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Problem - Load all Starred NOT working (1 Viewer)

Mar 8, 2023
When I launch. MQ loads just fine. EQBC doesn't launch. All profiles have the same email, Name* Email on (profile) , I goto Launch all starred. Nothing Happens. I have to load all manual and its works ok, Seems laggy! I also have to /dgae bccmd connect to connect manually. Did I miss something?
EQBC should launch from the checkbox in the RedGuides Launcher, or at least that's what I do. Are your profiles corrupted maybe? First thing I would try is rebooting and then see if your problems persist. If so, I would try moving your autologin ini elsewhere or renaming it temporarily and seeing if you can create a temp profile.
EQBC should launch from the checkbox in the RedGuides Launcher, or at least that's what I do. Are your profiles corrupted maybe? First thing I would try is rebooting and then see if your problems persist. If so, I would try moving your autologin ini elsewhere or renaming it temporarily and seeing if you can create a temp profile.
Where would I find this autologin.ini?
OK i found that at 1 point fixed all the emails etc. It seem to have reset back. I fixed it again. Did a test and still didnt launch. Doesnt even try.
New note. After they failed to log in I logged in manually. When I loaded in I get a message New profile assigned. So I go back to what you showed me. Looked again and it reverted back to the orig email.
I don’t know what you’re saying because at no point do we collect emails.

What you need to provide
1. Clear steps on what you are doing
2. Clear explanation of what it did
3. Clear explanation of what you were expecting it to do

Plus any additional information about your configuration. Screenshots would be useful, just blank out the personal information.
What I had to do to fix this is.....

Open <Config>
Click on <Characters>
Right Click the Character that isn't working.... I had to do it for 6 of mine.
Choose the proper Account name from the drop down list
Re-enter the server short name
Re-enter the character name
Click OK

I had to do this for two separate 3 char profiles.
Problem - Load all Starred NOT working

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