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News - It is EverQuest’s 25th Anniversary! (1 Viewer)

Nov 29, 2017
No New items on Celebratory Vendor, but Mount prices were lowered. Many or all Heritage Crates are for sale. Krono consumption had 500 SC, a xp Potion and LoN card for options. No Crates.


It has been twenty-five years of quests completed, achievements earned, missions accomplished, zones traveled to and from, items and commodities crafted, and everything else under the Norrathian sun. We are so thankful that we get to celebrate this hallmark anniversary celebration with you all, and we look forward to the party continuing all year long!

Click to check out some amazing stats!

Every single one of you inspires us to keep developing new content, items, and just good old-fashioned gaming fun. We cannot thank you enough for being part of the EverQuest® family! We've even updated our Anniversary Page with fun details and amazing key art just for you. It’s with all this in mind that we offer some fabulous gifts.

All players will receive the following:

  • 50% bonus to experience gains for all players! (Bonus ends on April 1, 2024, at 1:00 a.m. PDT.)
  • A Royal Silver Crown for all your characters. (One per character; available until April 20, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. PDT.) *

Royal Silver Crown

All-AccessMembers will also receive the following:

  • A Darkpaw Torch Ornament for all your characters. (One per character; available until April 20, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. PDT.) *
  • A Level 100 Heroic Character (One per account; available until April 20, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. PDT) **
  • A Goblet of Adventure II (One per account; available until April 20, 2024, at 11:00 p.m. PDT.) **

Darkpaw Torch Ornament

What’s new for this year:

  • Quests: Alta the Frightened has seen things that simply shouldn’t be. They offer the quest Chasing What’s Not Real in Crescent Reach. Ghrald McMannus in Katta Castellum has a vested interest in figuring it out, offering Chasing Madness.
  • Mission: Continuing Ghrald McMannus’ investigations leads adventurers into Reflections of You, starting from Katta Castellum.
  • Raid: Speak with Ghrald McMannus to force an end to the madness in the event Inner Turmoil.

Gaius Lucianus

Returning events:

  • All the quests and the mission that was added last year.
  • Looking for adventures over level 100? Some of the earlier top hits included Sailor Twift with her Riveting Tales. Don’t have time to help spread Unity among the Gnolls? Head to the Plane of Knowledge and speak with Maitreya, the Maître D’. He needs some help making a Fancy Feast.
  • Not quite up to level 100+ quests? Don't worry; there are a bunch of lower-level quests. If you are not ready to head out for summer, stop by Geia Korrel and head back to school with School Supplies. Or if helping a lovesick Iksar is more to your liking, speak with an Emissary of Erollisi in the Plane of Knowledge.
  • No party is complete without eating some delicious Platinum Anniversary Cake in scenic locations. While you're out in the world adventuring, take the time to explore all the years of anniversary content.
Lastly, we are also un-vaulting the Past Heritage Crates. You can find these Heritage crates on the Marketplace from now until April 1, 2024, 1:00 a.m. PDT.

Check out this video for some highlights of the last 25 years in EverQuest®!
We cannot think of any better way to celebrate a whopping 25 years of existence than with you. And we’d have it no other way. Cheers, Norrathians, and here’s to all the memories—past, present, and future!

25th Anniversary Keyart

Click the image above to see the full-sized version. Like what you see? We also have the keyart in poster form for sale HERE!

* You must log onto each character during this time to receive the item.  The items will appear on your cursor.
** You must log onto each account during this time to receive the reward.  You may access the potion in the claim window. 
I agree the crown seems a nice fit. I have not checked on all races, but its nice. The feathered cap was great on most guys but some had cocked up or a little high up on the head
The Crown just looks like a silver helmet, not impressed. 14 of those crates in marketplace if you into that.

What is really special is how specific they are as to what accounts get what and how to claim them
News - It is EverQuest’s 25th Anniversary!

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