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Now everyone's a geek?? WTF!! (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 5, 2006
While bouncing around the net, in-between coding projects trying to find something mildly enjoyable in this the train-wreck of my life, I found this little gem...


What I found especially offensive was this comment...

"So there you have it – everyone’s a geek nowadays."


I am NOT sharing my mantle of IT guru, computer gaming, virgin computer geek with ANYBODY! PERIOD! >:( I spent many years of social isolation, school yard bullying, female rejection and teen suicidal depression to have the mantle I have long suffered for now adorned to every man, child and it disgusts me to say... woman, :ralph: just because they happen to play World of Warcrack!

Just because you happen to play a computer game, shovel out the door and down the throat of the unwashed, main stream gaming public, does NOT mean you are a computer geek!
i was a geek from the minute i opened config.sys in edit.exe to try and sqeeze more memory out of what little bit emm386.sys was giving me. graduating from maniac mansion on an orange and black monochrome to the full render splendor of monkey island on an EGA was like stepping into the light.

i am now the undisputed internet authority on hammers, axes, and pecan pies. i even have my own stalker.

let those bitches think they're geek.

they have no idea.
I'm no geek! Pfffffff, maybe I play a little videogame from time to time, and spend a short amount of time per day behind a PC... I'll never be a geek!!!
You are all geeks, but not me. Oh no, sir, I have a life...with meaningful stuff...
I mean...I could beat you all up, if I wanted too...
*You are not a geek*
Now I'll go cry...uhm... bang a random chick and go to sleep!
I do software engineering at uni. I am, however, very careful with the mantle 'geek'. There's a guy on my course who has long, greasy hair, speaks in a high-pitched voice and is 'in your wireless network logging your packets'. He scares me deeply. I'd say I'm a geek, but he's just wrong.
I went to the GameStop launch of WoW:Burning Crusade. They open the store at 11, and sell at midnight. You stand around the store with a bunch of people who are trying not to look at each other. I'm trying to score interviews with the people who are like-- the guys who just want to fucking get home and get level 70 first on their server. So... I brought my Samsung Q1 UMPC along with logitec webcam, and nobody fucking wants to be on the camera because they just know they're going onto the internet. They have no clue who I am, but it can't be good.

I finally shot video of this guy who was there with his friends (obviously not a REAL geek because he had friends, right?) and this other guy who was dressed up as an undead priest.

So like, okaaaaaaay--- I was standing there with the same computer that I was going to use hours later to actually PLAY the game (by grabbing a copy of the game via wireless network from a computer that had already had it installed and the patches downloaded-- otherwise it takes fucking forever) and they're staring at me, and I'm staring at the creepy dude. Man, that guy with the face paint was scarier than a fat dark elf at EverQuest 1 fan faire of 2000; scarier than a man in a cat costume wearing paint and singing the theme to Cheers in Chicago in 2003. It was like one big triangle of "WTF IS THIS?!"

Well... okay, not that scary.

Anyway, it occured to me then, that there are all sorts of different forms and levels of geekery. Just ask That One Guy.
I'm trying to score interviews with the people who are like-- the guys who just want to fucking get home and get level 70 first on their server.

I talked to the security guard playing "bouncer" at the front of the EB I went to for the midnight release. I said he must have been the envy of all his friends for scoring that job, & he said "yeah", but I couldn't help but wonder if there wasn't a bit of sarcasm in his voice...
No, there is only one kind of geek and it can be defined by the following traits:

1. Do you have more than 2 friends who aren't related to you? No? Then you're prolly a geek....or an adolescent serial killer.

2. What do you consider grounds for friendship?
a. Emails and chats in cyberspace but not actually having met in person, face-to-face, mano a mano.
b. Spoke to in Teamspeak but again not actually met in person, face-to......yadda yadda...
c. All of the above AND you've seen some pix so you know what they look like but STILL haven't actually met in person, blah, blah...
d. Actually met in person, have known for more than a few months and actually hang out together, IRL, like outside your room, away from your PC.

If you answered "Yes" to either a, b or c above then you're prolly a geek........or a paedophile.

