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looking for hacks (1 Viewer)



:confused: are there any hacks for this game? i cant find any.

Whoops, sorry, hit edit instead of reply. - RL
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I would be kind of interested in Trade Skill Macros but i'm just starting to get into EQ2 so until i buy the game, im just searching/browsing atm on ideas suggestions :)
Sure. If you are out in the wilds of the internet searching, beware of macros posted before the march nerf patch. Chances are, they don't work as they used to. There is a great demand for working macros. This is an area that I want to strengthen on.

As far as trades go, chemists and provisioners seem to be pretty popular these days. As such, there are a ton of macros out there for them. And the people who write these are bright folks, and I applaud their ability to keep up with the changes in the game.

Let me know what you need, and I will get it for you.

And if you happen to come across something that you don't see here, don't be afraid to share. I am wanting to give some RedGuides rewards for people who will share these new, valuable and valid gems of information with the community. Beit a guide, strategy, a macro, or a game secret.
I am currently seeking macros for tradeskills, I have a prov, alch, tailor and woodworker. Also if possible are there any out there for gathering as well? I am NOT macro savey, I have run macros in uo and eq1 but do not know where to find them for this game :( Any help for an airhead ? :-P
Mayday said:
I am currently seeking macros for tradeskills, I have a prov, alch, tailor and woodworker. Also if possible are there any out there for gathering as well? I am NOT macro savey, I have run macros in uo and eq1 but do not know where to find them for this game :( Any help for an airhead ? :-P

Sounds like you'd want one with user support and a user-friendly guide.

ACTools is fee, and EverCraft is a pay one, but it's fairly inexpensive. I've read their guide, and it's thorough.

There are other sites out there which offer them, but they don't work.

I want to build up macros here. EverCraft gives their members support. You can download a free version of it on Kazaa lite and other file sharing programs... (EverCraft Version 2.3 doesn't work anymore) but if you want their support, you need to get an account there.

ACTools being free, has two types of macros. Ones that work, and ones that don't work. Lots of people write ones that don't work.

If there is anyone here who writes working macros in EQ2 for ACTools, I'll get them a free membership here.

In the meantime...
Here's Evercraft and here's ACTools.
looking for hacks

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