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DDO hints/cheats/exploits anyone? (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 16, 2005
Hey everyone!
I had originally beta tested DDO and not been very impressed with it. However while playing the 10 day trial I think I am going to give it a full 'retail' chance. What I was wondering is if anyone here also plays DDO and if they do if there are any good cheats/exploits floating around.
I've seen some screenies on the main forums where a guy was offered several stacks of potions worth countless millions of plat. I figure either 1.) the thread author is a good photoshopper 2.) Someone is so filthy rich they want to look like a duper 3.) There is a fairly easy way to dupe that particular potion.

I figure if it's 3, then RedGuides would be the best place to find out.
Weakest link because I play DDO or because I am asking for help? ::shrugs:: I am guessing due to the lack of positive responses that no one really plays it.
well, you are asking for free info when this is a paid site. also, we only have EQ, EQ2, and WoW forums atm...(and starting Vanguard...but that doesn't count :P)
that's the funny thing... I AM a paid member. I belong to the WoW forum. I just didn't think that as many people would see it on the general board in the WoWstrats section as they would here. Guess that was my first mistake.
Ozmer, you could start a user group about DDO, but I don't think many people play it on this site.
DDO hints/cheats/exploits anyone?

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