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Macro help (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 26, 2005
I need a little help modding this mac. The problem I am having is when the person I am power leveling runs oor. Any suggestions?

Rich (BB code):
|powerlevel.mac by lep18, heal code taken from healtarget.mac by Macrofest (Thanks Macrofest!)

#turbo 40

#include spellcast.inc
#chat tell

#event thorns "#*#Your Shield of Bracken spell has worn off of newb101#1#"
#event regen "#*#Your Replenishment spell has worn off of newb101#1#"
#event skin "#*#Your Protection of the Nine spell has worn off of newb101#1#"
#event oak "#*#Your skin loses its oaken resilience#*#"
#event motf "#*#Your features return to normal#*#"
#event might "#*#Your Nature's Might spell has worn off of newb101#1#"
#event gate "#*#You have insufficient mana to cast this spell#1#"
#chat tell

Sub Main

/if (${Me.PctHPs}<10) /gate
/if (${Me.Casting.ID}) /goto :loop
/target pc newb101

/if (${Target.PctHPs}<55) {
/goto :heal
} else {
/goto :loop

/cast 6
/if (${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Mount.ID}) /sit
/goto :loop

Sub Event_Thorns

   /target pc newb101
   /call cast "Shield of Bracken"

Sub Event_regen

   /target pc newb101
   /call cast "Replenishment"

Sub Event_might

   /target pc newb101
   /call cast "Nature's Might"

Sub Event_skin

   /target pc newb101
   /call cast "Protection of the Nine"

Sub Event_oak

   /target druid101
   /call cast "Steeloak Skin"

Sub Event_motf

   /target druid101
   /call cast "Mask of the Forest"

Sub Event_gate


Sub Event_Chat(string ChatType,string Sender,string ChatText)

/if (${ChatText.Equal["Needarez"]}) {
/if (${Naked}==0) {
/delay 10
/tell ${Sender} Nothanks
/if (${Naked}==1) { 
/delay 10                   
/tell ${Sender} Sure
/call wait4rez

/if (${ChatText.Equal["camp"]}) {

/if (${ChatText.Equal["invite"]}) {
/target ${Sender}
/delay 1s
/delay 1s
/keypress esc
/if (${Target.Distance}>=100) /warp target (Bad solution to be warping everytime PL toon moves 100 locs away but best I could come up with for obstacle avoidance)

Could maybe set it to /tt (Tell's your current target) You're OOR come closer for heals
Thanks Mochila. Got it solved. :)

Rich (BB code):
Sub Event_Thorns

   /target pc newb101
   /if (${Target.Distance}>=100) {
      /delay 3s
      /goto :thorn
   /call cast "Shield of Thorns"
Macro help

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