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Guide - Multiple Heroic (lvl 85) accounts (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
I made a bunch of heroic accounts, so I should only be allowed 1 per household.

Here's how I got around that restriction:

  1. Sign up for a new account with a fresh IP
  2. Log in with a fresh IP.

So far I can make as many heroic characters as I like, using a new IP each time.

Unfortunately, if I've already logged a character on and gotten the "0 heroic upgrades available" this method won't fix it.

edit: It looks like the fresh IP is crucial. A proxy won't work - at least not for me. I've tried proxy tunneling and can't get it to work with EQ's ports. I believe you need a fresh VPN each time. I'd link some VPN services, but then we'd all be using the same one.

  • VPN (some vpn services allow you to use all of their IP's for one low price) - be warned that several public VPN's have been hammered by EQ players, so they won't work.
  • Tether using your mobile phone's data plan. Rebooting the phone an get you a new 3g/4g IP.
  • Coffee shop + laptop.
  • Change the mac address on your cable modem (thanks EQMule)
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If your ISP provides dynamic IPs and not static, you can also force a reconnect. Sometimes you might have to do it two or three times before a new IP is assigned.
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I highly recommend tethering. Root your phone ASAP. I'm able to get a new IP over 3G everytime I reboot the phone or flip wifi on & back off.
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My phone is rooted. I'll give that a shot. Just tried to create a new account with a VPN and didn't get a heroic. I didn't delete any files either though, just wanted to see if the IP only would do anything. I'm going to do a fresh install on my laptop and go from there.
I just connected to a free VPN service I googled and setup was very easy. Deleted the .ini files and created a new EQ account, opened the launcher and logged in. It then says "cannot establish internet connection" (can't get to server list). Are they blocking known public VPNs or am I missing something?
Thanks Redbot I tested out a few and finally found a VPN that worked. Looks like I missed some .ini files... *scurries off*
I'm on my 10th character now :)

Updated OP to make it clear which files I'm deleting. If anyone can figure out which one of those is the file that's checked, that would save some time.
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Following those steps deleting files worked for me. Using a cell phone wifi tether. All i do is turn phone off then on, reboot computer, reconect to phone. create email account, then create eq account. create the toon and heoric every time.

after looking at all the files that get a date modify, the only one that i see that could be the culprit is the Uninstaller.soe file. looks encrypted. will test and edit post if its the file were looking for.
I believe I've found the only file you need to delete:

Rich (BB code):

That and a new IP should work every time. I've made 16 lvl 85's today, it's time to take a rest.

bobbccatt - can you or anyone else confirm that's the only file needed?
I made 8, a mac address change in the cable modem and a restart of the cable modem gets me a new ip everytime... the vpn I used worked for a few but since I know for sure more players use my service, those ips went quickly... Im not even sure if that file is needed to be deleted, I didn't delete any files, just made sure I had a new ip before registering the account...
Ah, weird. It could be that the IP had already been used the time I tried it without deleting any files.
Hahahaha this is AWESOME! /cheer Redbot

With this trick I would like to ask how many clerics you need on a raid these days, there is an army incoming muahahaha =)
Confirmed delete any file that has any of your account log in user id.

like c:\evequest\accountloginname.characters.ini
i also have seen it c:\everquest\randomnumbers.characters.ini

The word characters is just that, NOT one of your actual characters names.

If you open the file it will list a character name for that account. the file only shows up after loging onto an account that has a heoric character. but not untill you log to another account as well.

and yes make sure its an ip address you haven't used or it wont work. so make a list of them that you have used. so you don't use it twice. i used a smart phone wifi tether. When i turned off the data and back on to get a new ip i got the same of 3 ip and had to keep trying to get a new one i didn't use. got 4 new lvl 85's
I just connected to a free VPN service I googled and setup was very easy. Deleted the .ini files and created a new EQ account, opened the launcher and logged in. It then says "cannot establish internet connection" (can't get to server list). Are they blocking known public VPNs or am I missing something?
The vpn I use for work I have to attempt to login sometime upto 20 times before it lets me in other times 1st try.
Unfortunately, if I've already logged a character on and gotten the "0 heroic upgrades available" this method won't fix it.

Hey, thank you so much for figuring this out. I can't get it to work though. Does the above quote mean that once you've logged on a heroic character, the account is doomed? I'm the slow guy that needs twice the explanations. If it's the case, how do you make heroic chars w/o logging them on?
If you've seen the message "0 heroic upgrades available" there's no way to change that, to my current knowledge.

To make heroic characters, you need to make an entirely new account on an entirely new IP. Still not sure about the file, haven't had time to test today.
Following those steps deleting files worked for me. Using a cell phone wifi tether. All i do is turn phone off then on, reboot computer, reconect to phone. create email account, then create eq account. create the toon and heoric every time.

after looking at all the files that get a date modify, the only one that i see that could be the culprit is the Uninstaller.soe file. looks encrypted. will test and edit post if its the file were looking for.

