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Tech - EQ Crash on Monitor Off (1 Viewer)


Cookie Champion 2022
Sep 10, 2019
I typically camp to server select when I'm done for the night and turn my monitor off and have for years. I couldn't tell you exactly when this started, but nowadays I get random freeze/crashes from my eq sessions. I 6 box and it's not always the same number or accounts. I have Windows 10 pro and sleep turned off, plus it doesn't seem to matter how long the monitor is off- I can turn it off and back on quickly and still get crashes. Anyone seen this or have any idea what setting I have wrong? I load eq via autologin, but am pretty sure I had this problem when I just used wineq2 and before I used mq2.
EverQuest does not handle the change in your graphics settings or resolution very well. Display changes can cause crashes, and the auto detect of new resolutions can cause crashes. Log out, or leave your monitor on, or use a monitor or KVM that doesn't change state.
EverQuest does not handle the change in your graphics settings or resolution very well. Display changes can cause crashes, and the auto detect of new resolutions can cause crashes. Log out, or leave your monitor on, or use a monitor or KVM that doesn't change state.
I have this issue often if I just forget to switch the 3rd monitor from my Mac to PC or have to switch it back to do a work thing. Not all the time but often enough that I am aware of it. It is definitely an EQ thing apart from added software.
Fix - Windowed mode. Don't go full screen.

Example: I'm heading out to get something to eat and I don't want my wife to see EQ running. Windowed mode all of my boxes. Screen off. Come back still up and running.

Edit: Do not shrink your windowed mode down to your taskbar when running boxes, it can cause a lag out error even though you have a good connection.
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Tech - EQ Crash on Monitor Off

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