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Games - What are some of your favorite games besides EQ? (1 Viewer)

Mar 24, 2018
I also loved Vanguard. I played a million other MMOs but those 2 are the only ones I really liked. I also like Arma3, although I preferred the second game which sadly has a low population now. I loved Blackguards, an indie tactical turn based RPG. I play Supreme Commander 2 with a mod called RVE, and Legend of Grimrock with a mod called Magic of Grimrock. Both games pretty meh without the mods, but some of my favorites with the mods. I also like tower defense games, my favorite is called Dungeon Warfare. Age of Wonders 3 is another favorite, although I don't play much anymore because I put about 10000000 hours into the first game so got burned out.

That's about it in terms of real favorites unless I go way back... How about you?
Shining Force series, Fire Emblem is nice. Dragon Force on Saturn was good. Ya ive been playing sega games using emulators on my phone lately :)
DOTA 2 - its completely f2p too!

For single player,

1. Witcher series

2. Dark Soul series

3. Divinity Original Sin series
I find it hard to enjoy any other RPG because the combat in EQ is so much better. It seems like other games the enemies all die in seconds so even if you are up against 10 of them, some fireballs and lightning storms and everyone explodes on the screen. Also anything with melee tends to be hack n slash. I much prefer EQ style where you need to use the right abilities at the right time and can't just button mash, and spell casters are especially tactical. A well placed root to park an add or whatever can change the entire outcome of a battle. Mana is important too, especially in the old game, it is so limited and takes so long to regen, you can't just spam your biggest spells on everything. Sometimes you need to use that damage over time or heal over time and then sit down and med. It is a thoughtful type of combat and I can't find any other games that do that, other than turn based.

But yeah I like some other types of games. I forgot about DOTA, I play one called Heroes of Newerth which is great in some ways but the community is really bad. I think it is the sort of game that just isn't even worth playing unless you have people who you know that will play with you every time. In that way it becomes great with all the combos and tricks you can do and you can work through the ranks to get matched up with better players. As a solo player it is pointless.
I've honestly never played any other MMORPG because I can't imagine hating another game as much as I love this game... or loving another game as much as I hate this game... er hating another game as much as I hate this game... damnit

You didn't miss much because other MMOs mostly copy the same formula. I think there have been a few great innovations though. Vanguard's classes were brilliant, and their crafting too. Rift's rifts were good and the raid type mobs that spawn in any zone and attack and nearby players can team up to defend. It was a bit too gamey for my liking but it is great technology that could be done well in the future. WoW Druid was especially good, in your natural form you cast spells similar to the EQ Druid, but then you can shapeshift into a bear with a new hotbar and it can tank, or a lion with a new hotbar of rogue type abilities. Also there is a really good PVP Arena and Battlegrounds which are like a realm vs realm mini game where players have to capture and hold locations while the other team does the same, I had a LOT of fun with that. But when it comes to doing a dungeon with a group, I just didn't enjoy it at all, it was too simple and steamlined and I just couldn't wait to get back to EQ.

Also in Rift, any class can respec as a tank, healer, or dps. So even a mage can be a tank or healer. And you can respec anywhere and it only takes a minute, so if a group is getting together and needs a healer and you are a rogue, you can basically switch to your Rogue-Bard spec or whatever and be a healer. I didn't like the idea of it at first and again it is a bit too... gamey... but it is interesting and has potential.

And then there's EVE Online. That game does so many cool things.... that I only ever read about because playing it was painful :P
Shining Force series, Fire Emblem is nice. Dragon Force on Saturn was good. Ya ive been playing sega games using emulators on my phone lately :)

Would you happen to have the emulator's name ? Android or iOs ?
I still have my Saturn, but some games are hard to find or way too expensive :p
Would you happen to have the emulator's name ? Android or iOs ?
I still have my Saturn, but some games are hard to find or way too expensive :p

Yaba Sanshiro for PC or Android (i use SSF for PC) but Yaba is amazing for Android comes with built in bios. Donate like $3 and you get the better version. I found all the games on http://coolrom.com/roms/saturn/ Also if you google shining force translation you will find the site that translated S2 and 3 of shining force 3 into english.
Oldies that are still good:
Counter Strike Source
Doom 2 (speed runs for fun)
Masters of Orion 2

Call of Duty(s)
Master of Orion
hehe ... Note the question is "Your favorite games beside EQ"...
Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition,
Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 and 3.5
Axis and Allies

Yup Table Tops and dice.....been playing these games instead of EQ for the last year (hence my disappearance from the boards).

I also like to pull out my old game systems and play a little original Pacman, Zelda, and Final Fantasy 1 through 7.

I haven't had a lot of time to look for "newer" MMOs, besides I don't like change :rimshot:
Star Wars Lego on Xbox, only cause my wife gets to knock my head off so we never actually get any missions done.
Don't Starve Together private custom server.
H1Z1 Just Survive.
Stronghold all versions.
Oxygen Not Included.

and a few mobile games like Clash of Clans and Empires and Puzzles....
Games - What are some of your favorite games besides EQ?

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