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Problem - XML Error : UIErrors.txt (1 Viewer)

Jul 11, 2020
I just performed the MQNext migration and now I'm getting the following "Error in your GUI XML files"


Not sure what is going on here as I'm able to load 1 account, but when I try any others I get this error.

I've attached the UIErrors.txt file.

Anyone know how to fix this?


  • UIErrors.txt
    25.7 KB · Views: 10
I just performed the MQNext migration and now I'm getting the following "Error in your GUI XML files"

View attachment 34304

Not sure what is going on here as I'm able to load 1 account, but when I try any others I get this error.

I've attached the UIErrors.txt file.

Anyone know how to fix this?
are you using some custom ui that requires a mqui.xml file?

because if so you will need to put that either in your custom ui folder, or move it into the resources -> uifiles -> default folder in your mq next install.

I'm not familiar with a "MQUI.xml" but that is what needs to be moved over somewhere that it can load
are you using some custom ui that requires a mqui.xml file?

because if so you will need to put that either in your custom ui folder, or move it into the resources -> uifiles -> default folder in your mq next install.

I'm not familiar with a "MQUI.xml" but that is what needs to be moved over somewhere that it can load

I don't believe I'm running any custom UI. I just searched my entire computer for that "MQUI.xml" file and didn't find one anywhere.
I don't believe I'm running any custom UI. I just searched my entire computer for that "MQUI.xml" file and didn't find one anywhere.
the uierrors says that is a lie =p

it is trying to load this ui:

and it is failing because of a missing MQUI.xml and also has a broken EQUI_BuffWindow
Think it's fixed now. I closed out of MQ2Next completely and logged in each toon giving the error. When into the "Load UI Skin" settings. Changed it to "Default" and selected "Load Skin". I didn't actually see anything change on my screen or layout. Camped out and then relaunched MQ2Next. Now they're loading just fine. Not sure what those UI Skin options for Caster, Hybrid, etc. even do, but seems MQ2Next doesn't like anything other than "default".

Last edited by a moderator:
Think it's fixed now. I closed out of MQ2Next completely and logged in each toon giving the error. When into the "Load UI Skin" settings. Changed it to "Default" and selected "Load Skin". I didn't actually see anything change on my screen or layout. Camped out and then relaunched MQ2Next. Now they're loading just fine. Not sure what those UI Skin options for Caster, Hybrid, etc. even do, but seems MQ2Next doesn't like anything other than "default".

View attachment 34306
It isn't really next that has an issue, that hybrid ui u were trying to load needs a file that next and eq can't find.

I run a custom ui with no issues.

The caster hybrid etc are folder you have inside your everquest ui folder.
MQUI.xml is automatically generated when it is needed. I think the issue is all of the other UI issues you had, like that you had a schema error in your default xml for buffs. You should make sure you’re not overwriting the default files if you’re using any customizations. A full file check from the EQ patcher should fix that.

Custom UIs should work fine with MQ as long as they also work fine with EQ.
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I had the same problem when I started using zlliz UI. Works fine on my warrior but crashes my cleric, same error. It has to be MQ related in some way, since that UI file is generated.
I got this error by auto login. Tried everything restore to defualt UI, delete all files connected to the char. Nothing worked, but deleting the the autlogin for the specific toon and redo it worked. This only happen on 1 of 15 chars.
It isn't really next that has an issue, that hybrid ui u were trying to load needs a file that next and eq can't find.

I run a custom ui with no issues.

The caster hybrid etc are folder you have inside your everquest ui folder.
I realize this is kinda old, but this issue wasn't really resolved in this thread, and it is still an issue. First thing to note is that I make custom UIs, so I am familiar with how EQ does their UI stuff.

I am almost certain this is an MQ issue and not an EQ issue, or a custom UI issue, per se. All of the people above who get the OP error message has some issue with their UI... most likely a custom UI. When there is a UI error, there is a UIErrors.txt file generated and you can see what the error is. There is a variety of things that will make a UI not load, and why is irrelevant. When it fails, it attempts to load the default UI. When MQ is active, this is the error I get in the UIError.txt file:

[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Error reading XML.
[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.
[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Warning: file MQUI.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Default\.  Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Couldn't open or read UIFiles\Default\MQUI.xml
[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Error reading XML.

