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I am so confused. (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 19, 2005
Ok. I am very new to this. My friend said something about this site and that it has cheats for EverQuest. I have looked at some of the posts especially CodeCaster's and got very confused. If someone could tell me everything that I need that would be great.
Hey there.
You can start off by looking in the guides section of the boards. There's a good amount of information there.
If you have any questions, just send me a PM and ill help you out the best I can.
Good luck :)
Stropfo said:
Ok. I am very new to this. My friend said something about this site and that it has cheats for EverQuest. I have looked at some of the posts especially CodeCaster's and got very confused. If someone could tell me everything that I need that would be great.


that is a good place to start so that you have SOME clue rather than showing up and saying, "I want to play MQ but don't know wtf is going on."

Do a little leg work, get some what of an understanding, then ask for help when you can't comprehend stuff.
You do not need VS 6 to run mq2. If you get mq2 from the macroquest website, you will need it to compile to be able to run it. If you get one of the precompiled version from the wonderful people here, VS6 is not needed. Just download it, unzip, then run it.
Ok. I am very new to this. My friend said something about this site and that it has cheats for EverQuest. I have looked at some of the posts especially CodeCaster's and got very confused. If someone could tell me everything that I need that would be great.

I work for Sony and i'm trying to get someone to be stupid and pm me their character name and server so i can ban them. Merry Christmas (^.~)
Storpfo -
I joined this website about a month ago, and I literally knew nothing.....after reading (and yes....rereading) all the guildes that people either created or pointed me to (thanks Cade/Army-) I am all set...it just takes time and a little effort....you have to try and experiment...and when you screw up your experiements like I would....just come back and post your question...you won't believe how fast it gets answered.
As I have said over and over "Note to self make sure you read before you ask!" That said I have found people will answer a specific question much faster then a general one. Ok the flame suit helped me get through that one too.

What I suggest is plug away until you hit a specific problem then ask how to get by it.... make sure you tell people what stopped you "I got an error such and such" or I went link dead as soon as I plugged in something. With that said just keep reading and watching these pages then you will start learning people here are good they just get beat for little shit sometimes and don't wanna deal with it ... (Don't blame them)
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NP we .. keep getting the same questions over and over.. so i created the Quicker reference guide.. posted above 8-)

i realize not all have the Leet Speak to understand everything.. we all learn


don't forget the red cents

<---- over there

Aye, if there are any problems you can post in Q & R, and/or you can join chat, there are usually a couple of us in there that can answer your questions, as you know hehe.
I am so confused.

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