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Toast - Today is my Cleric's Birthday (1 Viewer)

Tradeskills? You're a masochist. CLR are the kinda characters who tell people they don't want anything for their birthday.
A good carpenter measures twice and cuts once. That's why it's smart to ask what premium resource people use for collections or tradeskills. I'm equally interested in collections.

I just bought TCN (Tradeskill Construction Set Next). I'm new to the whole TS thing and was quite shocked at the breadth and scope of this part of the game. Lots to learn (just like MQ) and finding out how much it is gonna cost me lol. But I started cause there were things I wanted, such as Jann's Veil, and Artisan Prize for 2. Wait til you read what is involved in just those 2 lol. Anyways, I am committed now and so no going back. TCN is a help, not huge, it certainly doesn't automate TS's for you. There are things you can do to alleviate some of it's short comings however, at least get around them. Like I said I am rather new to this part of EQ so still learning.

I never really got into the whole collection thing but I know there Lua's out there to help keep them sorted out and to help you buy missing pieces at the Bazaar. I have heard it is a real inventory monster. I also hear you need to go out and get as many of the collection bags you can get your hands on.

There is my opinion on what you were asking about. TS is a huge time sink (just trying to get all the mats to work on them is a huge time sink). I think collections would probably be more fun and engaging though, because at least you get to travel all over Norrath and see all the sights. Not too bad a deal. And get the Traveler (?) achievement while your at it.

I don't use any premium resources for tradeskills or collections, but I can say that I've recently found out just how useful having collects on hand can be.

I keep my accts rotating Overseers, and collection item dispensers are like my go-to there, even long after I acquired more than I thought I could ever need. When the free Heroics were offered I had thousands of dispensers floating around that really padded out exp / AA totals. I saved em for 110-115, used them as needed to complete AA lines, etc. So now I'm definitely gonna be a lil more organized with collects in the future so that I can cleanly hand off exp / aa / achievements / reward bags to fresh characters.

Tradeskills are a mountain, and the reward just isn't there unless you have a need / desire. I know I've seen you say you play on FV, so my vote would be go the collect route and let some other character fulfill any TS needs.

PS, Happy Birthday to your CLR. 🎂
Toast - Today is my Cleric's Birthday

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