MQUI.xml doesn't exist in EQ. There is a EQUI.xml file which is the first xml file loaded when loading a UI. It is basically the 'directory' xml that defines all of the xml files to load. I believe that is a (possibly virtual) MQ file. This is the error that I get for the same syntax error in my custom UI when MQ is not running:

[Wed Jun 22 12:12:22 2022] Error reading XML.
[Wed Jun 22 12:12:22 2022] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

And the toon will load correctly with the default UI.

Again, I apologize for resurrecting this thread. I wasn't sure if I should make a new thread and reference this one, or resurrect.
I realize this is kinda old, but this issue wasn't really resolved in this thread, and it is still an issue. First thing to note is that I make custom UIs, so I am familiar with how EQ does their UI stuff.

I am almost certain this is an MQ issue and not an EQ issue, or a custom UI issue, per se. All of the people above who get the OP error message has some issue with their UI... most likely a custom UI. When there is a UI error, there is a UIErrors.txt file generated and you can see what the error is. There is a variety of things that will make a UI not load, and why is irrelevant. When it fails, it attempts to load the default UI. When MQ is active, this is the error I get in the UIError.txt file:

[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Error reading XML.
[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.
[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Warning: file MQUI.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Default\.  Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Couldn't open or read UIFiles\Default\MQUI.xml
[Wed Jun 22 11:31:08 2022] Error reading XML.

MQUI.xml doesn't exist in EQ. There is a EQUI.xml file which is the first xml file loaded when loading a UI. It is basically the 'directory' xml that defines all of the xml files to load. I believe that is a (possibly virtual) MQ file. This is the error that I get for the same syntax error in my custom UI when MQ is not running:

[Wed Jun 22 12:12:22 2022] Error reading XML.
[Wed Jun 22 12:12:22 2022] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

And the toon will load correctly with the default UI.

Again, I apologize for resurrecting this thread. I wasn't sure if I should make a new thread and reference this one, or resurrect.
I don't think you understood what was said.

warnings are saying "this is potentially a problem check it out" - which as you mentioned, you are fmailiar with eq uis.

it specifically said it was looking in UIFIles\Hybrid where the op mentioned they weren't using a custom ui - which the stuff mentioned specifically states otherwise

the issue here is the buff window had a schema error in their default folder - which was tried to be loaded since their uifiles\hybrid\ folder didn't have one

[Fri Oct 22 09:13:32 2021] [Line:554 Source:UIFiles\Default\EQUI_BuffWindow.xml] Schema error - Expecting valid ElementType TileLayoutBox

which emphatically is an eq custom ui issue in that file

re: the mqui.xml
this is a file that mq2windows.cpp generates

// When EQ tries to read EQUI.xml, generate MQUI.xml instead
        // and redirect the read to that file.
        if (!_stricmp("EQUI.xml", strFileName.c_str()))
            if (GenerateMQUI())
                const bool result = XMLRead_Trampoline(strPath,

                return result;

which is what knightly said here:
@knightly said:
MQUI.xml is automatically generated when it is needed. I think the issue is all of the other UI issues you had, like that you had a schema error in your default xml for buffs. You should make sure you’re not overwriting the default files if you’re using any customizations. A full file check from the EQ patcher should fix that.

Custom UIs should work fine with MQ as long as they also work fine with EQ.

camping in and out fixing it suspiciously smells to me like a potential for antivirus/onedrive style file locking situation
I don't think you understood what was said.

warnings are saying "this is potentially a problem check it out" - which as you mentioned, you are fmailiar with eq uis.

it specifically said it was looking in UIFIles\Hybrid where the op mentioned they weren't using a custom ui - which the stuff mentioned specifically states otherwise

the issue here is the buff window had a schema error in their default folder - which was tried to be loaded since their uifiles\hybrid\ folder didn't have one

