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You know your MMO life sucks when... (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 5, 2006
Your choice of game to play is not based on what you think you will enjoy, but on what game irritates you least.

... and currently that game is, I hate to say it, WoW. :'(

Tried everything else on the market, save for those eye-bleeding, mind numbing, Asian "grind for 3 days to get 1 level, access a quest" grindfests, and every time I just see yet another WoW clone. So today, while I wait for the nipple fest that is Age of Conan and the second coming of the digital Christ, Warhammer Online, I'm back to the source of all MMO evil... WoW.

Lets face it, you can dress it up with as many hobbits, superheros, "grrl" elves in scantily clad armour that barely protects said elves nipples :teehee:, as you like... but it's all WoW, all the time!
I just go with the not having an MMO life. The only possible point to playing WoW would be staying in touch with friends, but even they've all pretty much given up on it now, and most of them were first time MMO players who thought WoW was perfect. I find myself with more free time than I know what to do with, especially it being winter... but oh well.
Your choice of game to play is not based on what you think you will enjoy, but on what game irritates you least.

... and currently that game is, I hate to say it, WoW. :'(

Tried everything else on the market, save for those eye-bleeding, mind numbing, Asian "grind for 3 days to get 1 level, access a quest" grindfests, and every time I just see yet another WoW clone. So today, while I wait for the nipple fest that is Age of Conan and the second coming of the digital Christ, Warhammer Online, I'm back to the source of all MMO evil... WoW.

Lets face it, you can dress it up with as many hobbits, superheros, "grrl" elves in scantily clad armour that barely protects said elves nipples :teehee:, as you like... but it's all WoW, all the time!

Countdown until RJ plays this game, finds out it sucks, and makes a post complaining about it.
I guess it's down to personal choice and for me nothing beats pre-cu SWG. Nothing. It was the only game I genuinely felt free and in control of my own destiny.

P.S Where’s is the HOT HOT Isobelle action which was promised.
Countdown until RJ plays this game, finds out it sucks, and makes a post complaining about it.

aka L-Day +2?

I guess it's down to personal choice and for me nothing beats pre-cu SWG. Nothing. It was the only game I genuinely felt free and in control of my own destiny.

I agree. Too bad you can't get it anywhere in decent form. Laggy shitty private servers don't count imo. Part of the pre-CU SWG that made it bearable was always thinking those fixes were on the horizon though too. (the legendary "Smuggler Revamp" and whatnot) I don't know about playing that game with all the broken specials that were in it and thinking they'd NEVER be worked on, ever. And hoping they'd eventually take out recursive macros... But indeed. Best community, best community tools. Awesome crafting, awesome non-combat professions on the side. Combat was fun, and while a lot of the math was fucked and needed tweaking, you could play to it well enough while waiting on the needed fixes. (which of course never truly came :( )
I am sooo into the "can't play it anymore, but can't stop reading forums" mode atm. I have been playing with the powertools in the garage making bookends and a birdfeeder for my girlfriend, which means I track in sawdust and piss her off, thus negating my brownie points from aforementioned projects. /sigh.
I would like to thank you Ripperjack and NA.com in general for the following association I have developed....whenever my GF's yapdog barks I think of it as yiffing instead of yapping and regard it with deep suspicion.
Closed beta made that clear to me, I bet for 2 day after launch :p

Fine! FINE! Be that way... however the sad truth is, that you ass-hats are right. :mad:

A friend of mine, who drops by my place every week for our Sunday LAN sessions, got into the Warhammer beta 2 weeks ago and has been showing off the game during the said LAN sessions. From what I've seen it appears they've just taken the current DAoC engine and slapped in the Warhammer art assets. The boring "whack-o-mole" combat is still there, the faction grinding is still there and no matter how they try to dress it up with public quests, "smart" quest completion conditions and silhouetting, it's just another WoW clone.

So, with WAR looking more like World of Warhammer each day, and a very ugly looking one at that, I guess now all I have to look forward to is Age of Conan, Fallen Earth and trying to loose my virginity before I die... oh well, I guess two out of three an't bad. :shifty:
Age of Conan is looking to be the next Vanguard in terms of sucking ass at release. They might still have nipples though which is a plus. Warhammer just always looked pretty meh to me anyway. My friends that have played the beta all pretty much have the same opinion. They would rather play WoW as Warhammer is just a crappier version of the same shit.

I have gone back through several MMOs over the past year or so. Started last year playing WoW. After that I played Vanguard for a month. Quit that. Played a Valkyrie in DAoC to 50 and still think it is one of the worst MMOs ever made. Played a doc in AO to 145ish still love this games sense of style but levelling gets pretty dull. Picked up VG again and got my cleric to 50 PvP was entertaining but cheating is way out of hand. The VG guild I was in broke up so I got bored and tried playing EQ2 again. EQ2 being the most boring game ever created with the exception of LOTRO got old after like 2 days.

So I picked up EQ again. Levelled a brand new baby cleric to 80 in about a month and a half. Finished epic 1.0, 1.5, 2.0. Farmed up some gear and AA. Got burned out on it doing stupid endless tasks for various augments. Decided if I had to do endless gay questing I may as well just play WoW again.

Sooo... Back to levelling a draenei warrior in WoW. Not sure how long I will be able to suffer through it. I will be amused for like an hour doing something stupid and then lose interest, run around in circles for like 3 hours and then just log off and read a book or something. I have read like 5 novels in the last week between sessions of trying to enjoy WoW again.

Being unemployed with no real MMO fix is teh sux. It takes like 5-10 minutes to look through job postings (though I still only manage to work up the will to do this like once a week) and then I have nothing else productive to do. Someone please kill me. Maybe I will just go psycho with gamefly and hope playing through every ps2/3 and 360 title from the past 2 years will amuse me somehow.
You know your MMO life sucks when...

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