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Drag a friend kicking and screaming back to WoW... get a month free. (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 5, 2006
Well I knew it wouldn't be long before Blizzard starts using its mindless minion zombies... er, I mean paying customers, to do their dirty work for them. Now we have the "The Scroll of Resurrection" recruitment program. :rolleyes:

Our latest "were getting desperate for subscriptions" promotion!

Once you cut through the marketing PR shite, it basically means pester your friends who have finally broken free of their WoW online-crack addiction, to return to the mindless world of Azeroth and we will give you your next monthly hit for free.

I knew something like this would be bound to happen, with every WoW wannabe throwing free time around, like drunken booth babes at a "computer game" ( aka soft porn ) expo show, but this is NOTHING when you compare what is going to happen, when the juggernaut that is WAR that's going to take WoW around the back of the school yard sheds, and give them a jolly well rodgering!

Mind you most WoW gamers too deserve a right royal rodgering... that might shut them the phuck up from all their whining in the general forums. :backasaurus:
Thanks for reminding me my account was still active. Canceling.
Man I sure hope that latest craze-to-be, that is Warhammer, obviously....doesn't disappoint all of you peeps that seem to be waiting with such high anticipation of its "uberness."

In the close to 30 years that I have been gaming, I have yet to see ANY game's (including WoW's) super-popularity phase last FOREVER. Even the games that were the "WoWs" of their time....eventually lost that status. And shocker of shockers....they ALL WILL, yes, even Warhammer. So I encourage you to not put "all your eggs" in ANY freaking basket in ANY area of life, for that matter! :)

There have been many many games that were EXPECTED to have ultra-success, that were either quick flops, or burst-like flashes in the proverbial pan. There have also been a very few games that were sleeper surprises that no one expected to succeed and did. I just hope that Warhammer fulfills your expectations, and I hope your expectations are....realistic....considering gaming history.

As far as the real thread topic here goes....

I, myself, will certainly not be attempting to "resurrect" any of my friends' characters by "dragging them back kicking and screaming." Everyone has a right to choose, of their own free will, without enduring manipulation. That goes for anything at all, not just what MMO they're going to play! There are a LOT of great reasons to choose to "kick the habit".....ANY habit.
First off Mrs Moo, the why we are so caught up in the "craze-to-be, that is Warhammer" is not so much the promise of a uber, wonder, "oh gawd I crapped my pants just viewing the opening cut-scene" game, but for the first time since that fateful day in November 2004, when Blizzard unleashed their cash-cow hell spawn into the unwashed credit card holding ( or stealing from parents as the case may be ) masses, there has been a game that can bash the snot out of WoW's vice like grip, on the current MMO market.

Thus it is not the game I am waiting for, but the fallout that will ensue in the Blizzard camp as their current mountain of mindless zombies ( aka customers ) is reduced to the preverbal mole hill.
First off Mrs Moo, the why we are so caught up in the "craze-to-be, that is Warhammer" is not so much the promise of a uber, wonder, "oh gawd I crapped my pants just viewing the opening cut-scene" game, but for the first time since that fateful day in November 2004, when Blizzard unleashed their cash-cow hell spawn into the unwashed credit card holding ( or stealing from parents as the case may be ) masses, there has been a game that can bash the snot out of WoW's vice like grip, on the current MMO market.

Thus it is not the game I am waiting for, but the fallout that will ensue in the Blizzard camp as their current mountain of mindless zombies ( aka customers ) is reduced to the preverbal mole hill.

Fair enough! (And that thought actually made me tingle and feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside too. So maybe I'm a bit excited about it myself.) Gosh...I didn't realize it until you put it in ...such a way. Wow...you really know how to put it in.

Fair enough! (And that thought actually made me tingle and feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside too. So maybe I'm a bit excited about it myself.) Gosh...I didn't realize it until you put it in ...such a way. Wow...you really know how to put it in.


Did anyone else find this post chock full of innuendo? I think MadMomma has a thing fer RJ....
Warhammer will not touch WoW. Anyone want to wager on this?

I dunno man, I know a LOT of people who are just playing WoW "til something new comes out."

Then it just comes down to whether something new plays fairly smoothly and is playable on most people's machines. If so... WoW could stand to lose half it's NA playerbase over that first 6 months. As far as how it will hold up overseas, I dunno.
I just don't see the majority of the WoW playerbase flocking to any new MMO. I'm sure several people will "try" Warhammer online but I just don't see too many dropping their WoW sub and moving over to what will essentially be an inferior version of the same game.
Whenever I think of Warhammer Online, this little voice appears in my head (which is louder than all of the rest of the voices) and it says, "Please don't let it be a suck-ass game... please, please, pretty please with cherries and sprinkles!"
Awww. Poor poor little voice.

