Since UHD-TVs are coming down in price (like http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DOPGO2G/ref=twister_B00DU8V3DW ), I was wondering if anyone knew if EQ supports the higher resolution.
And a related question: is it possible to zoom farther out than the interface allows? With bigger screens and higher resolution, I would really like to be able to zoom farther out (but maybe it is just me)
Since UHD-TVs are coming down in price (like http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DOPGO2G/ref=twister_B00DU8V3DW ), I was wondering if anyone knew if EQ supports the higher resolution.
And a related question: is it possible to zoom farther out than the interface allows? With bigger screens and higher resolution, I would really like to be able to zoom farther out (but maybe it is just me)
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