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Question - PL lvl 75-85 (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
Ok, So I decided to dump my wizard for a warrior and get a real tank in my group. I'm currently finishing my lvl 85 climb but wanted to see where folks were doing the final 10 levels (75 to 85). Right now I'm in Vald, and getting to the point I can't just pull the whole zone anymore. I have to actually stand up on my main toon while PLing now. I could probably continue DSing the mobs down, but I only can get a 900 point DS with my current group makeup. (Bard, campfire, Innate DS/Potion)

What you guys think? After lvl 82-83 vald mobs start going light blue. I'm tempted to just stick it out here (hot zone mod %) till mobs LB then move to Frost crypt to finish the 85 climb, but wanted to see if anyone else had a better idea.
The Grounds on a 105 Berserker or Warrior. Warrior AND Berserker can literally pull the entire zone. Rampage will kill 80% of it in my experiences.

If you're hunting, 75-85 blows. I'd stay in Valde.
Noob, I am leveling up a new set of Heroic toons. I just did 85-90 in the grounds fairly efficiently without a higher level toon powerleveling. Even w/o Hotzone xp it's silly good still.
Thanks all for the comments and PMs ;) I'm just trying to get to 85 so I can toss them in my main group that is spam killing in EoK atm. Its the 75 TO 85 that sucks. Once my warrior hits 85... I'll take him to 105 in a day ;) Just getting sick of bulk pulling into my monk and having DS whittle them all down.
Thanks all for the comments and PMs ;) I'm just trying to get to 85 so I can toss them in my main group that is spam killing in EoK atm. Its the 75 TO 85 that sucks. Once my warrior hits 85... I'll take him to 105 in a day ;) Just getting sick of bulk pulling into my monk and having DS whittle them all down.

You may know this but you can group a 105 with a 75.
Question - PL lvl 75-85

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