Mythic has nothing on Blizzard when it comes to creating a pimptastic game. I would be amazed if they could pull something crazy off but honestly I am not getting my hopes up. My biggest concern = I have heard no mention of an FFA PvP server. My one primary reason for preferring AoC = They have said they will have FFA PvP servers. Go Funcom.
Awww. Poor poor little voice.

Mythic has nothing on Blizzard when it comes to creating a pimptastic game. I would be amazed if they could pull something crazy off but honestly I am not getting my hopes up. My biggest concern = I have heard no mention of an FFA PvP server. My one primary reason for preferring AoC = They have said they will have FFA PvP servers. Go Funcom.

Nope. There is no FFA pvp. And if you go in a lowbie zone and start killing things, you get turned into a chicken and can't do shit.

I just don't see the majority of the WoW playerbase flocking to any new MMO. I'm sure several people will "try" Warhammer online but I just don't see too many dropping their WoW sub and moving over to what will essentially be an inferior version of the same game.

See...here you make a point. The point is this....

It has become somewhat "stylish" to dog WoW. Funny thing is.....most people are STILL playing it. Yes, some do leave. Some leave never to return. Others leave and take a break from it playing some other game, only to eventually return, because frankly....Blizzard has done a LOT of things right. I know this isn't a popular opinion (that Blizzard has done a lot of things right), but it is also WHY the subscriber base has been so enormous over the past 3 years. Don't agree with me? Pfft. I don't care. I think they have plenty of proof in their corporate pocketbook. Heh.

I have been one of the players that "takes breaks." I took a break and went and played CoH, and then came back. I took a break and went and played EQ2, and then came back. Presently, I'm dividing my time between WoW and Ultima Online (an oldie but goodie). But THIS time....I'm not letting my subscription to WoW lapse, because I have LEARNED that eventually....I will go back.

Bemoaning all of Blizzard's frailties, and thus WoW's frailties, has become somewhat like proclaiming that you're bisexual. At first....everyone is like, "Whoa! You're so kewl!" And then eventually the novelty wears off and you quit proclaiming your "differentness," because....o m g....it's no longer DIFFERENT. It has become the "kewl" new fad.

My question is this...

What the hell is WRONG with playing other games AND WoW? O.O We all act like you have to commit your entire LIFE to ONE game. Where did this game "loyalty" "fanboy" thing come in? It's my recreational choice....am I required to commit ALL of that free time to ONE company and ONE game?

For god's sake, if you're bored with a game....go play another one. It certainly doesn't mean that the GAME is messed up. Maybe you're just burnt out from playing it for SOOOOOOO long to the exclusion of all other things? Take a break! GEEZ!!

If you don't like a game because of certain things it lacks that YOU want...go FIND what you want!! But still...that doesn't really mean there's anything wrong with the game you're "leaving." It just means that you are craving something different. Go find it!! If you don't come back....FINE! If you do....FINE! But we spend an awfully lot of time tearing down the game we're "leaving" and building up others that we don't even know if we're going to like yet.

It's sort of like....when you leave a husband, you have to say all kinds of nasty things to your friends while you're in the process of convincing yourself it's okay to GO. All the while, you're fantasizing in your mind what it might be like to be with someone ELSE...someone more "for you," etc.

FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD....we aren't MARRIED to these games! Be disloyal...HAVE AFFAIRS with other games!!!! Live a HEDONISTIC GAMER'S LIFESTYLE!! WOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!
That's not how a good MMO should work. WoW is not a GOOD MMO. It's a highly playable GAME, but not a GOOD MMO, and therein lies the problem that draws so many complaints.

WoW has next to no community. Community is what holds you in an MMO and makes you keep playing it long after you're somewhat bored with it. WoW just doesn't have that on the right level, or people would NEVER take breaks and experiment with other games. Being the best of what's available does not make something great. It just makes it the best of what's available. And that's all WoW is. It's not a great MMO, it's just a highly playable online game, and the best of what's currently out there. It is NOT a great game though.
WoW is a good MMO. It offers everything just about every other MMO does in a nice neat little package. If WoW is not a good MMO then there has never been a good MMO at least not in the 3D MMO world. My problem with WoW is that it doesn't offer the things I personally want in a game. Namely zero instancing and FFA PvP. So I am playing Vanguard which is a much much more inferior MMO in most respects but delivers in these two areas. While I sometimes feel that if WoW did not exist that there would be more innovative games on the market... I also feel that WoW is generating a lot of attention to this type of game in the western world...

