!! LOVE IT! I been slow rolling since 1999 never caring what level I had made. In 2017 I decided to level up so I could go where I want and do what I want. I brought the gang to 100 and was playing catch up on the last few toons when I noticed my tank leveled to 101. WTHeck!
Befuddlement again?!
And then it dawns on me ... I got 5 more levels for each of my 12 toons ... FRUSTRATION and ANGST. Acceptance of my new challenge. Realign my goals and we are off... Again/still

As always WITH Redguide
AND our community
We all can

I actually don't remember if it was this year or the last one, but the devs (from what I recall eqmule alone, but I could well be wrong) saved MQ2 from a horrible death during a particularly bad game update which I think included some serious changes to spells and how they work. I'm sure none of us would play EQ that much without Redguides. Also having a steady stream of PL clients helps out immensely with the dogs, so every day is a good EQ day.
Running two FTP groups on an old HP Z600 using KVM with dedicated Graphics card and independent Windows10 installation. Planning to share my experience with this sweet community in a form of a guide soon. :)
I do have to say Dretski's life seems pretty entertaining with all those pups!

Favorite moment has to be the new automacros coming out from Noobs fabulous work!

Don't get me wrong I love kiss, but the way my zerkers run now soooo smooooth
Favorite everquest moment this year would have to be rushing on the Quarm Event Server to kill OMM first or setting up my first 6 box squad ( thank god for all the instructions here on RG ) =)
My favorite Everquest moment this year was when I realized the EOK rare I had been trying for finally was in my loot window!
Most memorable for me was when my Redguides coffee mug arrived and my wife thought it looked sketchy. She left it on the front steps in case it was a prank since she had no idea who this Khuri person was. She sent me a pic of the address label and asked if I thought it was a prank or was it OK to bring into the house. Kids and I laughed about that one for a while.
My most memorable moment is when the noob i am was wondering why /pause 33, cast 1 wasnt working. I didnt realize the pause went to the end :(

I just have to share this with you, this works perfect /pause 33, /cast 1

My most memorable moment came not long ago when I decided to move up to level 2, I instantly started 3 more boxes to go from 3 boxes to 6, and it's amazing what a little help from kiss, mq2, and the ini's section can do for a group.
Right but what i didnt know was the pause moves to after the cast command

I just have to share this with you, this works perfect /pause 33, /cast 1

My most memorable moment came not long ago when I decided to move up to level 2, I instantly started 3 more boxes to go from 3 boxes to 6, and it's amazing what a little help from kiss, mq2, and the ini's section can do for a group.
My memorable moment was finishing the tower of RoT final mission with my box group. I had been working with settings for weeks until I finally got to a point I could beat the mission. Have to say thanks again to all those who make MQ2 and all the macros possible.
Call the bomb squad! That is one funny story. I tottaly had something similar happen when I did the Reddit gift exchange. They ship to attn your username.
My favourite part of 2017 is yet to come, but when I receive nudies from red for donating to this contest -- hint hint
Contest Last Redguides Contest of 2017!

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