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Question - To upgrade, or not to upgrade. That is the question... (1 Viewer)

Apr 19, 2024
HI all,
It has been over a decade (nearly two!) since delving into EQ and I find myself facing a dilemma.

Should I upgrade my box toons to Heroic and start on the higher level content, or
Level them from the beginning?

What do you see are the pro's and con's of each?

Your thoughts are valuable and I would like to hear them!
I personally would say that since it is your first time playing in years and years, and you are just starting to learn about the various class automation scripts that it would probably be best to start from level 1 and give yourself time to grow your understanding of your classes, the game in it's current state, and how to use and configure the class automation script(s) you choose.
If you choose to upgrade, you have one day left to have a free Heroic upgrade to level 100 with any sub or use of a Krono. If you can afford that, its a nice way to get a boosted 100 character that can play in a lot of the game. You can make newer characters at any time. Yu can also utilize the 100 to help level up any other characters you decide to make. This offer is a anniversary bons that will stop after April 20th.

That said...you are returning to a new world of EQ from 200 years ago, enjoy your ride, there is so much to enjoy and learn, PLUS....you will be playing it the RedGuides way which is FAR FAR more enjoyable than boxing it manually. The amount of tools that give Quality of Life feel to the game and not make so much clicking frustration, will make you smile. To not be dependent on Looking for Group will make you smile.
I think Delfnec has a point. It's great to start from the beginning, And 100 Heroic are also like new toons these days with lots of great bonuses. And if you krono your accounts you can raise them up and meet them with 3 more 100 gold players. If you are on the FV server I can give you some Plat to twink your low level toons but them armor and spells.
After reading through the replies I think I will start from Level 1 as from what I recall there was a lot to learn even then. Starting with a level 85/100 char would be a daunting task I think.

I remember back in the day that it was obvious to all when a high level toon was being played poorly, everyone being aware the account had been purchased for RL money so they could skip the content that would train them in efficient playing.

I would rather be the efficient one.

Cheers and Game On!
I would suggest you start with the beginning in the tutorial in Gloomindeep. Just do the basic quests from the NPC in the middle. No need to go all the way thru unless you want to. Approx time for this would be about 15 minutes. You will learn about mercs and some other new stuff.

Then download your maps (Good's maps and Brewell's) and set up your screens and hot keys all the Veteran Rewards that are now free to everyone at level 1. Nothing covers that little gem. They are listed under your AA tab then "special" Most important one is Throne of Hero's which ports you to the lobby.

Then go to Arias and say "I am ready to leave" - this will port you to POK. Now go to Secalna Galnor and finish out the tutorial quest with "Out of Gloomingdeep" these are again, short quests but more geared towards how to get into a guild, or do the baz etc. Free bag and some other stuff. The difference is these can be done at any level (even up to top level) whereas the mines themselves kick you out around level 15 and you cannot go back.

Now go fight and kill in real zones - your choice which ones. By this time you will be about level 20. After a bit of this you can then decide if you want to boost to 100 or kick around a bit more until you feel ready.

Bottom line is that you do not have to go 100 asap. You can play it both ways. Low level and then go high.

Don't worry about how others think you play, I have seen some players that really make me question what the heck are they doing? And I am sure things I do make others think I am a bad player. Its like pot calling kettle in most cases.
Another thing to consider, don't make alt chars on old accounts, make new chars on new accounts. It'll save you from the issue of deciding to swap chars later if you get tired of something and want to change out a class. (I'm not personally a fan of personas)

With automation, having more chars to play is more fun!
you don't have to use the heroics immediately. I would start over at 1 with a decent group makeup and do hero's journey, it will keep you geared and let you get more gradually acquainted with what modern EQ has become.
I personally would never level up another toon from scratch myself. I have all my Hero AAs maxed out on all my toons and the grind in my opinion is far easier than redoing all the mercs/parts. Now if you're like under 45 in each catagory then starting over is actually easier because you can get to 45 by doing the paragons and mission achievements. Also if you have artisan prizes then that might be a consideration into whether doing a persona vs an alt. Just my thoughts.
I started playing again after over a year off after main was banned and started group from level 1 on FV They leveling slow but its fun there is stuff that i will do as they level and i know if i went right to heroic 100 i just wouldn't bother with doing , I raided for about 17 years so the need for the latest gear has been burnt out of me ;), I am just enjoying the journey when i get chance to get on
Question - To upgrade, or not to upgrade. That is the question...

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