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[Warcry] Another great addition to Moorhunter. (1 Viewer)


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Jan 31, 2005
Before he was Moorgard the Community Manager of EverQuest II, he was well known in the Community as Moorgard of Mobhunter.com. His direct and on target news was nothing short of revolution in the EverQuest community. Hardcore players that wanted to see their favorite game succeed and improve spoke out and sometimes unleashed hell directed towards the game developers behind changes, additions and nerfs. People that come to mind “Furor”, “Moorgard” and not to toot my own horn, but myself. Recently Moorgard decided to create a section in the Official Forums dedicated to a blog he has been writing called “Moorhunter”. In his most recent addition Moorgard makes some very interesting statements that in addition to making me laugh, also made me really think about what Moorgard is saying.“Having great power might make us feel like a hero, but it doesn't really make us one. It's not strength or invulnerability that makes Superman a hero; it's his character. Even if we could fly faster than a speeding bullet, there aren't many among us who could act with the same compassion and decency that the Man of Steel is known for. Heroism isn't about being powerful or influential, but about making a stand to do the right thing, regardless of the risk or cost.We play video games to feel larger than life. We play MMOs to be the hero. And yet, look at the complaints we have: I'm not as powerful as the other guy; I'm not as special; I don't have the same loot; I don't have as much platinum. Imagine what the Knights of the Round Table would have been like if Galahad had quit because Lancelot did more damage with a sword than he did.”In a lot of ways newer MMORPG’s have been developed to accommodate to the more casual gamer and in doing so the hardcore aspect of the game suffers. Instancing is one of the major thing I know hardcore players dislike and over the last couple of months it has been one of the most annoying things in EverQuest II for the simple fact that most raids it’s harder and more time consuming to get the entire raid in the same instance then it is to actually kill the boss. Anyway, I’ll save this topic for another day. In the meantime please read the latest edition of Moorhunter titled Lights, Camera, MMO.

[Warcry] Another great addition to Moorhunter.

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