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Discussion - No direct healer in group. (1 Viewer)

Oct 20, 2015
So, I have been messing around with group compositions and I found one I really like but not sure if it viable at high level because it doesn't have a real healer.
I haven't even remotely gotten close to death at any point, but I only leveled to 50 so that isn't saying much. I was thinking about going back to live with this group, but should I not do it because of no true healer? I do want to be viable towards the end of the game so if this isn't going to work would like to know for sure before I put in a ton of effort. Thank you in advance for all input. What would you recommend replacing if you would switch out a class for a healer if you were to do that?
with sk, no healer can be doable with bst and even rng with some backup - problem ends up being if you try and do events that require group healing and cures.

you should drop the rng for a shm ;)
Discussion - No direct healer in group.

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