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Question - Whats the Best DPS Class out there right now? (1 Viewer)

Apr 9, 2023
Hey Peeps! Looking to start another few toons for some farming groups and want to know what you think the best DPS Classes are out there at the moment. My mage usually does the most DPS and ranger/mnk/zerk the 2nd most.

Just want your opinions!

Presently have
Since I rarely camp named camps once my characters are geared my definition of dps would be sustained without burns. For me that is my mages and rogues with my monks and beasts and the rest all close to each other but a little lower. Zerker and Rogue are at the top on burns with my Wizard showing up depending on type of mobs. These are all using CTWN plugs except for Wizard which I hear that is on the horizon to try soon. All my toons are group geared pretty much equal. I do have a bard in group almost always but when i swap chanty in the rogues seem to be top still with Zerkers winning the burns by quite a bit. Of course every expansion it seems to change a bit and also if there is a lot of undead bla bla. For me anyway the last 12 years or so the buttpokers have never let me down.
So much is going to influence this answer. A ber with good adps support around it is going to perform drastically different from one that isn’t. Rog/rng will have a boost vs humanoids. Are you non stop chain pulling or pull until mana is depleted and then recover.

Ber/mnk are in a really good place currently if they are supported.

Rog/rng are in good spots with high density blue con humanoids

Mag/wiz are in a good place if they are supported.
Hey Peeps! Looking to start another few toons for some farming groups and want to know what you think the best DPS Classes are out there at the moment. My mage usually does the most DPS and ranger/mnk/zerk the 2nd most.

Just want your opinions!

Presently have
How quick are you planning to max aa/gear (group or raid) Minimal gear will lean towards bard necro and mage. More gear will lean towards bard ranger zerker. You are not getting dps out of the cleric... but they will keep other stuff up to continue putting out dps ... Bard individually not great dps but even a minimal bard will dramatically increase the dps of the others in the group. Since you aren't talking on class but one class added to others those synergies need to be looked at

And yes warriors will do a steady not 'great' not bad dps with just attack on.
I don't actually have a Rogue, Monk or Ranger but my mage does the following sustained DPS in a caster group


All the toons are running CWTN plugins, are max AA'd and level 125 with mostly Tier 1/2 LS group gear. Druid does have a Fire/cold focus from TOL raid and also runs a custom BYOS spell set which I feel does a nice amount of DPS while not draining mana too quickly.

The above was from hunting Names in Moors of Nokk.
For my team consisting of SK/SHM/BRD/ROG/MAG/BST the rogue will almost always be the top performer. Be it on grind, mission, any type of mob. The only raid geared character is my tank. The rest have T1 LS armor/accesories and perpetual reverie weapons (dunno what tier weapon is this. T2?). SK is second when shes wielding a 2hander. However on long sessions the rogue will run out of stamina. A good candidate when that happens is when grinding Heroes are Forged. By the end of the cycle the rogue is like 5% energy or less. The mage used to have mana issues, not now.
Hey Peeps! Looking to start another few toons for some farming groups and want to know what you think the best DPS Classes are out there at the moment. My mage usually does the most DPS and ranger/mnk/zerk the 2nd most.

Just want your opinions!

Presently have
Mage or rogue...specially if you build a team around them...everyone else is ok and dependent on group makeup
For my team consisting of SK/SHM/BRD/ROG/MAG/BST the rogue will almost always be the top performer. Be it on grind, mission, any type of mob. The only raid geared character is my tank. The rest have T1 LS armor/accesories and perpetual reverie weapons (dunno what tier weapon is this. T2?). SK is second when shes wielding a 2hander. However on long sessions the rogue will run out of stamina. A good candidate when that happens is when grinding Heroes are Forged. By the end of the cycle the rogue is like 5% energy or less. The mage used to have mana issues, not now.
This is the team that I run and I am very happy with how it performs.
Rogue has been leading the pack for the last few expansions.

Especially when you have a lot of them and their Alliance just goes off like a machine gun.

Poison procs on everyone.....and i mean everyone.

I thought they were due for a nerf...but instead they gave us better ratio weapons! Just make sure you get the poison proc - "Injection Dagger" not the stun or magic proc ones.
@Mikey02 : what is your necs gear/aas compared to the mage(s)? Are they about on par?
At my everydays eveninggroup last week a naec came back after a 2 years break.
I noticed his relative low dps in group content and thougt, it was because hes 2 years back with gear an aas.
I wonder if the difference in your parses is based on similar equippment and aas-amounts.
If you are killing yard trash sure Mage and Rogue. But anything it takes time to kill just look at the DoTs on a Shaman who never runs out of mana. They are the biggest damage spells in the game.
For my team consisting of SK/SHM/BRD/ROG/MAG/BST the rogue will almost always be the top performer. Be it on grind, mission, any type of mob. The only raid geared character is my tank. The rest have T1 LS armor/accesories and perpetual reverie weapons (dunno what tier weapon is this. T2?). SK is second when shes wielding a 2hander. However on long sessions the rogue will run out of stamina. A good candidate when that happens is when grinding Heroes are Forged. By the end of the cycle the rogue is like 5% energy or less. The mage used to have mana issues, not now.

