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Enlisting aid! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 31, 2005
Hey peeps. I really could use a bit of Help on this. I am PLing my ranger in Vxed, but ID like a mcaro that will let the ranger assist XXX character then autofire when the mob is at 75% to avoid agro hehe and just keep assisting on each new mob.
Any help would be uber!
thanks peeps
hmm with out a macro i used to assist with a necro. problem was that the one being kited never came after me for aggro all the other ones would. making me have to FD.

dont know how the AF aggro is built or calculated but from what ive seen they just pass aggro and could be bad.
Rich (BB code):
Sub Main
/declare AFStat	outer

    /if (!${Target.ID} && ${AFStat}) {
      /varset AFStat FALSE
      /call get_target
    /call autofire off
  /goto :Loop

Sub get_target
  /assist <Put your toons name here>
  /if (!${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]}) {
	/delay 5
	/goto :targetloop

Sub autofire
  /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.PctHPs}<75 && ${Target.Distance}<250 && !${AFStat})
    /varset AFStat TRUE
    /autofire on

No bells or whistles will just assist and turn on autofire if the mob is in range and under 75% HP. Let me know if you get running errors my syntax is terrible usually.
Last edited:
After it calls auto fire the mac ends. the <command> portion is not working. "/autofire on" is the game comand, I can get the mac to work but it cycles between on of on off continuously the spam is too nuts hehe
There edited the code. It might work lol. I'm not the greatest scripter in the world mainly what I do is spend 3 hours writing something then 3 days debugging my 100's of errors :)
If you hit or cast on the mob being kited, you also gain proximity agro on the pack of mobs. Sitting results in mobs zerging you :P You can bow/cast on the mobs being kited all day long without dieing aslong as you don't sit or have a mob spawn on your face.
Yeah at a range of 200 the other mobs dont bother the ranger if they do the mac succors him =)

/sigh thanks for the try Ted , but the mac doesnt do anything, it jsut automatically turns itself off. bleh
Enlisting aid!

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