[Fri Oct 22 09:13:32 2021] [Line:554 Source:UIFiles\Default\EQUI_BuffWindow.xml] Schema error - Expecting valid ElementType TileLayoutBox

which emphatically is an eq custom ui issue in that file

re: the mqui.xml
this is a file that mq2windows.cpp generates

View attachment 40516
// When EQ tries to read EQUI.xml, generate MQUI.xml instead
        // and redirect the read to that file.
        if (!_stricmp("EQUI.xml", strFileName.c_str()))
            if (GenerateMQUI())
                const bool result = XMLRead_Trampoline(strPath,

                return result;

which is what knightly said here:

camping in and out fixing it suspiciously smells to me like a potential for antivirus/onedrive style file locking situation
I appreciate all that, and I appreciate that the OP may have had special issues. What I am saying is that MQUI.xml does not exist, and the client crashes, whereas when MQ is not loaded, it will successfully load the default UI. Whatever process creates MQUI.xml when there is a UI error (or whatever step creates it) is failing.

Just open any UI file in your custom UI and add some random syntax error. Go to your client and try and load that UI. It will crash the client. Unload MQ and try again. EQ will not crash and it will successfully load the default UI instead.

For people who acquire a working UI, this won't be an issue. But as a creator, it is crashing my client when I am trying to make changes... and invariably make a mistake. I'll look in the UIErrors.txt file to find out what error I made and fix it. I'd like to not crash in the process.

I am assuming that MQUI.xml replaces the physical EQUI.xml because MQ creates virtual xml 'files' that have definitions for specific UI elements added at runtime, for example the 'chaseme' button in the group window. I am just guessing, but I feel like that file MQUI.xml is just created in memory, not physically on your machine, and so when EQ tries to load default after an error, it can't find MQUI.txt since it isn't an actual physical file. That's just a guess though. I'd like to see the code in GenerateMQUI to be sure.

if you need/want to submit an issue or an MR you can do that (and it would be appreciated by lots of us) > issues <

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
So I was having this issue and found that my SSD was unexpectedly full (18gigs of log files). Cleared up space and the issue resolved. I'm assuming mq2windows.cpp was trying to generate a file and there was literally zero space available. Posting in case someone runs into the same problem later.
I'm a student and this is my first automation attempt, so I probably don't have much to add. I got this error launching from EQ from another application.

I don't have mq2 installed on my machine and I haven't played the game on this PC but managed to get this error. I don't know anything about MQUI.xml.
but I feel like that file MQUI.xml is just created in memory, not physically on your machine, and so when EQ tries to load default after an error, it can't find MQUI.txt since it isn't an actual physical file. That's just a guess though. I'd like to see the code in GenerateMQUI to be sure.
the EQUI.xml is a file is in the "EverQuest\uifiles\Default" folder.

Looking at the assembly sub_routine for loading the UI files in IDA pro, it seems to just run it at start up. I think it tries to load a custom UI, if it fails, it backs up to default EQUI.xml

It bases the paths from Everquest folder. If you do something or something happens to where you change the exe files working directory. It won't find the xml files and will give the "Error in your GUI XML files".

Reading the posts, it seems the two known conditions to generate this messagebox error are:
1. It finds the xml files and fails to load them. (logs errors)
2. It doesn't find the files because it's searching from the wrong directory. (Logs no error)
Pretty sure the original bug was fixed sometime last year. EQUI.xml and MQUI.xml are different files, but the code is open source if you want to look at what we do.
So I was having this issue and found that my SSD was unexpectedly full (18gigs of log files). Cleared up space and the issue resolved. I'm assuming mq2windows.cpp was trying to generate a file and there was literally zero space available. Posting in case someone runs into the same problem later.
This fixed it for me. Thank you!
I just performed the MQNext migration and now I'm getting the following "Error in your GUI XML files"

View attachment 34304

Not sure what is going on here as I'm able to load 1 account, but when I try any others I get this error.

I've attached the UIErrors.txt file.

Anyone know how to fix this?
I just downloaded the game on steam and it is giving me the same error idk why can anyone tell me how to fix it
Problem - XML Error : UIErrors.txt

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