This is my main group as well.
Rogue has been leading the pack for the last few expansions.

Especially when you have a lot of them and their Alliance just goes off like a machine gun.

Poison procs on everyone.....and i mean everyone.

I thought they were due for a nerf...but instead they gave us better ratio weapons! Just make sure you get the poison proc - "Injection Dagger" not the stun or magic proc ones.
View attachment 59025

This. Hell even without alliance (I dont always pop just to measure on new teams) the rogue is still far ahead. I will say it’s a bit gear dependent. Im using NS or LS T2 weapons on my melee.

Every Now and then on the right burn a beast or zerk or ranger will jump up there, mage isn’t completely dreadful, but the rogues are just drastically ahead. It’s not uncommon to see 5mill+ dps on the rogues. I’m honestly surprised they haven’t been nerfed yet.
lol I dunno, I see Monks topping a lot of the raid parses now :) just sayin.
So I haven’t had a monk since I beleive TOL release. I’d be utterly shocked if thats the case but maybe I’ll add one next new group time. Just added a 3rd group thanks to heroic 100 update - and working on getting a real active range into my rotation instead of my normal tank, shm, brd, beast and rogue/ber or rogue/rogue etc…

I will admit my dps knowledge there is a few years old. I dropped the monk because they were that bad previously. Despite playing ever class max level except druid (could never get them to work well, another poor class for many expansions).

All that said I wish casters were decent. Once you have raid weapons casters just kind of suck.
This is true. With the new raid 2H it's even moreso. Monks have definitely caught up in raid DPS. I have no idea how they're performing in groups these days but I'd assume it's also very good.

Wa this just since LS? Definitely going to have to make one now. They were hurting for so long that I just gave up my monk groups and replaced with rogues. Glad they got a boost. Might have to add the monk group in before the end of the xp bonus.
This is truth right there. My guild, the top dps are 2 monks and a rogue.
Interesting as hell I’ll add a group with monk dps this coming week. I took off most of the last year and when I left monks out weren’t healthy. I will say ls raid weapons ratios seem to be a massive jump vs mob health.
I maked a fresh 100 group with the current hero free.
Sk, shm, bard, rogue, monk, zerk.

After 5days they are at 115 with ToL T1 gear, atm killing on ToV, monk is parsing first but of course not killing humanoids.

At 116 i will move out to Maiden so i can check vs humanoids to see what happens but i asume rogue will be first.

Anyways its a fun group hehe, im loving it
I maked a fresh 100 group with the current hero free.
Sk, shm, bard, rogue, monk, zerk.

After 5days they are at 115 with ToL T1 gear, atm killing on ToV, monk is parsing first but of course not killing humanoids.

At 116 i will move out to Maiden so i can check vs humanoids to see what happens but i asume rogue will be first.

Anyways its a fun group hehe, im loving it

Just a question, since I started a smaller group to play around with, but how exactly did you go from 100-115 in 5 days? I spent the last twoish weeks and im only at 103 lol. Also, i probably am terribly inefficient at playing since I'm still getting the hang of it all.
Just a question, since I started a smaller group to play around with, but how exactly did you go from 100-115 in 5 days? I spent the last twoish weeks and im only at 103 lol. Also, i probably am terribly inefficient at playing since I'm still getting the hang of it all.
Amount of play time, group configuration, outside group assistance, hunting location, gear, are the accounts gold and getting autogrant aa as you go etc will all play a factor
@Eltai86 , I appreciate the answer, but I understand all that lol. I assume I'm either not contributing enough time or hunting the right spots. I have an SK/SHM/BRD/MAG all gold setup with a rog/healer merc to fill out the spots until I get a better hang of it before adding 2 extra gold accts. They're all fresh heroic toons, and basically since this guy was able to go from 100-115 in 5 days, I thought to myself that I'm doing something wrong since I'm not even at 105 lol.

Toons aren't dying, except on named in TBM, and mobs typically go down fast enough for me to not seem concerned (anywhere from 10-60 seconds depending, but I've never parsed). I'll admittedly say I've only really been doing the daily heroics and running a few other heroics in the dead hills. Gonna assume my exp pathway is off chart or something and was kinda hoping for a point in the right direction lol.

Edit: just to note: i'm using KA on them and manually pulling with the bard. Takes about 30-40 minutes for me to run most heroics.
Question - Whats the Best DPS Class out there right now?

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