Whether or not that attention will generate anything more than another string of WoW/EQ/Diku/Whatever clones... Well I hope so.
If you can call WoW a good MMO, you might as well consider Guild Wars a full on MMO and if you're going that far, you might as well call Diablo II an MMO.

That's why I say WoW is not much of an MMO. Instancing is not massively multiplayer. It's 5-25 (or even 40) people in a locked off area. That's not MMO.

It's a good *game* but not much of an MMO imo.
The largest portion of the game world in WoW is not instanced. GW is 100% instanced. Big difference IMO. Again I said I hated the instancing in WoW which is why I don't play it. But you can't say it's a terrible game. Everyone I know has spent a good deal of time playing WoW. I even enjoyed a lot of the time I spent playing it. It's just not something I am really interested in playing again per the reasons mentioned above.

Who said I was bitching in this thread? I was simply making a point about WoW's vein attempt to bolster its numbers.

Geeze... get a blow job and chill. :rolleyes:
That's not how a good MMO should work. WoW is not a GOOD MMO. It's a highly playable GAME, but not a GOOD MMO, and therein lies the problem that draws so many complaints.

WoW has next to no community. Community is what holds you in an MMO and makes you keep playing it long after you're somewhat bored with it. WoW just doesn't have that on the right level, or people would NEVER take breaks and experiment with other games. Being the best of what's available does not make something great. It just makes it the best of what's available. And that's all WoW is. It's not a great MMO, it's just a highly playable online game, and the best of what's currently out there. It is NOT a great game though.

You made my point perfectly, actually.

Here, let me rephrase what you said with my analogy intermingled:

That's not how a good relationship should work. My man is not a GOOD relationship for me. He's a highly playable/fuckable man, but not a GOOD relationship, and therein lies the problem that draws so many of my complaints.

My man has next to no communication or relational skills. Communication and companionship is what holds you in a relationship and makes you stay in it long after you're somewhat bored with it. My man just doesn't have that on the right level, or I would NEVER take breaks and experiment with other partners. Being the best of what's easily available does not make someone great. It just makes them the best of what's easily available. And that's all my man is. He's not a great man, he's just a highly playable/fuckable man, and maybe the best of what's currently out there and convenient. He's NOT a great man though.

Let me add:

I just stay with him because, well...it's easier than finding another partner, and you know....I don't REALLY want to CHEAT on him (even though I sometimes do, out of boredom). So even though I'm unsatisfied and constantly fantasizing about other potential partners....I'll just stay until someone better comes along.


Yep. Our "relationships" with these games are SICK. For god's sake, like I said. If you're bored, play two games, play THREE. Leave the "one you're with" and play a different one. Geebus, we aren't MARRIED to the damn games! But NOOOOOO....we don't do that. Why?

Because BITCHING is so much more FUN!

Remember this next time your wife or girlfriend says anything resembling the above comments. Could be you're already having an affair on HER....with the game. Maybe you should try flipping the tables? O.o Go ahead....fuck around on the game...IT WON'T CARE!

NOTE: When your girlfriends leave you citing these same reasons, your lack of communication/companionship and their boredom. Just remember why you hate WoW so much. Maybe it will be easier to understand her reasoning that way.
Remember this next time your wife or girlfriend says anything resembling the above comments. Could be you're already having an affair on HER....with the game. Maybe you should try flipping the tables? O.o Go ahead....fuck around on the game...IT WON'T CARE!

I took your advice and played a little WH 40K, and when I logged back onto WOW it bitch slapped me and is now taking me to court for custody of my toons. Warhammer found out about WOW and now it wont let me play, Diablo II just up and left and my browser refuses to show anything but fur porn!:drool:
Mord, I missed your post earlier. I guess they have changed from for sure having FFA PvP servers to "maybe" having them. Here is what is currently listed in their FAQ (not sure how close this is to reality I honestly haven't been following the game much the last month or so):

AOC FAQ said:
3.3 Can everyone attack anyone or are the limitations?
Fighting between players is consensual because it is limited to certain areas of the game world. If you want to avoid player-versus-player combat, all you have to do is avoid these areas. The Border Kingdom is the main region for the massive PvP combat, and here player guilds will fight over ownership of battlekeeps. We may also add free for all PvP servers if there is a sufficient amount of players who wants this. We have built the technology to launch free for all PvP servers should there be a demand.

