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Question - How to make fellowship xp work? (1 Viewer)


Seasoned veteran member
Dec 30, 2019
I have 7 toons in a fellowship, 6 lvl 120 and a 91. I'm trying to get fellowship xp to work for the 91 with no luck. All are sharing and none are capped. What am I missing?
They way I believe it supposed to work is if you have 7 toons in fellowship all are sharing XP and one toon is offline. The offline toon gains a vitality pool. Once the vitality pool is full you will see capped by their name in the fellowship window. Then when you log on that toon and they start earning XP they get bonus XP and the vitality pool drains once the vitality pool is empty the bonus xp stops.
Don't forget to toggle xp sharing OFF for the toon while you catch up leveling with him, or it will share its bonus XP. Then turn it back on before logging (or from the fellowship master toon)
I think someone might have written a LEM for that portion too if I am remembering correctly. If not, one could be written. I never bothered with Fellowship exp, was so confusing, and just felt it was stupid to try and keep track of, manage, etc.
They way I believe it supposed to work is if you have 7 toons in fellowship all are sharing XP and one toon is offline. The offline toon gains a vitality pool. Once the vitality pool is full you will see capped by their name in the fellowship window. Then when you log on that toon and they start earning XP they get bonus XP and the vitality pool drains once the vitality pool is empty the bonus xp stops.
you must turn off sharing when geting exp on that toon b4 killing or all that exp is wasted back to sharing ,,,
They way I believe it supposed to work is if you have 7 toons in fellowship all are sharing XP and one toon is offline. The offline toon gains a vitality pool. Once the vitality pool is full you will see capped by their name in the fellowship window. Then when you log on that toon and they start earning XP they get bonus XP and the vitality pool drains once the vitality pool is empty the bonus xp stops.
Ahhh this helps a ton. I have tried and tried over the years to use fellowship and its has never worked but I am going to try again since this makes sense and is in plain language that even a Ogre can understand. Not that I am one..............
I am having this issue. 4 of the 6 in my main group are max level (120.99) and max AA and they say 'capped' instead of 'sharing'. And if you toggle it only goes between 'Capped' and 'Not Sharing' Might need to lose some xp and retest.
It builds Fellowship Vitality that gives you a massive exp boost when you begin to exp on the toon you want. It runs out and you have to build it again. I recall it lasted roughly an hour so i used to amax vitality log in toon shwitch sharing off cast LOTD then a 30 min pot exp him then log him out to build vitality up again.
Sorry to bump a thread from a few months ago, but this one seems to be the most applicable. I would just like to clarify, because I believe I'm doing something wrong. I have a group of 6 that are all in the same fellowship. If I want one of them to get more exp than the other ones, I need to toggle xp sharing to sharing on 5 of them and leave the one I want more exp for to not sharing. As I play, every 15 minutes or so extra exp will go to the one that isn't sharing exp? Is this correct? I don't believe this is happening. Did I set it up correctly?
Sorry to bump a thread from a few months ago, but this one seems to be the most applicable. I would just like to clarify, because I believe I'm doing something wrong. I have a group of 6 that are all in the same fellowship. If I want one of them to get more exp than the other ones, I need to toggle xp sharing to sharing on 5 of them and leave the one I want more exp for to not sharing. As I play, every 15 minutes or so extra exp will go to the one that isn't sharing exp? Is this correct? I don't believe this is happening. Did I set it up correctly?

No. Vitality has to be shared to earn it. Essentially it works for when that 6th person is offline/not actively hunting. So you can't do it the way you are saying.

Simple way of thinking about it is this. IF you have a new char you want to level up - lets say a ber to replace rogue or vice versa. you have a fellowship of 7. You turn on sharing for all 7 and the lower level is offline while the 6 hunt. The 7th will gain vitality that you then turn off before you hunt to get big XP. I'm using it right now on a druid I'm putting on a buff/port account. The Druid is getting 10% a kill right now in EoK.
I have a group of 6 that are all in the same fellowship. If I want one of them to get more exp than the other ones ...

if all six characters are in the same group, grinding XP, then there is no benefit.

To recap:

Each player in the fellowship with XP sharing turns on , shares a split of their XP with all other members of the fellowship who have XP sharing turned on so if everyone in the group is sharing, its a wash.


When the lowbie is NOT logged in or not getting XP.

In this case you turn XP sharing on for each character that is getting XP *AND* the characters that you want to level up , but are not in a group getting XP.

When you *DO* go to get XP on the lowbie you want to turn XP sharing off so the XP they get is NOT shared.


When I'm focusing XP on a single character I tend to break the group apart my tank/healers and others that don't need XP aren't taking a cut of the kills.

1 - Tank + Cleric
2 - Highest DPS + Lowbie
3 - Outside DPS ( make sure they aren't KS'ing )
Sorry to bump a thread from a few months ago, but this one seems to be the most applicable. I would just like to clarify, because I believe I'm doing something wrong. I have a group of 6 that are all in the same fellowship. If I want one of them to get more exp than the other ones, I need to toggle xp sharing to sharing on 5 of them and leave the one I want more exp for to not sharing. As I play, every 15 minutes or so extra exp will go to the one that isn't sharing exp? Is this correct? I don't believe this is happening. Did I set it up correctly?
I have been futzing with this the last day or so. In order for the 6th to get vitality they need to not be in group and not in zone. The best way I have found is to turn on sharing on all toons, even the one getting the exp. Log out the one you want to get the exp, then go exp on the other 5. Vitality updates every 15 minutes or so, When you log in the sixth toon, he will have a green vitality bar. Turn off that toons sharing before grinding out some experience or you lose some by sharing it back to the group. That sixth one can join your other five for the experience grinding of course.

When everyone is logged in and sharing in the same group it kind of cancels out any bonus exp since I am sharing X% with each of the other toons and they in turn are sharing that same amount with each of the toons in the group. If I am right that basically means that you just get the same exp you would get in that group with it turned off.

It seems to work best with level 120 toons as the feeders so to speak and an alt logged off as the leeches.

I hope this make some sort of sense.
I think someone might have written a LEM for that portion too if I am remembering correctly. If not, one could be written. I never bothered with Fellowship exp, was so confusing, and just felt it was stupid to try and keep track of, manage, etc.
Do you know the LEM offhand?
I'm looking for a LEM that cycles between regular exp, and AA exp when using a fellowship.
It would go as follows,
So-and-so has a vitality pool built up, or receive the message (1)" You have received vitality from your fellowship"
They will use regular exp at 100% first. Then when the pool is used and they get the message
(2)"Your vitality for regular experience is now depleted" I would like it to switch to 100% AA experience.
Then when they use up the AA vitality pool and receive the message " your vitality for alternate advancement experience is now depleted"
Or receive the first message, whatever happens first, they will switch to 100% regular experience.
Any help would be appreciated.
Question - How to make fellowship xp work?

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