3. Do you wear glasses?
4. Do you or have you ever had zits/spots/acne?
5. Do you know what a *.dll file is?
6. Do you have posters of famous people on your bedroom walls?
7. Are you a virgin?
8. No, really, aren't you a virgin??
9. You didn't know that you're still a virgin if you've only ever "done it to yourself"?
10. Would you rather play on your PC than get laid.
11. Do you wish that you were one of the guys from Weird Science but in real life?
12. Do you wish that USB slots were bigger and more "O" shaped? And lubricated...a little?

If you've answered "yes" to any of the above you are a grade A, prime-time, sure-as-my-middle-name-is-Nelly, GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!
3. Do you wear glasses?
If you've answered "yes" to any of the above you are a grade A, prime-time, sure-as-my-middle-name-is-Nelly, GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!

Hmmm....number 3 will make a LOT of geeks.


So... Ozzy Osbourne is a geek all along... :shifty:

Lucky I don't have glasses...but wait...damn, "Do you wish that USB slots were bigger and more "O" shaped? And lubricated...a little?" fits my profile...
Hmmm....number 3 will make a LOT of geeks.


So... Ozzy Osbourne is a geek all along... :shifty:

Lucky I don't have glasses...but wait...damn, "Do you wish that USB slots were bigger and more "O" shaped? And lubricated...a little?" fits my profile...

Yes, No.3 does appear to be quite sweeping and all-encompassing...until you really think about it.

You need glasses for one of two reasons (or both!): You either spend too much time looking at computer screens resulting in short-sightedness - which makes you a geek OR you spend too much time wanking (i.e. makes you go blind gradually) - which means you're a geek cos everyone knows that the only sex geeks get is with themselves.
What about people who collect Magic: The gathering cards or play Dungeons & Dragons? This has nothing to do with computers, (it may be connected to virginity though,) and yet they still have a superior level of geek.

"Geek" is like the word "emo" what is an emo anyway? People are forever saying this music is emo because they are crying about how their gf broke up with them (those emos must go through a LOT of women, maybe I should become emo?!)
Does this then mean that Celine Dion is emo because she sings about lost love and tradgedy etc.? I like to think so because emo kids and their fringes shit me, as does Ms Dion and her robust, santa looking husband.

The same basic problems emerge when discussing geeks and nerds, some think it's "hip" to be a nerd and "cool" to be a geek but nobody really has an simple explanation of what one is.

I like to think I'm a geek because I get my kicks from stupid things, but then maybe I'm a dork? I'm so confused, is watching "Dr. Tran" on youtube a geeky thing?

So basically I haven't really solved anything at all really, if anything I've created more questions about definitions and comparisons.

I guess it all comes back to the ancient arguement of the axe and the hammer, you all know it and just like the axe and hammer arguement, I guess we'll never know the answer.

Well that's my two cents anyways... oh and how about updating the front page more frequently? I have a large amount of time to waste at work in which I wish to look like I'm doing something, I NEED ARTICLES.

P.S. Please don't hurt yourself Woodshelf, you may be "emo" but you're still great!
What about people who collect Magic: The gathering cards or play Dungeons & Dragons? This has nothing to do with computers, (it may be connected to virginity though,) and yet they still have a superior level of geek.

I have magic cards! I play Dungeons and Dragons! I'm a virgin at 36! I am an UBER GEEK!

I've more than paid my dues to hold the title of geek and I an't sharing that with anybody!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the crossing of the line, Ripperjack has officially crossed the line!

There are some things, I just don't want to know...
This analogy is getting really convoluted.

Do you mean you prefer your sperm to be discoloured and to taste more sharp than normal sperm OR.....

.....do you just prefer mustard rather than mayo?

P.S. Ripperjack or (R-jack as we say on the street :yeahok:: ) has stepped over the line so many times he's like the top line-stepper-overer in teh world!
Mayo is disgusting. Make some other innuendo that doesn't involve something as gross as mayo please.
Well, I know you don't like mayo mven (lawlz I made an alliteration!) but I'm afraid mustard doesn't go with any kind of cheese let alone mancheese (spelt with an "s" NOT a "Z") so we're sticking with mayo...excuse the pun.

Please continue derailing with the mustard/mayo debate.

Could I possibly venture some small prompts? Which is better with pies? WHich is better with raw veggies (a la Isobelle)?

P.S. Also, just noticed how similar mayo, mustard and sperm really are!
I mean the first two are condoments and sperm is often found inside condoms
Now everyone's a geek?? WTF!!

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