If they don't have FFA PvP the game will more likely than not have nothing to offer. It will get the same month or so of me playing as Warhammer and then I will go back to a game that provides more of what I want. Either of these games would have to be amazing to the max to keep me interested without an FFA PvP option. Neither game from what I have read at this stage will come close to being that good. As always future MMOs tend to be disappointments. I think WoW was the last game I played that actually lived up to what I hoped it would be. Too bad it isn't more.
Warhammer will not touch WoW. Anyone want to wager on this?

I'm your huckleberry.

WoW is becoming a cliquish club of die-hards. Just wait until WotLK comes out - there won't be ANY new players when they find out that they have to level to fuckin 80th!!!:'(
i'm gettin bored with WoW so i play on my brand new PS3 instead.....fun times.
grinding is the worst part in WoW, drop rates are awful, and it takes forever to get just 1 primal, screw that, i want instant gratification. it used to be fun when i actually had time to play.
Instant gratification ruins any game for me. I gotta at least feel like I had to "try" to accomplish something. I never really got that feeling in WoW until at least BWL.
well, i never really felt like i accomplished anything in the game really... but then again i havent been to those big 40-man raids. Last raid i was in, we cleared Karazhan in 2 days, about 8 hours play time... and we were a new group playing together...
Honestly I felt more getting to level 20 in EQ than I ever felt playing WoW. But once you get into raiding it does get a bit more challenging. Though most of the challenge is on the patience side of things~
Meh, I enjoy WoW for the community. I have a great deal of friends that play and that's what is important. Any game is playable once you have friends.

I took a break from WoW a couple months back. Went hard into LotRO for a month. The game was great, but I didn't have any of my WoW friends playing so it just felt empty to me, so now I'm back at WoW full time.

Also, I don't mean to make this place more dpressing but, Mven, I doubt we'll ever see a true FFA PvP game for many many many many years to come.

Companies don't like taking risks nowadays. Sure they could have FFA pvp servers and your normal pvp or pve servers, but they're lazy. Plus FFA PvP servers tend to bleed subscriptions. That's why we've seen such a decline.

The problem is that with the popularity MMOs have achieved it is no longer the "hardcore crowd" that it used to be. 8-10 years ago, if you played an MMO, even the standard geek would consider you a hardcore freak. The average market today is your casual players. Casual players don't like losing. Hell, look at that game Puzzle Quest that game out, even when you lose battles you get experience (which I actually think is sorta cool).

I guess I'm the kind of person that has great FFA PvP memories but don't want to relive them any time soon. They were great in the past, but that's just that. They're the past now. I don't have time to deal with it anymore. It was great back in jr high and high school when I had all the time in the world. Now I'm in the military and I have to deal with that job as well as having a fiance. I don't have the patience to deal with FFA pvp anymore. IMHO, we've passed the golden age of FFA PvP and it's something that won't return for many years.

And Khatib, it seems like you just have a general hate of today's videogames. :-(

You may not think WoW is a good game, but then again I don't think Halo is a good game. I have a lot of friends here that LOVE Halo, and while they think it's basically the same as the second coming of Christ, I don't agree... but it must be doing something right. And just like Halo, WoW must be doing something right.
It's like you said... "casual players don't like losing"

I'm extremely competitive when I game, be it RTS, FPS, or MMO, and I prefer to see a clear winner and loser, and when you lose, it should hurt.

The moral of the story being "don't lose next time." Or "If you think you're gonna lose, run the hell away dumbass."

And WoW is completely the opposite of that. It just doesn't even feel like an MMO. The world is as far from persistent as they come, and that's it's main problem. It's one big world... with a bunch of absolutely constant instanced mini-worlds branching off... which wouldn't be so bad... except 90% of gameplay takes place in those unchanging instances.

MMOs to me are about affecting the world around you and dealing with what other people did with it as well. WoW just doesn't have that. It's fun... at times... or ... maybe more accurately... *for a time*... but then it just loses that hook that other, what I call "good," MMOs have... which is interacting with not just your guild, but the entire server, by affecting the server with you actions.

an oxymoron imo
Mord - I think WoW could easily implement a decent FFA PvP option (which wouldn't be all that great considering the instancing) which would at least provide a bit of variety and still have packed FFA servers.

