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IP Mask (1 Viewer)


New member
Oct 16, 2005
Ok, A few months ago when I was living on campus, I guess computing services was made aware of me playing EQ almost nonstop and using University network connections to do it. That's when I found this pgm. It's called Secure-Tunnel. It's a program that masks your personal IP address and masks your port activity (hence why I was able to reconnect on campus). I don't know what positive effect it might have for MQ2 users as to hiding your IP in game, but might be something worth looking into. The platinum version is only 9.99 a month, but there's a very cheap version at only 2.99.

Check it out for yourself: Secure-Tunnel
you, my friend, are just awesome :D :D :D now i can get half my guild back online and playin during week :D lol, couldn't firgure out how to get around campus firewall, now they can :)
Yeah there are free ones just look for proxy servers. :D You have to find one that will handle all the eq ports and not just 80 23 21 ect... There are books on how to do this. This will not help you not get banned on the eq side but it will get you around some firewalls.
Might also help you not get more than one account banned at a time if you are careful and using gamecards.
bror, how did you get this setup to work with eq? we are using sockscap and everytinhg but eq is working ok, like can do everytinhg p to the login screeen, where it says "no connection"
It will only say no connection if the host you are using doesn't support UDP packets. If you are using Secure Tunnel, then you need to open the program using Sockscap, with "patchme" after the command line shortcut. It should then work fine. Tip - Don't use http://www.http-tunnel.com for this kind of service as they don't support UDP datagrams :mad: Grr
how exactly would a host based prog protect traffic exiting a from a single router?

having a hard time wrapping my mind around how my router would know to send traffic to their proxies for masking purposes.
It's your PC that is tunneling the outbound traffic to the proxy. Once the proxy receives the connection it removes the packet from the tunnel and forwards it on to its new connection.

TCP is a connection oriented protocol (i.e. it is stateful), whereas UDP is not stateful, making proxying it challenging. It requires UDP session tracking in order to match up the return traffic to the original connection. Most proxy/socks solutions dont do UDP session tracking well, if at all.
What I meant was, not getting my IP tracked and my mains banned because of soemthing I do ona free account.
IP Mask

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