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Question - Spent AA's unwisely... can they be reset? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Dec 8, 2014
The title says it all. I spent all my AA's on one of my characters and now want to reset them. How can this be done?
like Pokemon ... you got to collect them all - 43341 for a shaman. About 6500 of those probably go into fortifying the dishlickin' dog (who at 103 would still get owned by level 79 Heroic Mage Earth Pet).
 Dear customer,

Thank you for contacting Daybreak Games customer support. We 
have reviewed your ticket and are unfortunately unable to assist
in your request to refund assigned alternate advancement points. 
At this time, please feel free to reacquire additional points through 

Someone who doesn't give a fuck.
Question - Spent AA's unwisely... can they be reset?

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