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Problem - Tabbing to other characters (1 Viewer)


n1 have 1 cool trick?
Nov 3, 2018

I did not have a problem switching characters prior to this patch. I usually play Full screen mode and I use the Windows key to switch to other boxed characters. Ever since this patch its not easy to switch to another character. I have to click several times to get to another character.

I have done all the game updates and driver updates. Computer is new and plenty of ram and graphics card is capable.

Anyone else have this problem and any fix for it ?
emphatically recommend not playing in fullscreen. EQ doesn't want folks to play in fullscreen (they default to windowed these days) - going fullscreen and tabbing around can lead to crashes and such
As Sic said if you do full screen and tab back and forth it leads to the Device Reset 0 error that still rears it's ugly head ever now and then.

Edit: Sorry actual error is

Reset device ()​

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Problem - Tabbing to other characters

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