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Problem - Keymappings & Chat Colors || Every time I login, I have to re-setup at least 1 or 2 PC's (1 Viewer)

Aug 26, 2015
This started happening after the last major update with the MQ Launcher. Unsure if it's just coincidence or what.
In the past, with or without update to game or MQ, there was a very rare chance I would have to re-setup any keymappings or chat colors. Reasonably speaking it used to be about once every 6mo. Now it is every time I login for at least 1 if not 2 PCs. This is time consuming and very annoying.

I have no idea if it is actually based on EQ or MQ.
Nothing has changed with my build or installs save for the latest EQ update and subsequent MQ update.

I would greatly appreciate ideas and insights for this.

Do you load multiple characters using auto login? It seems that if there is a file conflict, the EQ client loads defaults for some items (and then overwrites them in your ini). For me, making eqclient.ini read-only fixed the issue. But I have to remember to undo that if I actually want to change things (and then make read-only again).
Do you load multiple characters using auto login? It seems that if there is a file conflict, the EQ client loads defaults for some items (and then overwrites them in your ini). For me, making eqclient.ini read-only fixed the issue. But I have to remember to undo that if I actually want to change things (and then make read-only again).
Do you load multiple characters using auto login? It seems that if there is a file conflict, the EQ client loads defaults for some items (and then overwrites them in your ini). For me, making eqclient.ini read-only fixed the issue. But I have to remember to undo that if I actually want to change things (and then make read-only again).
Yes, I load several toons at once on a regular basis.
Your answer makes good sense to me.
I will try that and report back on this... Thank you!
Problem - Keymappings & Chat Colors || Every time I login, I have to re-setup at least 1 or 2 PC's

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