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Question - SK/Brd/Mage - ok without slows? (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
So I'm still struggling to decide on my team, what I do know is, I don't want to manage more then three characters. At this point, I'm seriously leaning towards option 4.

My options are as follows:

1) 112 SK / 116 Bard / 78 Mage (Still working on getting mage within level range).

2) 121 BST / 116 Bard / Mage (once in level range)

3rd) option ( but costly)
121 BST / 116 Bard/ 100 SK (bite the bullet and remake SK on 3rd account). Cost associated would be the $40 for boost, $40 for LS expansion (eventually) and of course $20 for MQEaskay. As you can see, even though I like this trio, there is a cost to get it up and running. I'll have to redo the SK epic, ect...

4) Screw it, I just play two characters and switch back and forth between SK and BST as desired. (If I go this route, any recommendation on a good grind spot where SK/Bard + 2 mercs could get that 112-115 knocked out, and then again 115-120? Don't want any instances, just good old fashion grind.
bard can slow my man. Unless you really love your mage i'd consider sk, bard, rogue....merc healer, 2 merc rogues

I suppose my question was more tailored too, will the Bard slow be enough? Either group I run, weather it be SK / Brd or BST / Brd my issue is usually dps. Therefore you suggestion about the Rogue, is a good one. I've also considered a Zerker. I like the idea of something that doesn't need a bunch of spells to buy, and can thrive just fine on group gear i get in the world.

Thank you for your suggestion.
i run a 125 gold sk, and a ftp team 120 rogue, zerker, shm atm. My rogue quite often out dpses my whole team on humaniod mobs.

This is very helpful, I need something low attention, thought and money, because its just to add dps to the characters I actually care about, my SK and Brd. Thanks for your help. Now I just need a strategy to get one leveled up or maybe i just buy the freaking boost.
Lots of guides on how to power lvl a toon up fairly quickly using ur sk! And you also have a mage for a ds on the baby toon so should go ez peasy if you want to bake one from scratch
Lots of guides on how to power lvl a toon up fairly quickly using ur sk! And you also have a mage for a ds on the baby toon so should go ez peasy if you want to bake one from scratch

I have the 112 sk and on the Bard accounts is a 111 druid. So I should be able to PL something without too much trouble I guess. I'll search the forums a guide.
if you are only doing 3 accounts I would suggest SK / SHM / BST / rogue merc / rogue merc / rogue merc
Having anything other than a shaman for heals is overkill and having a cleric for group content will make you lack in DPS.
if you are only doing 3 accounts I would suggest SK / SHM / BST / rogue merc / rogue merc / rogue merc
Having anything other than a shaman for heals is overkill and having a cleric for group content will make you lack in DPS.
However, if you can do 6 accounts: SK / SHM / BST / MAG / ROG / BARD
That is the order of importance imo.
I suppose my question was more tailored too, will the Bard slow be enough? Either group I run, weather it be SK / Brd or BST / Brd my issue is usually dps. Therefore you suggestion about the Rogue, is a good one. I've also considered a Zerker. I like the idea of something that doesn't need a bunch of spells to buy, and can thrive just fine on group gear i get in the world.

Thank you for your suggestion.
So your Bard can slow your Bst can slow you can get a belt for sk with crippling on it and when sk dodges, Blocks or Avoids it will slow. I use this belt on sk most times on pull in of mobs they already slowed from running through mobs agroing them.
So your Bard can slow your Bst can slow you can get a belt for sk with crippling on it and when sk dodges, Blocks or Avoids it will slow. I use this belt on sk most times on pull in of mobs they already slowed from running through mobs agroing them.

My BST are SK are on the same account. That's why I listed that out as my possible options. I wish they were on separate accounts because I would love to just do SK/BRD/BST but I don't have that option. Maybe like you said with the belt slow, and bard slow that will be enough.
So I'm still struggling to decide on my team, what I do know is, I don't want to manage more then three characters. At this point, I'm seriously leaning towards option 4.

My options are as follows:

1) 112 SK / 116 Bard / 78 Mage (Still working on getting mage within level range).

2) 121 BST / 116 Bard / Mage (once in level range)

3rd) option ( but costly)
121 BST / 116 Bard/ 100 SK (bite the bullet and remake SK on 3rd account). Cost associated would be the $40 for boost, $40 for LS expansion (eventually) and of course $20 for MQEaskay. As you can see, even though I like this trio, there is a cost to get it up and running. I'll have to redo the SK epic, ect...

4) Screw it, I just play two characters and switch back and forth between SK and BST as desired. (If I go this route, any recommendation on a good grind spot where SK/Bard + 2 mercs could get that 112-115 knocked out, and then again 115-120? Don't want any instances, just good old fashion grind.
Pretty sure tank classes in high end game get slow belts...so technically you could get by without a slower as long as you're waiting to wait for proc and get take the hits..i'd recommend getting a healer tough...that's a shit group if you're going to rely on healer merc either way
I've also thought of boosting a Cleirc, just because I've had one in the past that I put a lot of time into, it had both 1.0 and 1.5 epics. I know everyone says shaman, but for me, if i pay for a 100 boost, i want it to be a character that I've actually leveled before. So that combo would be SK/Brd/Clerc with 3 x rogue mercs.
I've also thought of boosting a Cleirc, just because I've had one in the past that I put a lot of time into, it had both 1.0 and 1.5 epics. I know everyone says shaman, but for me, if i pay for a 100 boost, i want it to be a character that I've actually leveled before. So that combo would be SK/Brd/Clerc with 3 x rogue mercs.
@cintile That setup is money, pop for the CWTN plugin on that healer if you haven't already.
sk,shm and 4 mages - is my vote

i run SK, SHM , ENC and 3 mages - but i do drop out the enchanter for 4th mage if the camps are under 3mobs a pull

4 mages with air pets and you wont need the shammy for heals much
also of note...In Rain of Fear expansion, the bard class weapon is a longer duration slow that is instant cast so can be used without breaking melody. The raid version gives you the better slow, but those raids can be one-grouped these days which is how I upgraded mine :P A also picked up lady's entreat in that expansion so I can pull with tash and land the slow on incoming. It's a pretty great combo for the bard class and will always be relevant/useful, unlike the other class weapons.
Question - SK/Brd/Mage - ok without slows?

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