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Question - Krono trades in game fail, I got both sides of the trade (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Apr 3, 2019
I am curious if anyone else has had this happen to them, it has happened to me twice so far with different trades, where I was buying an expansion ticket for Krono.

Then I traded 4 Krono for an expansion ticket (2 different occasions), and I got both the ticket and kept the Krono.
I then traded the Krono back. The first trade that worked.
The second trade (with a different player) the Krono disappeared, and I had to file a ticket to give the player their Krono.

I am just curious if anyone has seen this happen to them, where they keep both sides of a trade.
there have been huge server issues since yesterday. might be related

this happening recently or more than just the last couple days?

It happened today and about 8 days ago or so I think.
I filed a ticket to have the devs look at the transaction, because you should never keep both sides.
Just watch out if you are doing large trades.
I was able to trade a krono to 2 of my alts without any problems this last weekend. Wanted them to get the HF Armor feature for anniversary.

Now am trying to get their level 85 rear ends filled up with AA while they are All Access lol
I am curious if anyone else has had this happen to them, it has happened to me twice so far with different trades, where I was buying an expansion ticket for Krono.

Then I traded 4 Krono for an expansion ticket (2 different occasions), and I got both the ticket and kept the Krono.
I then traded the Krono back. The first trade that worked.
The second trade (with a different player) the Krono disappeared, and I had to file a ticket to give the player their Krono.

I am just curious if anyone has seen this happen to them, where they keep both sides of a trade.
Yes, i've had it happen to me this past week. I logged out and back in and it did take it upon relog
It should fix after relogging game

I tried that and it did not fix it. It is not clear to me if the support ticket was required to fix the issue, or if it would have auto resolved. And the real issue for me is that I got the krono on my account, the other guy did not get it.
I could have sold the Krono, and then that guy that traded with me in good faith would have been screwed (assuming they would not grant him a krono).
your saying its happened more than once which seems to be some sort of bug, but i have myself been in such a haste grabbed an item from bank with it on cursor and took it right to a person traded, and my stuff fall on the ground. Luckily I was quick enough to grab it off the ground.
I was able to trade a krono to 2 of my alts without any problems this last weekend. Wanted them to get the HF Armor feature for anniversary.

Now am trying to get their level 85 rear ends filled up with AA while they are All Access lol
ive stopped tryign ot trade krono unless im buying them with plat, not because of some bug but just ease of use. now that whoever mentioned in the Krono for redcents thread that you dont even haveto be on teh right server muchless check parcels, to get teh parcelled krono, i just parcel all my alts a krono and click from wherever they are. easy peasy
your saying its happened more than once which seems to be some sort of bug, but i have myself been in such a haste grabbed an item from bank with it on cursor and took it right to a person traded, and my stuff fall on the ground. Luckily I was quick enough to grab it off the ground.
guess i prefer it to be a pita to drop things on purpose, than easy to drop things on accident so i have always had that option off. actually, i thought it changed years ago. i remember having issues with crap falling on the ground back when i was initially maxing ts's in my first yearish so i fixed it, or they fixed it and i was relieved. cant remember now.
Another anecdata: Just lost a Krono selling remotely to /barter buyers. .

Two times I got a red failure message, the third time was the "charm" as Krono simply poofed.

I was able to run up and sell directly with no issues though.

These were Krono bought over the weekend for plat.

PS. If there was real duping going on I'd have expected to have no Krono buyers up.
Another anecdata: Just lost a Krono selling remotely to /barter buyers. .

Two times I got a red failure message, the third time was the "charm" as Krono simply poofed.

I was able to run up and sell directly with no issues though.

These were Krono bought over the weekend for plat.

PS. If there was real duping going on I'd have expected to have no Krono buyers up.
I've heard directly from 7 users in the last 48 hrs. on my server who've experienced this same failure we saw. Mine self resolved once I relogged, two of them I trust they are seasoned players. When they petitioned they were made whole by the GM's and were told there's a potential issue w/ duped Kronos.
I've heard directly from 7 users in the last 48 hrs. on my server who've experienced this same failure we saw. Mine self resolved once I relogged, two of them I trust they are seasoned players. When they petitioned they were made whole by the GM's and were told there's a potential issue w/ duped Kronos.

Damn - I petitioned and was not made whole by the GMs. They said it's a dev issue and they're "working on it" and put my ticket on hold. So for now I'm out the Krono that disappeared.
I was trying to eat kronos last night. At first it wouldnt let me. It took me a few tries with error messages untill i got it to work. Might not be related, but this hasnt happened to me before.
Damn - I petitioned and was not made whole by the GMs. They said it's a dev issue and they're "working on it" and put my ticket on hold. So for now I'm out the Krono that disappeared.
Same. I purchased a few directly from a Bazaar trader. My money disappeared but the krono never appeared. I was also put "on hold" due to it being a known Dev issue.
Same. I purchased a few directly from a Bazaar trader. My money disappeared but the krono never appeared. I was also put "on hold" due to it being a known Dev issue.
Call me paranoid...but this is probably intentional from DBG. I would speculate from their latest stunt their subs have taken a hit...this would be a great way to undermine the ftp model for people who use that currency to avoid subs.
Question - Krono trades in game fail, I got both sides of the trade

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