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Heads up on ban central. (1 Viewer)


Feb 22, 2006
I aint done shit today. Glad I decided to take some time off, cause I still gots a couple accounts.

But I have been reading alot of other sites, kenetix, mmo ect.

Evidently Sony is on a banning rampage and I mean BAD!

People just monking in instances for exp like lost notebook, vxed, don, ect.

They are getting like 8-12 accounts banned. I mean its hard core banning and suspending all around.

Im not trying to be a know it all here but if you have monkkiller like I do, I would lay off from using it for a couple weeks. I mean no using it at all.

One guy had not played in two weeks was in the nest killed one mob, CTD BANNED!

Looks like everyone that went out and went apeshit killing every raid target in non-instance zones got alot of attention.

My opinion is if people would have just stayed with instances it would not be as big of a deal right now.

Well, cheers to the end of an era!

Back to rangering!!
Kenetix has reported a butt ton of bannings. This might be the end of an era.

Pfft...and I just blew $250 for one non-working copy (Kenetix) and one working copy (from an indidual) of NoDelay in the last 2 weeks. >:(
Yup confirmed 3 friends went down last night. 5 monks total. My monk of course went inactive last night. I always wait 2-5 days after a new patch to do any active hacks. This is because I know that there is guys that are greedy, and can’t stop for even for a min. And I watch to see what’s new. When I saw the movement struct changes I knew something was up. Also 2 GMs and a guide were logged by my GM tracker. I said to myself NO WAY! I will be seeing some banning today. Like i said before, the careless will get caught. Hell the careful get caught.

The good thing is 2/3 friends had asked me to kill with em on previous kills. I told them nah its ok but GL. I’m glad I did cause 1/5 of the monks did nothing that day and still got banned by association. Tin foil hats are called for on this banning spree!!!

And yes I told em not to kill (all the conversations are done thru yahoo I. M. I suggest you do the same) yesterday. And told em the structs were different. They said “nah you are paranoid and it will be fine”. I said “ok bro have fun and be careful.”

The moral of the story is know when to walk away 
A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."

--Robert De Niro as Neil McCauley in HEAT
someoneorsomething said:
Yup confirmed 3 friends went down last night. 5 monks total. My monk of course went inactive last night. I always wait 2-5 days after a new patch to do any active hacks. This is because I know that there is guys that are greedy, and can’t stop for even for a min. And I watch to see what’s new. When I saw the movement struct changes I knew something was up. Also 2 GMs and a guide were logged by my GM tracker. I said to myself NO WAY! I will be seeing some banning today. Like i said before, the careless will get caught. Hell the careful get caught.

Movement structure has not changed with the last patch. Still the same. Jimbo had memchecks (that affect packet sniffing) totally in the wrong places (memchecks changed with TBS). So his readings were totally wrong. Now whether or not the program you use for warping has an "OnSendPacket" that modifies the warp detect inside the movement packet or not that is important (needs to change 03 to 01).

/me moves this to the General section as well.
Anyone ever watch "The Wire"? They set up a street in Baltimore for drug dealers to sell drugs with Police on every corner. Sell it anywhere else and you were busted. But here it was open and tolerated.

Maybe Sony could just set up a Server for Hackers. Hack on any other server and get caught you get Banned. But Hack on this server it is tolerated. I bet they would have to set up multi server hehe. Just a thought. I put my Monk away for the moment but it is killing me.
what's the point in setting up a server of nothing but hackers? LOL
You'd never get to any mob you want......they'd all be dead.
Zones would be forever empty from ubermonks LOL.
After a couple days of arguing with people over when it is your turn to solo clear Death Knell, you'd just get bored and long for the thrill of the chase wondering if you will ever get caught on a legit server.
Heads up on ban central.

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