Personally I like VGs FFA PvP server though I do wish it was a bit more hardcore. As VG is virtually instance free (though there are areas you need a key to get into) you can actually take the fight to your enemies (i.e. ebonlore) while they are trying to catass it up. They will soon be implementing raiding and IMO nothing is more entertaining than trying to down a raid boss while simultaneously doing battle with another guild trying to fist you in the ass.

WoW can have the most complex l33test uberscripted events that require perfect precision on the part of all 25 members of the raid and it sill cannot compete with the fun factor of having to fight other players off while raiding.

Of course I am not quite confident in the fact that SOE can actually get functional raiding in a game where 30v30 PvP typically crashes the chunk or at the very least lags it all the fuck out. The last patch they put in did a good deal to clean up some of the client side lag and in our battle with ebonlore last night I didn't have any graphical lag (probably about 60-70 people involved in the fight plus another 20 or so in the chunk) but the server side lag was insane. Literally having ping times jump from their usual 100-180ms to upwards of 4k, spending 30 seconds casting a heal that has a 1.5 sec cast time, etc.

Of course I have seen this happen in MC/BWL way back in the day in WoW as well so I guess everyone has issues with getting this right. Blizzard seemed to have fixed it for the most part so maybe SOE can pull it off as well. One can hope!!
Mord - I think WoW could easily implement a decent FFA PvP option (which wouldn't be all that great considering the instancing) which would at least provide a bit of variety and still have packed FFA servers.

See, I don't agree. FFA PvP would go against the fundabmentals of what is WoW. There are two factions. Everyone on your faction IS on your side. So there is on infighting.

WoW can have the most complex l33test uberscripted events that require perfect precision on the part of all 25 members of the raid and it sill cannot compete with the fun factor of having to fight other players off while raiding.

I don't find it fun. :-( Personally, I'm just not a fan of PvP in general anymore.
Mordiceius said:
See, I don't agree. FFA PvP would go against the fundabmentals of what is WoW. There are two factions. Everyone on your faction IS on your side. So there is on infighting.

DAoC had an even further segregated set of teams than WoW and they were able to pull off FFA PvP. WoW has the numbers to support this type of server even if only 5% of their population played on an FFA or more hardcore server that would still be enough to support 5-6 servers (Just in the US). And these would be people who would probably bail for another game with an FFA option once a decent one presented itself. I don't see the harm in letting people have what they want it's not like it would effect things on the normal PvE and PvP servers.

Mordiceius said:
I don't find it fun. :-( Personally, I'm just not a fan of PvP in general anymore.

I guess if I had extremely limited play time I might enjoy this style of PvP less. I kinda doubt it but it's possible. On the flip side PvE can be entertaining but eventually it gets repetative no matter how good the AI or how well designed the encounter(obviously they may eventually come up with some uber AI to fix this but not any time soon). An encounter with other players will always have a bit of variety especially when it is not contrained to some sort of instanced battleground or playfield that removes a good deal of the "surprise" factor. I have more fun getting my ass stomped in PvP than I ever did killing any raid boss in WoW. When we win it's even better. *shrug*
I guess I see where you're coming from. The thing with me is I don't really care what I'm doing, as long as I'm with my friends on the server. I don't enjoy solo PvP. I can somewhat deal with solo PvE if I'm chatting with others. And PvP or PvE, I'll take either as long as I have a huge group of friends that I'm playing with.

One problem I have is just that all PvE encounters are eventually beatable. Some PvP encounters can just be so stacked with gamebreaking classes (i.e. warlocks) that you will never ever win.
Get more friends. That's the beauty of an FFA pvp server without instancing. If someone goes around stacking up OP classes and picking on people, they will become the heel of the server, and people will band together to f them up. And all the sudden a server-wide dynamic community has formed.
Like I said. I don't much care for grouping and doing PvP. I enjoy grouping and doing PvE.

I loved Ultima Online when I was back in high school and such, but now I don't have the time for that kind of stuff. Back when if you got killed or whatever it didn't matter because you had time to get more experience and more loot.

Nowadays I have a lot higher priorities than gaming and so I want to go and game and have fun. Getting PKed and losing everything is not fun when you suddenly have a family or a job or college and you don't have the time to make it back anymore.

The gamers of yesterday are growing up. And growing up means we have less time to game. The less time you have to enjoy something = the less risk you want to have at having you enjoyment hampered.
Drag a friend kicking and screaming back to WoW... get a month free.

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