You might not need to create a new email account every time. Sony doesn't send an activation link or anything.
I made a Heroic Character and crashed zoning in from character creation. I re-logged and it had me boot the toon from the server... Well, when i got to character select he stood there in full gear but lvl 1. I still had my heroic character option available. So, I made another one and zoned in collected all the rewards and logged out. I then logged in the lvl 1, He had full 85 Heroic Gear,Two bags,Mount, and Orbs. Nothing else....
I made a Heroic Character and crashed zoning in from character creation. I re-logged and it had me boot the toon from the server... Well, when i got to character select he stood there in full gear but lvl 1. I still had my heroic character option available. So, I made another one and zoned in collected all the rewards and logged out. I then logged in the lvl 1, He had full 85 Heroic Gear,Two bags,Mount, and Orbs. Nothing else....

Did you get the plat?
Here is the steps I take to make a new account. as of 3/18 this method still works.

1.) Make a file to list all ip addresses i've used.

2.) Get new ip and add it to the list.
What ever method used to get ip is up to you. I use wifi tether on smart phone and reboot phone then reconnect to computer.

3.) (Optional) Log into any account you have created, and create any character and name it. That way you know its a good name.
Log into such character which is only way to know if its good name. camp out and delete character.

4.) Goto everquest install dir. aka c:\everquest\ sort by date modified. if you have played for long time. do a search for "characters"

5.) Find and delete any file named "accountloginname.characters.ini" or "randomnumbers.character.ini"
I also delete the new "charactername_servername_numbers.bak" file that was created when you deleted the character in game.

6.) Run patcher and create new account. create login, password, and the email doesn't matter. you can use the same one.

7.) Double check eq dir for files. Run patcher and log into newly created account. If you get "0 heroic" ip address has been used :( and that account is DOA and you can't ever get Heroic on it without paying. if you do get a "1 Heroic" grats. :D create your character.

Step Added 3/18
8.) For double rewards. After creating your character and clicking heroic button, while zoning disconnect your internet before finishing the zoning process. Close game and reconnect relog into account character will show lvl 1. Click heroic again and you will have 4 24 slot bags. The armor is mostly lore so will only be able to claim what isn't lore. Or you can just make a second Heroic on same account

Thanks to Redbot for finding the file that needs deleted and to C4urmind for discovery of the double reward bug.

ps. When i ran patcher I wan't running mq2. I Just created 5 accounts today this way. I now have 1 of every class. 16 lvl 85's.
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3.) Log into any account you have created, and create any character and name it. That way you know its a good name.
Log into such character which is only way to know if its good name. camp out and delete character.

I am going to give this method a try. I just don't understand the purpose of step 3. Why cant I just pick a character name at the time of character creation provided I follow all the other steps?
I made a Heroic Character and crashed zoning in from character creation. I re-logged and it had me boot the toon from the server... Well, when i got to character select he stood there in full gear but lvl 1. I still had my heroic character option available. So, I made another one and zoned in collected all the rewards and logged out. I then logged in the lvl 1, He had full 85 Heroic Gear,Two bags,Mount, and Orbs. Nothing else....

yeah this happens if you crash eq when its making the HC.. now for the cool bit..
Upgrade that char again and you get 4 bags 12 orbs 2 sets of food and water and 2 mounts.
you only get 1 set of plat/marks
So just a couple questions; just to make it simple and not have to delete stuff, can you just redownload the game in a new directory to be safe, on every computer that's connected to a "Different" ip address that's never been used to do this?

Would this allow you to create a new account, today, and qualify for a free heroic character?
Please le me know, thanks :)
Thanks mate =)

/hide off

- - - Updated - - -

Made around 20 accounts, but they updated something and it's not working anymore :S
Or is there an account limit on a single email address? Lol

EDIT: Made another email account to test it this evening, will let you guys now =)

P.s. is anyone still able to make heroic characters this way?
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step 3 is there so i can make an account login name that has my characters name as part of it, so i can know what character i'm going to get when i log to that account. It's just to help me keep track of the 16 accounts I have.

- - - Updated - - -

Double the upgrades confirmed. edited my previous post with the new step.
I just tested it and I was unable to create a heroic character using a vpn. However, I only have access to very public vpns.

On the 12th and 13th I made 10+ heroic characters and I did so without deleting any files, just by using a different IP. I also made them on accounts I'd previously logged on and saw 0 available, so changing your IP changes that too.

I'd be more inclined to believe that more people caught on and the public vpns are all used up than that sony changed anything, though.
So the fastest way to do this guys screw the VPN use android or iphone.. turn your LTE off (my Lte doesnt cycle IP addresses for some reason its set) so do it on 3g just tether to your computer create a new account on website, login with the patcher first time make heroic once done turn off cell data then back in ( wait like 1 -2 seconds) rinse repeate no VPN needed what so ever!

I have 4 of each class.. seriously FOUR of EACH class
Guide - Multiple Heroic (lvl 85) accounts

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