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MQ2CMessage (1 Viewer)


Sep 20, 2005
MQ2CMessage v1.2.0 (Updated 14-03-06)

MQ2CMessage v1.2.0

Created By: Cobalt
Purpose: Send a message through user selected channel ie) shout, say, tell etc. Since all languages are spoken at max skill (100) you can teach them to other PCs easily.
Usage: /message <targetname> <channel> <language> <message>

<targetname> PC/NPC Name ${Target.Name} ie) Jared or a_spider00
<channel> guild group shout auction ooc raid tell say
<launguage> common barbarian erudian elvish darkelvish dwarvish troll ogre gnomish halfling thievescant olderudian elderelvish froglok goblin gnoll combine eldertierdal lizardman orcish faerie dragon elderdragon darkspeech vahshir
<message> What you want to say to the target. Max Length = 2048

ToDo: Still haven't tested raid chat and haven't looked into custom chat channels.

09-03-06: Fixed a bug that caused invalid channel selections to default to guild chat. Thanks Spartan.
14-03-06: Added in raid chat.

Let me know if there are any bugs etc... If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Use at your own risk!

Note: Sending a guild message is local to the target player only. You must be in the same zone for it to work.
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thez said:
Bah humbug...no source.

hehe sorry uses packets. But it'll stay updated, so don't worry, I can't really think of any damage that can be done. But I'm sure someone will prove me wrong lol.
hehe sorry uses packets
Hmmm....and? Plugin source that uses packets has been posted before...

I can understand if you don't want to post the source, but packets are irrelavant ;)

Edit: Actually, I can understand you not wanting to be bugged about posting updated opcodes and such.
Yes and no. Not reinventing the wheel that's for sure(ie packet is available on this site), but the source requires headers that are not for the public. ie) contain a ton of packet sniffing routines and function detours, other mumbo jumbo. Plus my use of the packet is different than what's posted. And I'm lazy =)
Quick Suggestion, might want to change your naming convention as all of cronic's plugins are MQ2C<whatever> and people might start confusing you two.

(By the way, nice work, seeing something like this almost makes me want to download EQ again and see what exploits are out there I could build off of something like this)

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