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What do I remind you of? (1 Viewer)

Airsoft is for Army wannabe's.

Oh and before you jump down my throat that's the opinion of a guy I worked with who plays airsoft weekly but won't join the army "cos it's too dangerous man!"
A guy with a funny "beware the owner" sign.

Black, with that logic you could say a person who likes FPS games are army wannabes.
alucard said:
A guy with a funny "beware the owner" sign.

Black, with that logic you could say a person who likes FPS games are army wannabes.

My mummy doesn't let me play FPS shooters, she says that I might get influenced by the violence and shoot my daddy.
Elvenhunter said:
My mummy doesn't let me play FPS shooters, she says that I might get influenced by the violence and shoot my daddy.

Beware of the chainsawing children...
alucard said:
Black, with that logic you could say a person who likes FPS games are army wannabes.

Not at all. The difference between an FPS and Airsoft is pretty clear:-

FPS's allow people of all ages and fitness levels to sit at home in the warm and dry, distanced from the "combat" in an obvious way... They can fly all manner of machines, drive cars, speed around in boats, be killed and "respawn", perform incredible jumps by firing rockets at their feet etc, and many of the games are based on technology of the future.

People who play Airsoft enjoy the act of running around in a "real but not real" situation, firing plastic ball-bearings at each other in a failed bid to get everything as close to "real" combat as humanly possible. This in itself is the reason they are "wannabe's" - They "wannabe" in a real army/combat situation but they don't have the balls or skills to do so in a REAL situation.

Kudos to Creed and various other forces members on here; I wouldn't do it because I don't have the balls or skills to do so and I quite frankly put a higher value on my own life than the pride of my decrepit country!

Then again neither would I run around a forest firing BB's at people to make up for my shortfalls...
all the people i play with, including myself plan to join the military. in addition we sometimes play with marines, and army recruiters
Ah see that's a different matter. If you're IN (r planning to be in) a military career then I have the utmost respect for you. It's idiots like the guy I used to work with who I feel are a waste of space.
I might join the military.. if there's a REAL war we can actually win. Not fighting terrorists that pop out of mommys every 10 minutes.
unknown405 said:
I might join the military.. if there's a REAL war we can actually win. Not fighting terrorists that pop out of mommys every 10 minutes.

i seriously just lol'd really loud after reading that... you pwn dude
After looking at the picture, you reminded me of a guy with an airsoft gun.

After reading your post about joining the military, you reminded me of myself. With half my IQ. And a gun.
fukFUCK U ALLFUK U ALLJUST JOKIN BOUT IT :bug :drink :# :mad: :eq1 :p :( ;) :confused: :D :mq2 :rolleyes: :judge IF UR LOOKIN 4 LEGENDARY ADD moondawgg and moonriser *(if u play WoW)*
draenei said:
fukFUCK U ALLFUK U ALLJUST JOKIN BOUT IT :bug :drink :# :mad: :eq1 :p :( ;) :confused: :D :mq2 :rolleyes: :judge IF UR LOOKIN 4 LEGENDARY ADD moondawgg and moonriser *(if u play WoW)*

OMGWTF?!?!?!?! j00 R n0t t3h play WoW?!?!?!? GTFU n00bz0rzzzzz!!1!1!1111oneoneoen!

Barrens Chat FTW! Nuck Chorris > All!

Must be another obviously satisfied person we caught C&P...lmao

But we must start shaking in our boots now, he kmows all the RedGuides secrets....

What a loser :judge
What do I remind you of?

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